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11. База данных рефератов, курсовых работ, проектов, рефератов других студентов, презентаций.

12. Технические требования к написанию контрольных, индивидуальных работ

1. Оформление контрольной работы, титульного листа, структура работы

Объем работы – в пределах 20 страниц печатного текста. Для печатного ориентировочные параметры: шрифт TNR, 12 кегль, полуторный интервал, сноски постраничные, нумерация внизу страницы.

Список литературы – в конце работы. Структурные компоненты (в порядке следования): содержание, введение, основная часть, заключение, список использованной литературы.

2. «Введение»

«Введение» должно предварять основное содержание контрольной работы (объем – 0,5 – 1,5 страницы). В нем обосновывается актуальность темы, могут приводиться различные точки зрения историков по вопросу и кратко

обозначаются основные темы, содержание которых будет раскрыто в основной части.

3. Работа над основной частью

Для работы над основной частью контрольной необходимо внимательно

изучить методические рекомендации по написанию контрольных работ.

4. Работа над «Заключением»

В «Заключении» Вы подводите итог проведенной вами работе, даете оценку географических процессов или явлении, которое Вы рассматривали, акцентируете внимание на основных результатах и формулируете обоснованные выводы. Объем заключения 0,5 – 1 страница.

  1. Электронная библиотека – электронные книги по тематике курса, ссылки на сайты электронных библиотек, электронные книги с информацией, необходимой обучаемому, например, по работе с электронной почтой, по поиску информации в Интернет и т.д.

  • http://www.rmeb.kr

  • http://www.iis.ru/el-bib

  1. Средства сотрудничества обучаемого с преподавателем и другими обучаемыми (электронная почта, телеконференции(форум), чат)

  • zuhra_82@inbox.ru

  • luna2505@mail.ru

  • saya__86@mail.ru

  • platon.wksu.kz

  • www.wksu.kz

  1. Наиболее часто задаваемые вопросы и ответы на них, размещенные на Web-сайте и доступные для обучающихся.

  2. Заключительный тест. Экзаменационные материалы, требования к уровню владения материалам.

Для лучшего усвоения учебного материала в конце изучения темы необходимо обратиться к вопросам для самопроверки знаний.

Вопросы для проведения контроля по модулям промежуточной и итоговой аттестации (экзамен)

Инструкция пользователя

Экзамен будет проводиться в форме тестирования. Максимальная оценка по экзамену 100% (баллов). Итоговая оценка определяется по сумме баллов по результатам рейтингов и экзамена. Содержание тестов (вопросы) практически совпадает с вопросами для контроля по материалам лекций и СРС. В каждом тесте дается 4 варианта ответа на вопрос, из них необходимо выбрать один правильный ответ.

Тестовые задания для самоконтроля

  1. Choose the correct translation: Написав письмо, он начал смотреть телевизор:

  1. Having written the letter, he started to watch TV.

  2. Written the letter, he started to watch TV

  3. Wrote the letter, he started to watch TV

  4. Had written the letter, he started to watch TV.

  1. Choose the correct translation: Сказка, рассказанная бабушкой:

  1. The fairy-tale having been told by the Granny.

  2. The fairy-tale tell by the Granny.

  3. The fairy-tale having told by the Granny.

  4. The fairy-tale had told by the Granny.

  1. Choose the correct form of the Participle 2 (Past Participle): написанный:

  1. written.

  2. Write

  3. Wrote

  4. Having written

  5. Had wrote.

  1. Choose the correct variant: Короче говоря:

A To cut a long story short.

B. To say shorter.

C. To say nothing

D. To put a long story short.

5. Choose the correct variant: Сказать вам по правде:

A. To tell you the truth.

B . To give you the truth.

C. To say you the truth.

D. To say by the truth.

6. Choose the correct variant: Не говоря уже о погоде:

A. To say nothing of the weather.

B. Not to say of the weather.

C. To say nothing about weather.

D. Not to say anything of the weather.

7. Choose the correct variant: Мягко выражаясь:

A. To put it mildly.

B. To say it mildly.

C. To tell it mildly.

D. To say it in mild form.

8. Choose the correct variant: Начнем с того, что:

A. To begin with.

B. From beginning.

C. To begin from.

D. At the beginning.

9. Choose the correct translation: Книга оставляет желать лучшего:

A. The book leaves much to be desired.

B. The book leaves much to be changed.

C. The book must be desired.

D. The book wishes to be changed.

10. Choose the correct form of the Participle1: берущий (беря):

A taking.

. B take

C took.

D. taken.

11. Choose the correct form of the Participle1: делающий (делая):

A doing.

B do

C have done.

D to be doing.

12. Choose the correct translation: Если погода позволит, мы пойдем гулять:

A. The weather permitting, we shall go for a walk.

B. The weather let, we shall go for a walk.

C. The weather allows, we shall go for a walk.

D. The weather is fine, we shall go for a walk.

13. Choose the correct translation: Она наблюдала за детьми, пишущими диктант:

A. She watched the children writing the dictation:

B. She watched the children wrote the dictation.

C. She looked at the children wrote the dictation.

D. . She watched the children having wrote the dictation.

14. Choose the correct variant: купленный:

A. bought.

B. buy.

C. Have bought.

D. having bought.

15. Choose the correct translation: Будучи очень больной, она не могла ходить в школу:

A. Being very ill, she could not go to school.

B. Be very ill, she could not go to school.

C. To be very ill, she could not go to school.

D. Been very ill, she could go to school.

16. Choose the correct translation: Мужчина, покупающий книги, мой друг:

A. The man buying the books is my neighbor.

B. The man is buying the books is my neighbor.

C. The man bought the books is my neighbor.

D. The man has bought the books is my neighbor.

17. Choose the correct translation: Repairing the cars is his business:

A. Ремонт машин – его бизнес.

B. Ремонтировать Choose the correct translation:машины– его бизнес.

C. Ремонтируя машины, он занимался делом.

D. Отремонтировав машину. Он занялся делом.

18. Choose the correct translation: to avoid:

A. избегать

B. выезжать

C. убегать

D. позволять.

19. Choose the correct translation: to deny:

A. отрицать

B. разрешать

C. увольнять

D. избегать.

20. Choose the correct translation: извинять:

A to excuse

B to forgive

C to burst of

D to keep on.

21. Choose the correct translation: откладывать:

A to postpone

B to forgive

C to deny

D to stop.

22. Choose the correct translation: продолжать:

A to go on.

B to stop.

C to deny.

D. to forgive.

23. . Choose the correct translation: to forgive:

A прощать

B забывать

C отрицать

D давать.

24. Choose the correct translation using the Gerund: Перестаньте разговаривать:

A Stop talking.

B To stop talking.

C Stop to talk.

D. To stop to talk.

25. Choose the correct translation using the Gerund: Продолжайте читать:

A Go on reading.

B Go on to read.

C To go on to read.

D Continue to read.

Вопросы для проведения контроля по материалам 8 – 15 недели:

1.Choose the correct variant: Было приятно гулять в парке

  1. It was a pleasure to walk in the garden. +

  2. It was a pleasure to walking in the garden.

  3. It was a pleasure to be walk in the garden.

  4. It was a pleasure to have walked in the garden.

2. Choose the correct variant: Сумма, которую следует заплатить актеру, превышает два миллиона долларов.

  1. The sun to be paid to the actor exceed two million dollars.+

  2. The sun is paid to the actor exceed two million dollars.

  3. The sun is to be paid to the actor exceed two million dollars.

  4. The sun to have been paid to the actor exceed two million dollars

3. Choose the correct variant: Я попросил его показать мне, как это работает.

  1. I asked him to show me how it worked.+

  2. I asked him to have show me how it worked.

  3. I asked him to be shown me how it worked.

  4. I asked him to have been show me how it worked.

4. Choose the correct variant: Она начала рассказывать о фильме, который посмотрела.

  1. She began to speak about the film she had seen.+

  2. She began to speaking about the film she had seen.

  3. She began to be spoke about the film she had seen.

  4. She began to have spoken about the film she had seen.

5. Choose the correct variant: Он намеревался отправиться туда. (но не отправился )

  1. He meant to have gone there. +

  2. He meant to go there.

  3. He meant to be gone there.

  4. He meant to have been gone there.

6. Choose the correct variant: Я рад тебя видеть.

  1. I am glad to see you.+

  2. I am glad to seeing you.

  3. I am glad to be seen you.

  4. I am glad to have been seen you.

7. Choose the correct variant: Дом нужно отремонтировать.

  1. The house needs to be repaired.+

  2. The house needs repairing.

  3. The house need to repair.

  4. The house needs to repair.

8. Choose the correct variant: Я удивлен, что вижу вас.

  1. I am surprised at seeing you. +

  2. I am surprised see you.

  3. I am surprised seeing you.

  4. I am surprise at seeing you.

9. Choose the correct variant: Я рад, что она прочитала этот роман.

  1. I am glad her having read this novel.+

  2. I am glad her had read this novel.

  3. I am glad having she read this novel.

  4. I am glad she having read this novel

10. Choose the correct variant: Я знал, что он уехал в Россию.

  1. I knew he has left for Russia.+

  2. I knew about his having been left for Russia.

  3. I knew his been left for Russia.

  4. I knew about his having been leave for Russia.

11. Choose the correct variant: Наша задача- понимать английскую речь.

  1. Our aim is understanding English speech.+

  2. Our aim is to understanding English speech.

  3. Our aim in understanding English speech.

  4. Our aim is understand English speech.

12. Choose the correct variant: То, что она сделала задание, ему понравилось.

  1. Her having done the task pleased him.+

  2. She had having done the task pleased him.

  3. She having done the task pleased him.

  4. Her had having done the task pleased him.

13. Choose the correct variant: Придя домой, она приняла душ.

  1. On coming home she took a shower.+

  2. On coming home she had took a shower.

  3. On coming home she had taking a shower.

  4. On coming to home she took a shower.

14. Choose the correct variant: Я знаю, что он изучает английский.

  1. I know of his learning English.+

  2. I know he learning English.

  3. I know of him learning English.

  4. I know he of learning English.

15. Choose the correct variant: Наш плавательный бассейн очень большой.

  1. Our swimming pool is very large.+

  2. Our swim pool is very large.

  3. Our swimmed pool is very large.

  4. Our pool swimming is very large.

16. Choose the correct variant: Мне нравится, когда мне читают.

  1. I like being read to.+

  2. I like to be read.

  3. I like reading.

  4. I like having been read to.

17. Choose the correct variant: Мне сообщили, что его отправили в тюрьму.

  1. I was informed of his being sent to prison.+

  2. I was informed he being sent to prison.

  3. I was informed he been sent to prison.

  4. I was informed he have been sent to prison.

18. Choose the correct variant: Выздоровление пациента зависит от того, как он будет выполнять следующие советы доктора.

  1. The patient’s recovery depends on how he would keep up with the following doctor’s advice.+

  2. The patient’s recovery depend on how he would keep up with the following doctor’s advice.

  3. The patient’s recovery depends on how he would be keep up with the following doctor’s advice.

  4. The patient’s recovery depends on how he will keep up with the following doctor’s advice.

19. Choose the correct variant: Идя домой, я встретил своего старого друга.

  1. Going home I met an old friend of mine.+

  2. Go home I met an old friend of mine.

  3. Going home I met an old friend of my.

  4. Go home I meet an old friend of mine.

20. Choose the correct variant: Написав письмо, я отправил его в ближайшем почтовом отделении.

  1. Having written the letter I posted it at the nearest post office.+

  2. Have written the letter I posted it at the nearest post office.

  3. Have been written the letter I posted it at the nearest post office.

  4. Had written the letter I post it at the nearest post office.

21. Choose the correct variant: Будучи информированным об этом случае, я решил действовать немедленно.

  1. Being informed about the case I decided to act immediately.+

  2. Being informed about the case I decided to act immediate.

  3. Be informed about the case I decided to act immediately

  4. Have been informed about the case I decided to act immediately

22. Choose the correct variant: Будучи информированным об этом случае вчера, я решил действовать только сейчас.

  1. Having been informed about the case yesterday, I decided to act only now.+

  2. Had been informed about the case yesterday, I decided to act only now.

  3. Having been inform about the case yesterday, I decide to act only now.

  4. Having been informed about the case yesterday, I decided to act.

23. Choose the correct variant: Человек, пишущий письмо- мой босс.

  1. The man writing the letter is my boss.+

  2. The man write the letter is my boss.

  3. The man have writing the letter is my boss.

  4. The man have been writing the letter is my boss.

24. Choose the correct variant: Читая английские книги каждый день, ты улучшишь свое знание языка.

  1. Reading English books every day you will improve your language.+

  2. Read English books every day you will improve your language.

  3. Have been read English books every day you will improve your language.

  4. Reading English books every day you would improve your language.

25. Choose the correct variant: Смотря ТВ, я люблю выпить чашечку кофе.

  1. Watching TV, I like to have a cup of coffee.+

  2. Watch TV, I like to have a cup of coffee.

  3. Have been watched TV, I like to have a cup of coffee.

  4. Watching TV, I like to had a cup of coffee.

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