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Freight transport

Freight transport, or shipping, is a key in the value chain in manufacturing. With increased specialization and globalization, production is being located further away from consumption, rapidly increasing the demand for transport. While all modes of transport are used for cargo transport, there is high differentiation between the nature of the cargo transport, in which mode is chosen.  Logistics refers to the entire process of transferring products from producer to consumer, including storage, transport, transshipment, warehousing, material-handling and packaging, with associated exchange of information. Incoterm deals with the handling of payment and responsibility of risk during transport.

Containerization, with the standardization of ISO containers on all vehicles and at all ports, has revolutionized international and domestic trade, offering huge reduction in transshipment costs. Traditionally, all cargo had to be manually loaded and unloaded into the haul of any ship or car; containerization allows for automated handling and transfer between modes, and the standardized sizes allow for gains in economy of scale in vehicle operation. This has been one of the key driving factors in international trade and globalization since the 1950s.

Vocabulary notes

freight – вантаж, товар

demand -- попит

to transfer -- переносити, передавати

reduction – зниження, скорочення

associate -- компаньйон, партнер

mode – метод. спосіб

payment – оплата, платіж

Lexical and Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Complete the sentence.

1. Freight transport, or shipping………………………………………………….

2. Rapidly increasing the demand for transport………………………………….

  3. Logistics refers…………………………………………………………………

4. Containerization has revolutionized……………………………………………

  5.International trade  and globalization……………………………………………

Exercise 2. Translate these sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the active vocabulary of the text.

1.Freight transport methods vary depending on the shipper's budget, the items to be shipped and the urgency of the consignment's arrival. 2.You can choose to move your goods via air, ocean, sea, rail, road, or a combination of the above, the process of finding the right company to work with can be a challenge. 3.Independent companies and groups who are dealing with freight transport such as shippers, freight forwarders, transport operators and Customs will all come together at a logistic centre. 4. They might also find storage, maintenance and repair facilities.5. Industry players are increasingly trying to advocate the use of intermodal transport rather than using strictly one form of freight transport.6. This is mainly due to adverse effects on the environment, traffic and accidents caused by road transport. 7. Seventy two percent of inland freight transport in Europe is moved via roads, while only 17% is done by rail, 5.5% by pipeline and the remaining 5.5% via inland waterways.8. One of the more common modes of freight transportation involves moving the goods over land. 9. One solution is to use long haul or short haul trucking firms to transport the goods. 10.This approach involves contracting with a trucking company to pick up, transport, and deliver the goods to a specific location. 11.Many businesses routinely use this solution to receive raw materials needed for production, as well as deliver finished goods to buyers.

Exercise 3.Translate these sentences into English.

1.Автомобільний транспорт України представляє собою найбільш гнучкий і масовий вид транспорту. 2. Сфера застосування вантажного автотранспорту широка. 3. Він виконує більшу частину коротких перевезень, доставляє вантажі до станцій залізниць і річкових пристаней і розвозить їх до споживача. 4. Щодня автотранспортом перевозиться близько 17 млн. тонн вантажів і більше 62 млн. пасажирів. 5. Вантажні перевезення - це один з найбільше «ринкових» секторів економіки автотранспорту. 6. Недолік автотранспорту є той, що він відноситься до основних забруднювачів атмосфери.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions on the text:

  1. What is freight transport?

  2. Can you name the main sea ports of Ukraine?

  3. Have you ever traveled by ship?

  4. What is containerization?

  5. What are the greatest disadvantages of automobile transport?

  6. How can you move your goods all over the world?

  7. What is the best way of transferring goods from Ukraine to Europe?

Exercise 5. Retell the text.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the following sentences. Pay attention for Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives.

1.The new car is more comfortable than the previous one. 2. His radio set is not so powerful as mine. 3. The Dniper is wider and deeper than the Stohid River. 4. Last year he spent less time on English than this year. 5. The sooner they finish the construction of the plant the better. 6. The book is not so interesting as you think. 7. The more time you spend in the open air the sooner you will re-cover after your illness. 8. He has much more free time than I have. 9. Tom runs fast. Dick runs faster, but Harry runs the fastest. 10. This road is the worst I’ve ever traveled over. 11. If you listen to the teacher more attentively you understand better. 12. Do you think people read more books twenty years ago than they do today? 13. Tennis and football are the games I like best. 14. This is the hottest day we have had for several weeks. 15. Smiles is the longest word in the English language because there is a mile between two “s”. 16. Yesterday was hotter than any other day we had this summer.

Exercise 7. Make sentences up to model.

Model: Steel is expensive.

Silver is more expensive.

Gold is the most expensive.

1. Три речовини, з точки зору використання у промисловості: water, coal, gas (important).

2. Три метала з точки зору їх твердості: steel, copper, aluminium (hard).

3. Три марки автомобілів, з точки зору їх ваги: “Zaporozhets”, Audy, Mersedes (light).

4. Три види транспорту з точки зору швидкості: a car, a train, a plane (fast).

5. Три види палива з точки зору їх ціни: petrol, coal, gas (chip).

Exercise 8. Read and translate the following sentences. Do you quite agree with everything what is said in them? Give your own opinion.

The more we learn, the more we know.

The more we know, the more we remember.

The more we remember, the more we forget.

The more we forget, the less we know.

The less we know, the more we study.

Then, why to study?