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МИНОБРНАУКИ РОССИИ Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Ухтинский государственный технический университет» (УГТУ)

Е. А. Сирина

Английский язык для документоведов

Учебное пособие

УХТА, УГТУ, 2013

УДК 802.0 (075)

ББК 81.2 Англ - 9

С 40


Сирина, Е. А.

С 40

Английский язык для документоведов [Текст] : учеб. пособие /


Е. А. Сирина. – Ухта : УГТУ, 2013. – 103 с.: ил.

ISBN 978-5-88179-767-6

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов неязыковых вузов очной формы обучения по направлению подготовки 034700 «Документоведение и архивоведение». Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с ФГОС ВПО III по дисциплине «Английский язык в профессиональной сфере», относящейся к вариативной части цикла ГСЭ, рассчитанной на 216 часов.

Учебное пособие состоит из шести модулей, грамматического справочника и словарного приложения.

В модулях отрабатывается лексико-грамматический материал на основе таких тем, как «Документовед, его обязанности и квалификация», «Организация документооборота», «Типы документов и деловых писем», «Устройство на работу. Собеседование. Резюме», «Хранение документов. Номенклатура дел», «Архивное дело», «Информационные технологии в ДОУ», «Технические средства обеспечения ДОУ». Учебный материал отрабатывается во всех видах речевой деятельности: чтение, говорение, аудирование и письмо. Письмо как цель реализуется через заполнение бланков, составление резюме, сопроводительного письма, оформление конверта, составление заголовков дел.

Данное учебное пособие соответствует программе и отвечает современным требованиям обучения студентов неязыковых вузов.

УДК 802.0 (075)

ББК 81.2 Англ - 9

Учебное пособие рекомендовано к изданию Редакционно-издательским советом Ухтинского государственного технического университета.

Рецензенты: И. С. Ломайкина, доцент кафедры документоведения, архивоведения и прикладной лингвистики КРАГСиУ; Т. В. Захарченко, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков НГТУ им. Р. Е. Алексеева.

©Ухтинский государственный технический университет, 2013

©Сирина Е. А., 2013

ISBN 978-5-88179-767-6



RECORDS MANAGER Match the words with the pictures.

bar code check-out system

filing alphabetic system


filing number-based system



filing cabinet











2.Discuss the questions.

1.Where is records management used?

2.How is it important?

3.What is a records manager in charge of?

3.Read the text and do exercises A-D below.

Job Description

1A records manager (an RA) is in charge of the organization and storage of a variety of records for a company or business. One of the most common forms of records management comes in the medical field where charts and doctors notes are kept in a patient's file to be examined at a later date. But records can be kept in any kind of business, physically or electronically.

2Organization Skills

A records manager must be a great organizer. A manager will be asked at any time to locate a specific record and must be able to do so promptly. To do so, the manager must have a filing system in place that will allow them to locate the file. Sometimes that is an alphabetic system, while other companies utilize a numbers-based system. Still others use a combination of the two. The important aspect is that the records manager understands the system in place.




A records manager must keep files stored in a safe place. Depending on the importance of the records, they could be kept in anything from a fire-proof vault to simply a large bookshelf. Records should also be stored in a way they are easy to get to. In most cases, this means storing records side-by-side vertically rather than horizontally, one on top of the other.

4 Circulation

Certain records are allowed to circulate through the business that they belong to. For example, patients' charts circulate throughout the hospital or clinic the patients currently are, as the doctors will need to see them. A records manager is in charge of allowing the circulation of records in a way that the manager will be able to locate them later, through some kind of bar code check-out system or by strictly memory.

5 Retrieval

Following circulation, the records manager is in charge of getting the records back into storage. Whether this means calling up the person who claimed the records and


having them bring it back, or physically walking to where the record is and retrieving it, depends entirely on the business.




In certain cases, a records manager may be in charge of physically putting together the initial record. For example, if a new patient is admitted into a hospital, the records manager may have to physically put the patient's chart into a record before the initial filing. The reason the records manager controls this is because that person has the most experience for what information must be included on the actual record to help store it most effectively.

By Rick Paulas, eHow Contributor

Mark the sentences:

a) True b) False c) Doesn’t say

A records manager must keep files in a safe location. After the circulation records must be retrieved.

The index system creates an organized document filing system and makes future retrieval simple and efficient.

A filing system helps a records manager to create a record.

B)Find the paragraph (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), to which the following ideas correspond:

A records manager is in charge of retrieving the records.

A records manager must have organization skills to create a filing system in order to promptly locate files in it.

C)Choose the answer to the question: Why does the records manager have to create a record himself in some cases?

Because he must protect records containing confidential information such as personal information.

Because he knows better than others what information must be included on the record to help store it most effectively.

Because he must improve records management within his organization. Because he must control the number of records created and stored.

D)What is the main idea of the text? Choose from the following:

A records manager has to decide what filing system will be used in his company: an alphabetic system, a numbers-based system, or a combination of the two.

An RM must identify the importance of the records and save them either in a fireproof vault or in a large bookshelf.


An RM must retrieve the documents after their circulation.

An RM, who is in charge of the organization and storage of a variety of records for a company or business, must be able to locate a specific record at any time and to do so quickly.

4. Describe the duties of a records manager.


Which of these are modal verbs: do, can, must, did, should, may, am, have, was, have (to)?

Which is correct: I can sing or I can to sing? Which is correct: He can sing or He cans sing? What is the Past and Future Simple of I can sing?

What is the interrogative (?) and negative (not) form of I can sing?

6.Read Module One (§ 1) and do exercise 1 in the Grammar Bank.

7.Identify the meaning of the modals in the following sentences.

1.Records can be kept in any kind of business, physically or electronically.


a) ability

b) possibility

c) permission


A records manager must be a great organizer.


a) necessity

b) request

c) in a notice


Records should be stored in a way they are easy to get to.




b) obligation

с) command


A records manager may be in charge of physically putting together the initial







a) permission

b) possibility

c) uncertainty

5.A records manager has to decide what filing system will be used in his company.

a)obligation in general

b)obligation/necessity arising out of circumstances

c)obligation/necessity based on a law, rule, or authority of another person

8.Complete the chart with the following modals and their equivalents: can, had to, may, could, will be able to, to be allowed to, might, to have to, will have to












to be able to














will be allowed









have to/has to










9.Underline more examples of modal verbs and their equivalents in the text from exercise 4. State their meanings.

10.Read Module One (§ 2) and do exercises 2 – 9 in the Grammar Bank.

11.a) Discuss the questions as a class.

What is a record?

What format does a record have?

Which of the following can be considered a record: a phone book, a personal soccer schedule, a contract, a formal letter? Which of them is a non-record (reference material)? Which of them is just a personal paper?

Do you know any other examples of records? What are they? What information does a record contain?

b) Read the information below to check your answers.

All information created, sent and received in the course of your job is potentially a record. Records provide evidence of your agency's business. Whether something is a record depends on the information it contains and the context. Records can be in paper, digital or other formats. Examples include:





maps and plans



samples2 and objects

social media sites

text messages

research data

policy4 and briefing5 papers



information in business systems

1minutes – протокол заседания/собрания

2sample – образец, проба

3spreadsheet (computer)– крупноформатная таблица

4policy – линия поведения, курс, политика, деятельность предприятия

5briefing – инструктаж, указания


Records need to be kept. You should keep the records that support your business decisions. Records provide proof of what happened and who made the decisions. Make or keep a record if you need to show:

what happened, when it happened and who was involved what was decided or recommended and by whom

what advice or instruction was given the order of events or decisions.

12. Here are some other examples of records. Match columns A and B.



Calendars, meeting minutes, project reports

are created in the course of business

are received for action

Correspondence, agreements, studies …

document the organization’s activities

Grants, contracts …

and actions

Guidance6 documents, policies, procedures

support financial obligations

communicate the organization’s

Requests7, controlled correspondence …


13.Questions 1-4 help to identify a record and can be used as a checklist. If you answer yes to any of these questions, you have a record. Look at the memo on page 9 and answer the questions. Is it a record?

Was this written, sent or used in the course of work? Was it required to act on this?

Will this information be needed in the future?

14.Look at the memo on page 9 again. What sort of record is it: incoming8, outgoing9 or internal10? Read the memo. What information from 1-4 can you find in the memo? Make a report using the information.

what happened, when it happened and who was involved what was decided or recommended and by whom

what advice or instruction was given the order of events or decisions

6guidance – руководство, управление

7request – запрос, заявка

8incoming – входящий

9outgoing – исходящий

10internal – внутренний






FROM: The Managing Director



TO: Personnel Managers



DATE: 27 April 20____





PASS TO ___________


The Board is thinking of Installing an automatic clocking-in system in the offices of each division. Before we do this we need to know:

How the arrangements concerning breaks, especially lunch breaks, have been working.

How many machines we would need.

Whether time now lost through bad time-keeping would be saved.

Can you provide us with your views on: How the staff will react to the idea

How we can deal with the union on the matter

If possible I would like to receive your report before the next Board Meeting on 1 June.

15. Study the structure of the memo above and then complete the memos 1-4 with the words (a-d).


___(1)____ Project Planning Dept




a) T.Y.

___(2)____ Aqua Warm BV

b) To


c) Subject

I am sure that you have read about the recent explosion at

d) Aqua Warm

Perfecta Ltd. We have decided not to install any more


____(3)______ central heating systems until we can be


sure that they are absolutely safe. Please write and inform


them of this.








Paul Woods, Sales




15 July

_____(2)______ Accommodation expenses for the


trip to Aukland from 21st to ___(3)______

Lynn Thomas,






26th July

I can’t pay you until you send me your expenses claim


form. Please do it as soon as possible.






buy a swivel chair and a desk


buying new furniture


Mr Schnabel




To Eric Ford, Purchasing

_____(1)____ Helen Wong, Marketing Subject ______(2)_______

Would you please _____(3)_____ for our new employee, and tell me when the furniture will arrive?


___(1)___ All Staff

From R&D Director

___(2)___ the Chairman’s visit

The Chairman of our corporation, ____(3)____, will visit our company next Friday, 15 November. He is coming to visit our new production centre. He will arrive at 11:30 am and you are kindly requested to be at the welcome reception for him at the Conference Hall.


16. a) Vocabulary work. Write the translations to the names of the departments

and positions/people:


division/department (Dept)

the Board


the Chairman

GM (General Manager)

the Managing Director

Personal Assistant

the staff

Personnel Manager

Ltd (Limited)

the (Trade) union

Project Planning Dept

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