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3. Рабочая программа курса «Деловой иностранный язык» – (sillabus)

Практическое занятие № 1

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Практическое занятие № 1.

Тема: The advantages of knowledge of business English

Содержание практического задания:

1. Discussion with students, giving examples. Means of communication in business.

2. Dialogue from Les 1(И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка») read and translate. Finding out the word phrases for meeting with a foreigner partner.

Look through and make up sentences with new words and expressions on pp.14-17

Практическое занятие № 2.

Тема: The layout and parts of a business letter

Содержание практического задания:

1. Business letter structure – read text obn page 5 (Vasilyeva L. Business correspondence in English, 2004)

2. The addressee

Comparison of examples on pp 6-7 (Vasilyeva L. Business correspondence in English, 2004)

3. The Letter Writer

4. The Date

Практическое занятие № 3.

Тема: The layout and parts of a business letter

Содержание практического задания:

    1. The Salutation

    2. The Letter Heading

    3. The body text

    4. The Complimentary Close

    5. The Surname and Signature

    6. Enclosures and Postscripts

    7. The Continuation

    8. Read all the information on pp.9-13 and analyze the models # 1, 2,3 of the business letter at pp 15-17. (Vasilyeva L. Business correspondence in English, 2004)


Учебные пособия

  1. Н.А.Лукьянова «The businessman’s companion».M ГИС,1998

  2. И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003

  3. Г.А. Дудкина «Учебник английского языка для делового общения», М.Аверс,1991

  4. Я.М. Ена «На работу и стажировку в США», Киев Наукова думка 1994

  5. И.А.Карпусь «Английский деловой язык», Киев МАУП ,1995

  6. Л.Ю.Кулиш «Английский делового общения» Киев Астарта,1995

  7. М.Г. Кумарова «Новый бизнес-английский», М.Акалис,1997

  8. А.В. Плотникова «Деловой контракт с зарубежными партнерами», Киев, Либра, 1993

  9. В.Я. Семенкин «Краткий англо-русский словарь-разговорник для делового человека», М Колизей, 1991

  10. В.А. Сыпченко «Англо-русский справочний бизнесмена»,Киев О,лимп,1992

  11. Naterop B.J. “Business letters for all” England: Longman 1990

  12. Белова А.Д. Русско-английский разговорник для бизнесменов – Киевская правда, 1992

  13. Ена Я.М., Михайловский С.В., Сушко Е.А., На работу и стажировку в США- Киев: Наукова думка, 1994.

  14. Headway Student’s book / Intermediate-Oxford University Press, 1989

  1. Norman S. We are in Business. English for commercial practice and international trade\ Student’s Book-England, 1990

Содержание СРСП 1:

  1. Dialogue # 1 pp.10-14 for retelling and work in pairs

Содержание СРСП 2:

1. Make up the letter to your teacher, using the structure described in practical seminar # 2.

2. Make up an address on the envelope to you friends

3. Speak about titles and forms of address


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Практическое занятие № 4.

Тема: Different Forms of Address

Содержание практического задания:

  1. The Classification of Organization cultures. (read the text 17-19 И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка», Логос-Киев,2003)

  2. Types of American and British Firms ( pp29-30 Vasilyeva L. Business correspondence in English, 2004)

  3. Information on Great Britain (read the text 31-34 И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка», Логос-Киев,2003)

  4. Address on envelope:envelopes examples- analyze the examples pp 19-20 (Vasilyeva L. Business correspondence in English, 2004)

  5. Titles and Form of address (pp. 20-24 –read, analyze Vasilyeva L. Business correspondence in English, 2004)

Практическое занятие № 5.

Тема: E-Mail.

Содержание практического задания:

1. Checking incoming and outgoing mail.

2. Aknowledgement

3. Correspondence Registration and Maintenance

4. Forms of communication in the Modern World

Практическое занятие № 6.

Тема: CV. Parts and its effectiveness.

Job Hunting: Interview

Содержание практического задания:

  1. Parts of Interview Words and word expression for interview

  2. Read, translate and analyse the dialogue at pp. 37-40 Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003

  3. Parts of CV Example of resume p 44 И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003

  4. CV- analyze the CVs at pp 33-37 (Vasilyeva L. Business correspondence in English, 2004)

  5. Common Questions about Resume and CV Writing

  6. Letter of Inquiry;

  7. Covering Letter. Format of Covering letter (p.46). analyze cobering letters with translations at pp. 38-43 (Vasilyeva L. Business correspondence in English, 2004)

  8. Clishes and expressions.

Содержание СРСП 3, 4:

1. Write a Resume

2. Write a Covering letter. Using Clishes at p 47 (И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003) make up covering letter

3. Render the dialogue in pairs pp 37-40 Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003


Учебные пособия

  1. Н.А.Лукьянова «The businessman’s companion».M ГИС,1998

  2. И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003

  3. Г.А. Дудкина «Учебник английского языка для делового общения», М.Аверс,1991

  4. Я.М. Ена «На работу и стажировку в США», Киев Наукова думка 1994

  5. И.А.Карпусь «Английский деловой язык», Киев МАУП ,1995

  6. Л.Ю.Кулиш «Английский делового общения» Киев Астарта,1995

  7. М.Г. Кумарова «Новый бизнес-английский», М.Акалис,1997

  8. А.В. Плотникова «Деловой контракт с зарубежными партнерами», Киев, Либра, 1993

  9. В.Я. Семенкин «Краткий англо-русский словарь-разговорник для делового человека», М Колизей, 1991

  10. В.А. Сыпченко «Англо-русский справочний бизнесмена»,Киев О,лимп,1992

  11. Naterop B.J. “Business letters for all” England: Longman 1990

  12. Белова А.Д. Русско-английский разговорник для бизнесменов – Киевская правда, 1992

  13. Ена Я.М., Михайловский С.В., Сушко Е.А., На работу и стажировку в США- Киев: Наукова думка, 1994.

  14. Headway Student’s book / Intermediate-Oxford University Press, 1989

  15. Norman S. We are in Business. English for commercial practice and international trade\ Student’s Book-England, 1990


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Практическое занятие № 7.

Тема: CV. Parts and its effectiveness.

Job Hunting: Interview

Содержание практического задания:

1. Sample of thank you letter after interview

2. Do and Don’t for Job Seekers

3. The United States of America (text pp 58-60 Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003)

Практическое занятие № 8

Тема; Interview.

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Accepting the Position. (pp 43-45 Vasilyeva L. Business correspondence in English, 2004). Types of Letters

  2. Refusing a Job. Types of Letters

  3. Signs and Advertisemnets. Types. Peculiarities of British Travveling system.

  4. National Express

Практическое занятие № 9

Тема; Interview.

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Your personal background

  2. Conditions of work

  3. Job description


Учебные пособия

  1. Н.А.Лукьянова «The businessman’s companion».M ГИС,1998

  2. И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003

  3. Г.А. Дудкина «Учебник английского языка для делового общения», М.Аверс,1991

  4. Я.М. Ена «На работу и стажировку в США», Киев Наукова думка 1994

  5. И.А.Карпусь «Английский деловой язык», Киев МАУП ,1995

  6. Л.Ю.Кулиш «Английский делового общения» Киев Астарта,1995

  7. М.Г. Кумарова «Новый бизнес-английский», М.Акалис,1997

  8. А.В. Плотникова «Деловой контракт с зарубежными партнерами», Киев, Либра, 1993

  9. В.Я. Семенкин «Краткий англо-русский словарь-разговорник для делового человека», М Колизей, 1991

  10. В.А. Сыпченко «Англо-русский справочний бизнесмена»,Киев О,лимп,1992

  11. Naterop B.J. “Business letters for all” England: Longman 1990

  12. Белова А.Д. Русско-английский разговорник для бизнесменов – Киевская правда, 1992

  13. Ена Я.М., Михайловский С.В., Сушко Е.А., На работу и стажировку в США- Киев: Наукова думка, 1994.

  14. Headway Student’s book / Intermediate-Oxford University Press, 1989

  15. Norman S. We are in Business. English for commercial practice and international trade\ Student’s Book-England, 199

Содержание СРСП 5, 6:

Going through customs

Most managers travel a great deal these days. However experienced a traveller you may be, are you confident that you know all you should know about customs procedures?

Fill each of the blanks in the following text. Use one word only in each space.

Top of Form

Customs officers occasionally carry out selective checks on travellers passing through the green or blue channels on their way to the exit door. When they stop people, they look for items and may alsoyou about what you are carrying. Into ensuring that you are notprohibited goods, there are some other important rules that youfollow. These are:

  • Never carry for anyone else.

  • Make sure that the duty and tax have been paid on that you are bringing in.

There are various why you may be stopped when goingCustoms. This can happen if:

  • you are a lot of extra luggage,

  • you have a lot of cash with you,

  • you are flying in from a where drugs are easy to obtain, such as Amsterdam,

  • you are extremely nervous when you pass through.

If you are stopped, you should with the customs officers. It will notto get impatient. It might be a nuisanceto unpack your luggage, but that is the law. Customsmay well help you toyour bags. If items are damaged during the check, you can claim. Claims are settledten working days. If you have to pay extra duty or tax, this can beat the airport. If you are caught smuggling prohibited goods into EU countries, you could face up to seven years in prison.

Bottom of Form

Words to a formula!

Language learners are always keen to learn new words. Instead of thinking of individual words, it is often useful to think of words in connection with other words with which they frequently appear. English, like many other languages, has a lot of "formulaic phrases". These are phrases which are normally fixed or change very little. It is therefore very useful to learn these phrases.

Fixed phrases

Fixed phrases never change. That means we cannot replace any word with another word. The phrase is always exactly the same. Here is an example: by the way. "By the way" is used in spoken English when you are having a conversation with someone and then want to introduce a new subject to talk about or if you wish to add some further information:

"I think we've discussed everything we need to discuss. Oh, by the way, will you be coming to the sales meeting next week?"

Profits were up 5% last month which, by the way, was our best month since opening.

Another fixed phrase is golden opportunity. A golden opportunity means a wonderful chance. Because it is a fixed phrase, we cannot change it to a "silver opportunity", for example.

He is going to work in Germany for two years so that will give him a golden opportunity to improve his knowledge of German.

Flexible phrases

Some formulaic expressions can be changed, but only slightly. For example, pronouns, articles or verb tenses may be changed. On the way is one example of this type of expression. For instance, we can say:

"I had a slight accident on my way to work..."

or "He had a slight accident on his way to work..."

Look at the formulaic phrases below and use them to fill gaps in the sentences. They are all very commonly used phrases, particularly in spoken English. Be careful with the flexible phrases, you may need to change some of the words!

Fixed phrases

Flexible phrases

in short supply

make up your mind

by and large

take your time

meet someone half way

Top of Form


We are considering going to Italy for our holiday this year but we haven't yet.


There are a few areas that we've still got problems with, but I think we have solved all the major issues.


If you are willing to uson price, we can consider earlier delivery dates.


I'm afraid you'll have to use the machine downstairs. Computers are round here.


Tell Geoff he can . We don't need to leave for another hour.

Bottom of Form


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Практическое занятие № 10

Тема: Marketing methods and advertising

Содержание практического занятия:

  1. Marketing methods and advertising

  2. An offer, its kinds

  3. The British Company Management

Практическое занятие № 11

Тема: Companies in G.B.

Содержание практического занятия:

  1. Agents and Distributors

  2. Trade exhibitions and Fairs

  3. Methods of Foreign Trade

  4. Commodity exghanges, auctions, tenders

Практическое занятие № 12

Тема: Business Trip

Содержание практического занятия:

  1. Phone conversation with British Firm

  2. Buying a ticket

  3. Words and expression, usefull for business trips

  4. A list of abbreviations

Содержание СРСП 7:

  1. Dialogue for retelling И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»

  2. Making up the dialogues based on the lexics of Les 2. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка

Give the example of different marketing methods

Содержание СРСП 8:

1. Make up and play the dialogue according to the given situations:

Dialogue 1

  • Checking in for a flight

  • Hiring a car

  • Taking the train

  • Booking a hotel

  • Checking in into hotel

Dialogue 2:

  • At the check –in desk

  • A flight delay

  • A tight connection

  • A hotel mixup

  • A payment problem


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Практическое занятие № 13

Тема: Business Trip

Содержание практического занятия:

  1. Arranging a visit

  2. Abroad on business

  3. Returning form business trip

Практическое занятие № 14

Тема: Business Trip

Содержание практического занятия:

  1. Setting up meetings

  2. Meeting procedures

  3. Minutes of Meeting: rules of composing

  4. Meeting follow-up



Практическое занятие № 15

Тема: Commercial activities

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Commercial activities

  2. Types of Basic Terms of Delivery – Abbreviations

Учебные пособия

  1. Н.А.Лукьянова «The businessman’s companion».M ГИС,1998

  2. И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003

  3. Г.А. Дудкина «Учебник английского языка для делового общения», М.Аверс,1991

  4. Я.М. Ена «На работу и стажировку в США», Киев Наукова думка 1994

  5. И.А.Карпусь «Английский деловой язык», Киев МАУП ,1995

  6. Л.Ю.Кулиш «Английский делового общения» Киев Астарта,1995

  7. М.Г. Кумарова «Новый бизнес-английский», М.Акалис,1997

  8. А.В. Плотникова «Деловой контракт с зарубежными партнерами», Киев, Либра, 1993

  9. В.Я. Семенкин «Краткий англо-русский словарь-разговорник для делового человека», М Колизей, 1991

  10. В.А. Сыпченко «Англо-русский справочний бизнесмена»,Киев О,лимп,1992

  11. Naterop B.J. “Business letters for all” England: Longman 1990

  12. Белова А.Д. Русско-английский разговорник для бизнесменов – Киевская правда, 1992

  13. Ена Я.М., Михайловский С.В., Сушко Е.А., На работу и стажировку в США- Киев: Наукова думка, 1994.

  14. Headway Student’s book / Intermediate-Oxford University Press, 1989

  1. Norman S. We are in Business. English for commercial practice and international trade\ Student’s Book-England, 1990

Содержание СРСП 9:

1. Make up several messages according to the given situations:

Dialogue 1:

  • Setting up a meeting (by phone)

  • Postponing a meeting (by phone)

  • Setting up a meeting (a voicemail message)

  • Confirming a meeting by email

2. Make up dialogues according to the given points:

    • Working through an agenda-(make up the agenda)

    • Reporting back to a meeting

    • Reaching an agreement

    • Making a point

Diloguess 3

    • a follow-up phone call

    • action points

    • sending minutes by email

Содержание СРСП 10:

1. Read, translate and render the dialogue. Work through key vocabulary

Placing an Order on the telephone

Jane Tegal: Hello, this is Jane Tegal from Excellerator Co. calling. May I speak to Mr. Mitchell? Arthur Mitchell: Hello Ms Tegal, this is Arthur Mitchell.

Jane Tegal: Hello, I'd like to place an order for a number of your Millennium desk units. Arthur Mitchell: Certainly. How many were you interested in ordering for purchase?

Jane Tegal: Quite a few. Do you have many available in the warehouse? Arthur Mitchell: We keep a large supply in stock. There's also a showroom with quite a few on hand. It shouldn't be a problem.

Jane Tegal: Well then. I'd like 75 units by the end of the month. Could I get an estimate before place an order? Arthur Mitchell: Certainly, I'll have it for you by the end of the day.

Jane Tegal: What does the estimate include? Arthur Mitchell: Estimates include merchandise, packaging and shipping, duty if required, any taxes and insurance.

Jane Tegal: Do you ship door-to-door? Arthur Mitchell: Certainly, all shipments are door-to-door. Delivery dates depend on your location, but we can usually deliver within 14 business days.

Jane Tegal: Thank you for your help. Arthur Mitchell: My pleasure. You can expect an e-mail by 5 this afternoon.

Key Vocabulary

Unit to place an order warehouse to purchase to be available supply in stock showroom to be on hand estimate door-to-door shipping to depend on something location


Кредит час-3

Практическое занятие № 16

Тема: Commercial activities

Содержание практического занятия

  1. The services you provide and use

  2. Service issues

  3. Service industries

Практическое занятие № 17

Тема: Contract

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Body of Contract (pp 265 – 273) . Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003

  2. Difference in American and English tems

Практическое занятие № 18

Тема: Contract

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Words and clichés in the contract (pp 274-281. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003)

  2. Types of contract


Учебные пособия

  1. Н.А.Лукьянова «The businessman’s companion».M ГИС,1998

  2. И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003

  3. Г.А. Дудкина «Учебник английского языка для делового общения», М.Аверс,1991

  4. Я.М. Ена «На работу и стажировку в США», Киев Наукова думка 1994

  5. И.А.Карпусь «Английский деловой язык», Киев МАУП ,1995

  6. Л.Ю.Кулиш «Английский делового общения» Киев Астарта,1995

  7. М.Г. Кумарова «Новый бизнес-английский», М.Акалис,1997

  8. А.В. Плотникова «Деловой контракт с зарубежными партнерами», Киев, Либра, 1993

  9. В.Я. Семенкин «Краткий англо-русский словарь-разговорник для делового человека», М Колизей, 1991

  10. В.А. Сыпченко «Англо-русский справочний бизнесмена»,Киев О,лимп,1992

  11. Naterop B.J. “Business letters for all” England: Longman 1990

  12. Белова А.Д. Русско-английский разговорник для бизнесменов – Киевская правда, 1992

  13. Ена Я.М., Михайловский С.В., Сушко Е.А., На работу и стажировку в США- Киев: Наукова думка, 1994.

  14. Headway Student’s book / Intermediate-Oxford University Press, 1989

  15. Norman S. We are in Business. English for commercial practice and international trade\ Student’s Book-England, 1990

Содержание СРСП 11:

  1. Practice with partner : Ex 1, 2, 3, 4 p 84-85 И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003

  2. Read, translate and render the text

  3. Companies in G.B. – examples from newspapers

Содержание СРСП 12:

    1. Practice the translation of contract Do ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 at pp 284-286 Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003)

    2. Read and translate the text In the Bank pp 287-288 Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003)


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Практическое занятие № 19

Тема: Management of Human Resources

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Human resources management.

  2. Types of management

  3. Team building

  4. Solutions of conflict situations

  5. Letter types

Практическое занятие № 20

Тема: Management of Human Resources

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Recruitment and training

  2. Staff relations

  3. Retirement and redundancy

  4. Salaries, incentives and rewards

Практическое занятие № 21

Тема: Bank

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Types of banks

  2. Banks service

  3. Conversation at the bank

  4. Operations with money- phrases


Учебные пособия

  1. Cotton, D. Keys to Management Unit 4, p.41; Unit 5, p.52;

  2. Taylor, Sh. and L. Gartside Model Business Letters Unit 14, p.189;

  3. Mascull, B. Business Vocabulary in Use Unit 8, p.24 ;

  4. Cotton, D., Falvey, D. and S.Kent, ‘Market Leader’ Pre-Intermediate Unit 10, p.90;

  5. Cotton, D., Falvey, D. and S.Kent, ‘Market Leader’ Intermediate Unit 8, p.62

  6. Tullis,G. and T.Trappe, New Insights into Business Unit 6, p.56

Содержание СРСП 13

Make up 2 dialogues acvcording to the given situation

Dialogue 1

  1. Responsibilities

  2. Qualifications for the job

  3. A typical day

  4. Discussing a new appointment

Dialogue 2

  • Working conditions

  • Financial rewards

  • Job benefits

Содержание СРСП 14

1. Read, translate and discuss the following text

Changing status?

In the past, status symbols for senior management were regarded as vital. These days, some companies are already breaking free from old-fashioned ideas of status and convention.

In some countries, open plan offices shared by the manager have been popular for some time. Recent indications show that many more companies are moving towards more open management. Offices shared by managers and other employees are an example of this. The manager may share an office with other employees but usually he or she is at a discreet distance from them or has the best position, near the window!

In Scandinavia, the idea that "to assume responsibility is, in itself, a privilege" has been accepted for a long time. The participative style of management sometimes encourages employees to tell the Chief Executive what is wrong with the company and where improvements can be made. As a result, senior management are regarded as more approachable by their employees who, in turn, feel that their contributions to the company are valued.

Management changes

Management style has changed considerably over the last few years. In the past, management and workers were completely separate, even to the extent of having separate restaurants for lunch. "Single status" canteens are now very common.

In some companies, "perks", formerly enjoyed by senior executives are being extended to all workers. This includes holiday houses, which can be used by employees and also the opportunity to participate in company share saver schemes.

In some, more traditional, companies change has to be introduced more gradually as the symbols of status are regarded as very important by employees. For example, in certain companies, the model of car is an indicator of which grade of management a person has reached. Even office furniture and fittings can be status symbols. The withdrawal of such items of recognition can be seen as de-motivating in companies where such symbols have been important.

The attempt to reduce status symbols should not be linked to ideas of democracy or equality in the workplace; it is purely concerned with involvement, which must surely strengthen most companies.

Reading for meaning

When you read an article, you can often guess the words you do not know from the context.

Find words or expressions in the above article which have the following meanings:

Top of Form


intentionally not attracting attention by behaviour or appearance


special advantage, opportunity or honour


restaurant in a company or factory where employees can eat


advantages or benefits such as luncheon vouchers or a company car given to employees


take part in an activity


taking away

the belief in freedom and equality among people

Bottom of Form


Кредит час-3

Практическое занятие № 22

Тема: Finance

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Personal Finance

  2. Company finances

  3. Payment issues

  4. Managing credit

Практическое занятие № 23

Тема: Business activity: Good Production

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Good production.

  2. Buying products

  3. Products description

  4. Brand development

  5. Innovations

Практическое занятие № 24

Тема: Business activity: Good production

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Introducing your company

  2. Company profiles

  3. Competitors

  4. Faults and breakdown


Учебные пособия

  1. Cotton, D., Falvey, D. and S.Kent, ‘Market Leader’ Intermediate Unit 7, p.54;

  2. Mascull, B. Business Vocabulary in Use Unit 17, p.42, Unit 26, p.60

  3. Taylor, Sh. and L. Gartside Model Business Letters Unit 19, p.261;

Содержание СРСП 15:

1. Read, translate and render the dialogue. Work through key vocabulary

Discussing Ideas at a Meeting

Chairman: I'd like to open today's meeting. Robert? Robert: First, I'll quickly go over the main points of the last meeting.

Chairman: …. (Finishes), if no one has anything to add, let's move on to today's agenda. Robert: I suggest we each give a little background on the suggestions we discussed last week.

Chairman: Could you repeat that, please? Robert: Let's start by going over the research you've done on the suggestions.

Chairman: You'll find most of the information outlined in the summary documents in front of you. Robert: These figures are interesting. It's clear to me that customer communications are not working as they should.

Chairman: Yes, our marketing efforts really haven't been effective to date. Robert: I suggest we break up into groups and discuss how we can improve our message.

Chairman: Unfortunately, we're almost out of time. I suggest you submit your ideas on marketing and we can discuss the best next week. Robert: Before we close, could we quickly discuss the Armstrong situation?

Key Vocabulary

to open a meeting to go over main points to add something to a discussion agenda to move on to give some background outlined summary documents figures communications marketing efforts to date to break up into groups out of time to close a meeting

Содержание СРСП 16:

1. Read, translate and render the dialogue. Work through key vocabulary

Directions to a Meeting

Mark: Linda, do you know how to get to Daniels Co.? I've never been there before. Heather: Are you driving or taking the subway?

Mark: The subway. Heather: Right. Take the no. 9 from West 72nd street. Get off at Times Square and change to the shuttle. Go across town and get off at Grand Central station. Go above ground and walk north on Park Avenue.

Mark: Just a moment, let me write this down! Heather: Take the no. 9 from West 72nd street. Get off at Times square and change to the shuttle. Got it?

Mark: Yes, thanks. Now, once I get to Times Square, which train do I take? Heather: Change to the shuttle. Go across town and get off at Grand Central station. Go above ground and walk north on Park Avenue.

Mark: Can you repeat that? Heather: Change to the shuttle. Go across town and get off at Grand Central station. Go above ground and walk north on Park Avenue.

Mark: Thanks Heather. How long does it take? Heather: It takes about a half an hour. When is your meeting?

Mark: It's at nine. I'll leave at eight-thirty. Heather: That's a busy time of day. You should leave at eight.

Mark: OK. Thanks Heather. Heather: No problem.

Key Vocabulary

to get to somewhere to take the subway to change to another train to go across town to get off to go above ground to walk north / south / west / east to take time a busy time of day


Кредит час-3

Практическое занятие № 25

Тема: Business Conversation

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Everyday business contacts

  2. Developing contacts

  3. Out of office

  4. Dealing with questions

Практическое занятие № 26

Тема: Effective Presentation

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Preparing for a presentation

  2. Presenting facts and figures

  3. Delivering a presentation

Практическое занятие № 27

Тема: Effective Presentation

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Types of presentation

  2. Power point possibilities for effective presentation

Учебные пособия

  1. Н.А.Лукьянова «The businessman’s companion».M ГИС,1998

  2. И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003

  3. Г.А. Дудкина «Учебник английского языка для делового общения», М.Аверс,1991

  4. Я.М. Ена «На работу и стажировку в США», Киев Наукова думка 1994

  5. И.А.Карпусь «Английский деловой язык», Киев МАУП ,1995

  6. Л.Ю.Кулиш «Английский делового общения» Киев Астарта,1995

  7. М.Г. Кумарова «Новый бизнес-английский», М.Акалис,1997

  8. А.В. Плотникова «Деловой контракт с зарубежными партнерами», Киев, Либра, 1993

  9. В.Я. Семенкин «Краткий англо-русский словарь-разговорник для делового человека»,

М Колизей, 1991

  1. В.А. Сыпченко «Англо-русский справочний бизнесмена»,Киев О,лимп,1992

  2. Naterop B.J. “Business letters for all” England: Longman 1990

  3. Белова А.Д. Русско-английский разговорник для бизнесменов – Киевская правда, 1992

  4. Ена Я.М., Михайловский С.В., Сушко Е.А., На работу и стажировку в США-

  5. Киев: Наукова думка, 1994.

  6. Headway Student’s book / Intermediate-Oxford University Press, 1989

  7. Norman S. We are in Business.

  8. English for commercial practice and international trade\ Student’s Book-England, 1990

Содержание СРСП 17

  1. Look on scheme below- organize the dialogue.

Business people often have to answer questions. You may have to respond to questions during a meeting or negotiation or after you have given a presentation. There are several possible responses to such questions. You can:

1. answer directly ("Yes", "No", "I'm..", etc)

2. ask for clarification of the question

3. reassure the questioner

4. give yourself time to think

5. avoid answering

The language you use becomes very important. It can provide you with certain helpful tactics to use in various situations. Look at these useful phrases:

Reactions to questions

Would you mind rephrasing the question? I didn't quite understand it. | |

Have I understood you correctly? | |


| | If I understand you you're asking...

| | When you say... do you mean...?


| | You need have no worries on that front

| | I can understand your concern but...


| | I'm glad you asked that question

| | That's a very interesting question

I'm afraid I can't give you an answer to that question at the moment | |

I'd prefer not to comment on that for the moment | |


| | Perhaps I could answer that question later

| | Well, that would depend on various factors

  1. Make up the dialogue according to the following situation

  • Beginning a call

  • Checking information

  • Asking the caller to hold

  • Asking a caller to leave a message

  • Make sure you understand

  • Ending a call

  • An automated message

Содержание СРСП 18

    1. Make up 2 dialogues according to the giving hints:

Dialogue 1

  • setting the scene

  • move on

  • dealing with questions

  • dealing with unexpected

  • recapping

  • coming to the conclusion

Dialogue 2

  • giving some facts and figures

  • predictions

  • analysis upwards trends

  • analysis downwards trends

  • analysis steady trends

  • conclusion


Кредит час-3

Практическое занятие № 28

Тема: Business activity

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Looing after visitors

  2. Hotels and restaurants

  3. Corporate entertaining

Практическое занятие № 29

Тема: Business activity

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Effective time management

  2. Delivering quality

  3. Working practices

Практическое занятие № 30

Тема: Business activity

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Advertising and promotion

  2. Offers and orders

  3. Customer care


Учебные пособия

  1. Н.А.Лукьянова «The businessman’s companion».M ГИС,1998

  2. И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003

  3. Г.А. Дудкина «Учебник английского языка для делового общения», М.Аверс,1991

  4. Я.М. Ена «На работу и стажировку в США», Киев Наукова думка 1994

  5. И.А.Карпусь «Английский деловой язык», Киев МАУП ,1995

  6. Л.Ю.Кулиш «Английский делового общения» Киев Астарта,1995

  7. М.Г. Кумарова «Новый бизнес-английский», М.Акалис,1997

  8. А.В. Плотникова «Деловой контракт с зарубежными партнерами», Киев, Либра, 1993

  9. В.Я. Семенкин «Краткий англо-русский словарь-разговорник для делового человека», М Колизей, 1991

  10. В.А. Сыпченко «Англо-русский справочний бизнесмена»,Киев О,лимп,1992

  11. Naterop B.J. “Business letters for all” England: Longman 1990

  12. Белова А.Д. Русско-английский разговорник для бизнесменов – Киевская правда, 1992

  13. Ена Я.М., Михайловский С.В., Сушко Е.А., На работу и стажировку в США- Киев: Наукова думка, 1994.

  14. Headway Student’s book / Intermediate-Oxford University Press, 1989

  15. Norman S. We are in Business. English for commercial practice and international trade\ Student’s Book-England, 1990

Содержание СРСП 19:

  1. Make up 2 dialogues according to the giving hints:

Dialogue 1

  • Offering a business lunch

  • Translating the menu

  • Ordering a meal

  • Paying the bill

Dialogue 2

  • Where you live

  • Starting a conversation

  • Family matters

  • Cultural advice

  • Security abroad

  • Sensitive issues

Содержание СРСП 20:

Practice: Do Ex-s 1-11 pp 110-114 И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев, 2003


Кредит час-3

Практическое занятие № 31

Тема: Business activity

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Conferences and exhibitions

  2. Networking

  3. Emailing

  4. Security abroad

Практическое занятие № 32

Тема: Business and Family

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Home and family

  2. Work/life balance

  3. Gettint away

  4. Politics and business

Практическое занятие № 33

Тема: Business Activity

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Taxation

  2. Legal Matters

  3. Planning

  4. work in origress

  5. Feedback


Учебные пособия

  1. Н.А.Лукьянова «The businessman’s companion».M ГИС,1998

  2. И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003

  3. Г.А. Дудкина «Учебник английского языка для делового общения», М.Аверс,1991

  4. Я.М. Ена «На работу и стажировку в США», Киев Наукова думка 1994

  5. И.А.Карпусь «Английский деловой язык», Киев МАУП ,1995

  6. Л.Ю.Кулиш «Английский делового общения» Киев Астарта,1995

  7. М.Г. Кумарова «Новый бизнес-английский», М.Акалис,1997

  8. А.В. Плотникова «Деловой контракт с зарубежными партнерами», Киев, Либра, 1993

  9. В.Я. Семенкин «Краткий англо-русский словарь-разговорник для делового человека», М Колизей, 1991

  10. В.А. Сыпченко «Англо-русский справочний бизнесмена»,Киев О,лимп,1992

  11. Naterop B.J. “Business letters for all” England: Longman 1990

  12. Белова А.Д. Русско-английский разговорник для бизнесменов – Киевская правда, 1992

  13. Ена Я.М., Михайловский С.В., Сушко Е.А., На работу и стажировку в США- Киев: Наукова думка, 1994.

  14. Headway Student’s book / Intermediate-Oxford University Press, 1989

  15. Norman S. We are in Business. English for commercial practice and international trade\ Student’s Book-England, 1990

Содержание СРСП 21:

  1. Composing a dialogue, ex 1 p29

  2. Composing a dialogue, ex 2 p30

  3. Make up a licence agreement according to the example

Содержание СРСП 22:

Make up short written messages according to te following

Message2 1

  • A first contact

  • A formal message

  • Everyday message

  • A future meeting

  • Declining of invitation

Messages 2

  • Saying thank you

  • An invitation

  • Accepting an invitation

  • Passing on good wishes

Messages 3

  • Problems

  • Good news

  • A general announcement

  • For information


Кредит час-3

Практическое занятие № 34

Тема: Terms of Payment. Terms of Delivery

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Terms of Payment

  2. Terms of Delivery

Практическое занятие № 35

Тема: Definitions of some terms used in British Commercial Practice

Содержание практического занятия


2. A Firm Offer

3. A Voluntary offer

4. An Estimate

Практическое занятие № 36

Тема: Turnkey Contract. Definitions of terms

Содержание практического занятия

  1. A Tender

  2. An Indent

  3. Turnkey Contract.

  4. Definitions of terms


Учебные пособия

  1. Н.А.Лукьянова «The businessman’s companion».M ГИС,1998

  2. И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2003

  3. Г.А. Дудкина «Учебник английского языка для делового общения», М.Аверс,1991

  4. Я.М. Ена «На работу и стажировку в США», Киев Наукова думка 1994

  5. И.А.Карпусь «Английский деловой язык», Киев МАУП ,1995

  6. Л.Ю.Кулиш «Английский делового общения» Киев Астарта,1995

  7. М.Г. Кумарова «Новый бизнес-английский», М.Акалис,1997

  8. А.В. Плотникова «Деловой контракт с зарубежными партнерами», Киев, Либра, 1993

  9. В.Я. Семенкин «Краткий англо-русский словарь-разговорник для делового человека», М Колизей, 1991

  10. В.А. Сыпченко «Англо-русский справочний бизнесмена»,Киев О,лимп,1992

  11. Naterop B.J. “Business letters for all” England: Longman 1990

  12. Белова А.Д. Русско-английский разговорник для бизнесменов – Киевская правда, 1992

  13. Ена Я.М., Михайловский С.В., Сушко Е.А., На работу и стажировку в США- Киев: Наукова думка, 1994.

  14. Headway Student’s book / Intermediate-Oxford University Press, 1989

  15. Norman S. We are in Business. English for commercial practice and international trade\ Student’s Book-England, 1990

Содержание СРСП 23, 24:

1. Dialogue from Les 4, 5 (И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка») – read

2. Dialogues from Les 4, 5 for retelling

3. Making up 2 dialogues based on the lexics of Les 4 and 5


Кредит час-3

Практическое занятие № 37

Тема: New forms of Foreign Economic Relations. Licence agreements

Содержание практического занятия

1. Methods of managing foreign economic activities

2. The Measures to improve managing foreign economic activities

3. The aim of Joint Venture

Практическое занятие № 38

Тема: New forms of Foreign Economic Relations. Licence agreements

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Free economic zones

  2. The subject of Licence agreement

  3. Types of Licence agreement

Практическое занятие № 39

Тема: Counter Trade

Содержание практического занятия

  1. The Economic Background.

  2. Types of Countertrade Transactions

  3. Buy-back agreement

  4. The Framework Agreement


Учебные пособия

  1. Н.А.Лукьянова «The businessman’s companion».M ГИС,1998

  2. И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2000

  3. Г.А. Дудкина «Учебник английского языка для делового общения», М.Аверс,1991

  4. Я.М. Ена «На работу и стажировку в США», Киев Наукова думка 1994

  5. И.А.Карпусь «Английский деловой язык», Киев МАУП ,1995

  6. Л.Ю.Кулиш «Английский делового общения» Киев Астарта,1995

  7. М.Г. Кумарова «Новый бизнес-английский», М.Акалис,1997

  8. А.В. Плотникова «Деловой контракт с зарубежными партнерами», Киев, Либра, 1993

  9. В.Я. Семенкин «Краткий англо-русский словарь-разговорник для делового человека», М Колизей, 1991

  10. В.А. Сыпченко «Англо-русский справочний бизнесмена»,Киев О,лимп,1992

  11. Naterop B.J. “Business letters for all” England: Longman 1990

Содержание СРСП 25:

1. Read, translate and render the dialogue. Work through key vocabulary

Deliveries and Suppliers

Susan: Doug, can I talk with you for a moment? Doug: What can I do for you Susan?

Susan: I'm concerned about the delays we're experiencing with some of our suppliers. Doug: We're doing everything to get back on schedule.

Susan: Could you give me an approximate timeline? Doug: A number of deliveries are arriving tomorrow. Unfortunately, this time of year is often troublesome.

Susan: That's not good. We can't make excuses to our clients. Are all shipments affected? Doug: No, but it is summer and some companies are cutting back until September.

Susan: Where are most of our suppliers located? Doug: Well, most of them are in China, but there are a few in California.

Susan: How does that affect deliveries? Doug: Well, there are weather delays and shipment delays due to reduced production. Sometimes, larger packages are delayed because of a bottleneck at the distribution point.

Susan: Is there any way around these delays? Doug: Well, we often work with delivery services such as UPS, Fed ex or DHL for our most urgent shipping. They guarantee door-to-door deliveries within 48 hours.

Susan: Are they expensive? Doug: Yes, they're very expensive at that cuts into our bottom line.

Key Vocabulary

delay supplier to get back on schedule timeline delivery shipment to cut back to make excuses increased / reduced production package bottleneck distribution point bottom line to cut into

Содержание СРСП 26:

1. Read, translate and render the dialogue. Work through key vocabulary

Sales Terminology

Julian: I'm new to this job, could you explain some of the terminology? Jack: That's what I'm here for. Shoot.

Julian: What's the difference between retail and wholesale? Jack: Wholesale is to distributors. Retail to consumers.

Julian: Distributors? Consumers? Jack: Distributors are stores that sell our merchandise. Consumers are the people who buy the products.

Julian: Oh, I see. What's a bill of lading? Jack: The bill of lading lists the merchandise shipped. It's included with every shipment or delivery.

Julian: I get what pre-paid means. That means the merchandise has been paid for. But, what's C.O.D.? Jack: Cash on delivery.

Julian: What does that mean? Jack: Exactly what it says: cash is paid upon receiving the goods. Of course, it could be a credit card or a check, as well.

Julian: Oh, I understand. What's a delivery fee? Jack: The delivery fee is an extra charge that the customer pays to have the goods delivered.

Julian: I think I'm beginning to understand now.

Key Vocabulary

retail wholesale distributor consumer merchandise bill of lading pre-paid COD - Cash on Delivery to receive goods fee


Кредит час-3

Практическое занятие № 40

Тема: Types of Chartering. Types of Exchange.

Содержание практического занятия

  1. The voyage charter

  2. The time charter

  3. Contract of Affreightment

Практическое занятие № 41

Тема: Types of Chartering. Types of Exchange.

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Management agreements

  2. Existing Financial Hedging

  3. New Currency Futures Market

Практическое занятие № 42

Тема: Selection of International Managers

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Recruitment and Selection

  2. Global Careers


Учебные пособия

  1. Н.А.Лукьянова «The businessman’s companion».M ГИС,1998

  2. И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2000

  3. Г.А. Дудкина «Учебник английского языка для делового общения», М.Аверс,1991

  4. Я.М. Ена «На работу и стажировку в США», Киев Наукова думка 1994

  5. И.А.Карпусь «Английский деловой язык», Киев МАУП ,1995

  6. Л.Ю.Кулиш «Английский делового общения» Киев Астарта,1995

  7. М.Г. Кумарова «Новый бизнес-английский», М.Акалис,1997

  8. А.В. Плотникова «Деловой контракт с зарубежными партнерами», Киев, Либра, 1993

  9. В.Я. Семенкин «Краткий англо-русский словарь-разговорник для делового человека», М Колизей, 1991

  10. В.А. Сыпченко «Англо-русский справочний бизнесмена»,Киев О,лимп,1992

  11. Naterop B.J. “Business letters for all” England: Longman 1990

Содержание СРСП 27:

  1. Text”National express” Read translate and discuss main ideas.

  2. Ex 5, 6, 7, 8, p111 – do in written form

  3. Global Careers – view the site, discuss and find the candidates

Содержание СРСП 28:

1. Language commentaries at p 95 read and understand

2. Make up the topic on the theme


Кредит час-3

Практическое занятие № 43

Тема: Forms of Business. Types of companies.

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Sole trade

  2. Partnership

  3. Types of companies.

Практическое занятие № 44

Тема: Trade in services. The System of Banks servicing

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Trade and Service

  2. Types of money

3. Money and cheque

Практическое занятие № 45

Тема: Mastering of Business English

Содержание практического занятия

  1. Communicating in Business

  2. Effective Planning

  3. Laying out Documents

  4. Writing Sentences and Paragraphs

  5. Achieving Good Business


Учебные пособия

  1. Н.А.Лукьянова «The businessman’s companion».M ГИС,1998

  2. И. Богацкий «Бизнес-курс английского языка»., Логос-Киев,2000

  3. Г.А. Дудкина «Учебник английского языка для делового общения», М.Аверс,1991

  4. Я.М. Ена «На работу и стажировку в США», Киев Наукова думка 1994

  5. И.А.Карпусь «Английский деловой язык», Киев МАУП ,1995

  6. Л.Ю.Кулиш «Английский делового общения» Киев Астарта,1995

  7. М.Г. Кумарова «Новый бизнес-английский», М.Акалис,1997

  8. А.В. Плотникова «Деловой контракт с зарубежными партнерами», Киев, Либра, 1993

  9. В.Я. Семенкин «Краткий англо-русский словарь-разговорник для делового человека», М Колизей, 1991

  10. В.А. Сыпченко «Англо-русский справочний бизнесмена»,Киев О,лимп,1992

  11. Naterop B.J. “Business letters for all” England: Longman 1990

Содержание СРСП 29:

1. Read, translate and render the dialogue. Work through key vocabulary

Funds Transfer and Deposits

Maria: Alice, have you transferred the funds to the Anderson account yet? Alice: No, I haven't done that yet.

Maria: Good, there are a few changes we need to make. Alice: Really? It's good I haven't had a chance to go to the bank yet. What has been changed?

Maria: They've asked to how the funds transferred into three different accounts. Here's the updated information. Alice: This looks more complicated.

Maria: It's not that difficult. Just take along the account numbers, amounts and payment scheme to the bank with you. Alice: Am I authorized to make these changes?

Maria: I can call ahead and let them know. Here's the PIN number in any case. Alice: Is there anything else I need to do?

Maria: Yes, could you make these deposits when you go. Alice: Certainly, which accounts do you want to use.

Maria: Deposit the checks into our savings account. Put the cash into checking Alice: OK, I'll probably leave in about a half an hour.

Key Vocabulary

to transfer funds updated complicated payment scheme to be authorized to do something to call ahead PIN number

Содержание СРСП 30:

1. Language commentary p 120 work thorugh and make up sentences

3. Composing the dialogue on any theme studied.

2. Topic on the theme The System of Bank Service

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