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From shoulder to fingertips


Cover the right-hand column. Which parts of the picture above - or things associated with a particular part of the picture - would these people be most concerned with?


a fortune teller

the client's palm


a bridegroom

his bride's ring finger


a driver who notices a student hitching a lift

the student's thumb


a karate expert

his opponent's forearm


a boxer

his opponent's fists


a detective searching for clues

some fingerprints


a policeman carrying handcuffs

the suspect's wrists


a manicurist

the client's fingernails


a soldier on rifle parade


10 passengers on a crowded tube train

other people's elbows


someone keen to see ifyou're ticklish

your armpit

12 a mother whose son has been in a fight


13 a Mr Universe judge

the contestants' biceps

14 someone trying to see what you're pointing at

your index finger




15 a pianist playing top notes

thelittle finger



on the right hand


1 Many parts of the body are verbs as well as nouns. Demonstrate or write a description ofthese actions.

1 thumb through a book

2thumb a lift

3hand someone a pen

4palm someone off with something second-rate

5elbow your way through the crowd

6shoulder responsibility

7finger a document


From shoulder to fingertips

Act or write an interview in the doctor's surgery. The patient describes the pains he or she keeps getting in his/her arm. The doctor does some tests, tries to decide what's wrong and suggests what should be done.

Add any other expressions about these parts ofthe body as you meet them.


From the bottom down


Read the excerpts from little Johnny's composition below. Make sure you know which sections of the diagram he is referring to.


My Christmas Holiday

As a special treat, my Mummy and Daddy took me on a winter sports holiday this year. We all went to the Swiss Alps for a fortnight. I enjoyed the first few days, but skiing was more difficult than I thought. On the third day, I twisted my knee, bruised my shin, sprained my ankle, damaged a tendon in the back of my foot - my Achilles tendon, I think it's called - got cramp in my calf, squashed my big toe, got corns on my heels and hard patches of skin on the soles of my feet, pulled a muscle in my thigh, and rubbed all the skin off my instep. On the fourth day, I was unfortunate ... as we were getting on the bus to the airport, I tore a hamstring. (My broken leg and fractured pelvis happened after I got home.)


Make sure you understand the idiom in each of these questions, then think of a possible answer. Write it down or compare your ideas with a partner.

1Why was the teacher rocked back on his heels?

2How did you put your foot in it with your neighbour?

3Why was the teacher on her knees after the lesson?

4In what ways do students have to toe the line?

5Why haven't you got a leg to stand on concerning your homework?

6Why have you got to be on your toes in that teacher's lesson?

7How did your parents cramp your style at the disco?

8When should parents make children stand on their own two feet?

Discuss or write the answers to these two questions.

1What exercises do you know of that are designed to keep the different parts ofthe leg in good shape? Explain how to do them.

2What problems do people have with the different parts of their legs, through accidents, age or lifestyle? What can they do about them?

Add any other expressions about these parts of the body as you meet them.


Inside and outside the torso


Look carefully at the two pictures below and the list ofwords under each ofthem. Then test yourself on the names of things by covering the lists of words and trying to identify each number and letter in the pictures.

Note the following.

1 Her bust is 38", his chest is 40".

2She's got a 24" waist. His waist is 32".

3She measures 40" round the hips. His inside leg measurement is 32".

4I've got a stomach-ache,

5a bad back,

6and a pain in my abdomen.

7Hasn't he got a fat belly?*

8Were you breast-fed as a baby?

9Let the baby sit on my lap.

10My bottom aches from sitting down all day.

11The belly-dancer had a bare stomach except for the pearl in her navel (tummy button).


Inside and outside the toiso


[Ij What's where inside us? Study the words below, then test yourself with the help of

the picture.



1 collar bone




spine or backbone




a vertebra (vertebrae)

10 appendix



11 lungs



12 veins



13 kidneys

7 intestines

14 bladder

Now describe where each organ or bone in Exercise 1 is found in the body.

Write a simple description of the function of each of the items in Exercise 1.

Add any other words or phrases about these parts of the body you meet here. (If you are still curious, you can consult a bi-lingual dictionary for further organs.)


Compound adjectives

Study and practice

There a lot of compound adjectives in English. Here are some common ones which are formed from parts of the body. For example, heart gives us warm-hearted, kind-hearted, hard-hearted etc.

Look at the list of similar compound adjectives below and guess what they mean. Then read sentences 1 - 10. Complete each sentence with the appropriate adjective(s).

left-handed big-headed sour-faced light-fingered dark-skinned

double-breasted narrow-waisted cold-blooded













1 My boss is terribly ... , walking around as if he were holding his salary cheque between his knees. His wife's quite the opposite: ... , as if she had just got off a horse.

2I used to wear ... suits until I decided that one button was far more suitable for ...

people such as myself.


My sister is so ... and ... she reminds me of one of those long thin wine bottles.


He's Scandinavian, so he's ... and ... , and looks far better in jeans than I do.


It looked as if United were going to return home

... until Bradfield scored with an


incredibly powerful

... shot from outside the penalty area.



Off we go on holiday with visions of returning ...

and beautiful, forgetting that we


always come back ...

and with peeling backs.




Hoskins, if you go on staring at that magazine any longer, you'll go ....

Now either


be ..., dear boy, and put it away or give it to me until the end of the lesson.

8My boss is so ..., always looking as if he knew tomorrow was going to be the end of the world. And his wife is so ... ; I have to keep a careful eye on my things when they come round to the house, or they just disappear.

9Most... tennis players seem to win more easily against right-handers. Talking of tennis players, aren't those professionals a ... bunch, shouting all the time about how great they are?

10A lot of liberal,... people find it difficult to accept that there is such a thing as ...



1 Complete each sentence with the appropriate word from the list below. Note that they are all adjectives made from parts of the body, and that bloody is a frequently used and not very rude swear word.











1 ... congratulations on your success!

2I could watch those ... women high jumpers for hours.

3That sounds like a rather ... cough you've got.

4The shops are quite ... — only two minutes' walk.

5No, you can't borrow my girlfriend for the evening! Don't be so ...!

6It's nothing to do with you what we're doing tonight! Don't be so ...!

7She's so ... that when she turns sideways, she's almost invisible!


Compound adjectives

8Did you know he's got a ... chest? Like a doormat, it is!

9I reckon you'd have to be a ... fool to want to learn this ... stupid language! 10 I feel quite ... after getting all those right. Or perhaps it's the champagne.

Discuss or write the answers to these questions.

1 Which elements of your body - from split ends to toenails - do you wish were different in some way?

2What are the necessary physical attributes of the following types of athlete? Use the phrases: You have to be I have ...; You need ...; You can't... without ... .

1 a swimmer

2 a skier

3 a tennis player

4 a footballer

5 a sprinter

3How important do you think physical appearance is for a happy or successful life?

Write a paragraph on one of the following topics.

1A description in your diary of how your body felt when you suffered from and slowly recovered from frost-bite or bad sunburn.

2Continue this paragraph: 'Suddenly the door opened and the strangest-looking man I have ever seen seen came into the room. ...'

3A description from your short story of the people in the waiting room of a marriage guidance bureau.

Add any other adjectival expressions about the body as you meet them.


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