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Vocabulary Practice

Exercise 1. Look at the words in bold and try to explain them.

Exercise 2. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below:

let alone, signify, nutrients, rejecting, gain, limit, predicting, glowing skin, research, adolescence, consume, tend to

  1. Vegetables are an essential part of our diet as they contain a lot of ……… (healthy substances)

  2. I don’t even know what a breadfruit looks like, …………….. what it tastes like! (not to mention)

  3. You should …………. the amount of chocolate you eat if you want to lose weight. (restrict)

  4. The stars on the label …………… that the brandy is of the best quality. (mean)

  5. Scientific …………….. has shown that saturated fats are a major cause of cancer. (investigation)

  6. People who eat lots of sweets ………………… have dental problems. (are likely to)

  7. Jill is overweight because she ate so much junk food during her …………… . (teenage years)

  8. Her …………………….. is a result of all the fruit and vegetables she eats. (healthy-looking complexion)

  9. More and more people are …………………. meat in favor of more fruit and vegetables. (not accepting)

  10. Unless you cut down on junk food and sweets, you will …………………… weight! (put on)

  11. Nutritionists are ……………………………… that junk food consumption will increase in the near future. (foreseeing)

  12. Young people …………………… large amount of carbonated drinks with their meals. (take in)

Exercise 3. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the words only once.

room, eating, gourmet, fast-moving, vast, couch-potato, balanced, the pressure, chocolate, to do, heart, high, junk, to keep, saturated, side

  1. a(n) …………………. world

  2. ……………………… bars

  3. a(n) …………………. lifestyle

  4. ……………………… the body fit

  5. ……………………… in calories

  6. ………………………. food

  7. ………………………. habits

  8. ………………………. disease

  9. ……………………… of modern life

  10. ………………………. fat

  11. ………………………. service

  12. ………………………. no harm

  13. a(n)…………………… diet

  14. ……………………….. dishes

  15. the……………………. majority

  16. ……………………….. effects

Exercise 4. Choose the correct item.

  1. As he didn’t want to cook, he decided to ………. a pizza instead.

A. Ask for b. Demand c. Order d. Command

  1. She had no time to go out for lunch so she ………… a snack instead.

A. Grabbed b. Snatched c. Took d. Bit

  1. I hope I won’t …………….. weight while I’m on holiday.

A. Earn b. Win c. Put d. Gain

  1. After the Christmas holidays, I am going on a ………. because some of my favorite clothes don’t fit me any more.

A. Diet b. Fast c. Nutrition d. Health

Exercise 5. Fill in the correct preposition, then choose any five items and make sentences.

1) to be popular ….. sb; 2) to be high ….. calories; 3) to be associated ….. sb/sth; 4) to be aware … sth; 5) to suffer ….. sth; 6) to deal ….. sb/sth; 7) to be lacking ….. sth; 8) the loss ….. sb/sth; 9) to miss out ….. sth; 10) to prefer sb/sth ….. sb/sth else.


Speak about the following:

  • Reasons for the popularity of junk food

  • Danger of eating junk food

  • Positive effects of eating healthy food

Then, give a short talk about junk food. Use the following expressions: Although, Moreover, However, In spite of the fact that, I believe, I think, In my opinion, etc.

Exercise 6. Translate into English:

  1. Тривожним сигналом щодо малорухомого способу життя є те, що кількість нездорової їжі, яку ми споживаємо, збільшується, а кількість вправ, які ми робимо, зменшується.

  2. Широкий загал людей споживає нездорову їжу, яка багата на калорії, проте бідна на життєво необхідні поживні речовини.

  3. Молоді люди споживають велику кількість газованої води.

  4. Дієтологи передбачають, що в найближчому майбутньому споживання неповноцінної їжі зросте.

  5. Наші звички щодо харчування змінилися через нестачу часу та втрату традицій; люди хапають те, що є в наявності, а це, як правило, некорисна їжа.


  • Look at the title of the text and say what you think it is about.

  • Guess whether the following statements are true or false, then read quickly through the text and see if your guesses were correct.

a) Chocolate makes us feel depressed.

b) Sugar causes tooth decay.

c) Cheese and cream are rich in calcium.

d) Tea helps you sleep well.


You are going to read an article about some different types of food and drink. For questions 1-13, choose the answers from items A-F. Each item may be chosen more than once. There is an example at the beginning (0).

A Chocolate

B Sugar

C Meat

D Cheese and Cream

E Butter

F Coffee and Tea

Which type (s) of food or drink:

Is quickly turned into energy?

0 _B__

Can keep you awake if consumed

1 ____

2 ____

late in the day?

Can improve your mood?

3 ____

Fills you up and keeps you from

4 ____

eating much?

May lead to weight gain if eaten

5 ____

6 ____

7 ____

in excess?

Can help to prevent a disease of

8 ____

the bones?

May cause a type of cancer?

9 ____

Help you to concentrate?

10 ____

11 ____

May lead to heart problems?

12 ____

Has no nutritional value?

13 ____

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