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Topics_A_ATC (1).docx
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  1. Why is the start of twenty-first century a time of changes?

  2. What was a special Planning Group set up for?

  3. What can you say about British Airways Company?

  4. What do you know about a flight from Osaka in Japan to Heathrow in 1993?

  5. Have you heard about Schmid Telecommunication?

  6. What do you know about Alenia System?

  7. What have you read about future development of navigation systems?

Meteorological service in aviation in ukraine

All weather information that is received in weather briefing is based on observations and the analysis on those observations.

Observations are taken routinely at selected sites and include: Surface Aviation Weather reports (SA) (normally taken hourly), ground based weather radar reports (hourly on the half hour), Satellite imagery photos (Every 30 minutes on a closed loop), Radiosonde balloon obser-vations (twice daily at 00.00 and 12.00 UTC) and – very important – Pilot Reports.

Meteorological service and information are very important for providing safety of flights in aviation. Flight regularity and efficiency depend upon the meteorological phenomena and data, too.

Flights are closely connected with the atmospheric conditions and meteorological information that play and will play the important role while planning and performing flights.

Meteorological providence for civil aviation in Ukraine is conducted in accordance with the requirements of Meteorological Guide in Civil Aviation No90. Meteorological Guide is made on the basis of main regular general items which are in Appendix No3 to Civil Aviation Convention and Technical Regulations of Universe Meteorological Organization (UMO).

The joint experience of ICAO and UMO activity provides general rules in the field of aviation meteorology.

Practically all the states are the members of ICAO and UMO. As the result of it, a great experience is achieved in the field of aviation meteorological knowledge.

Due to intensive international service it is necessary to establish further contacts with all the ICAO states for providing meteorological service in the field of aviation.

For further improving and development of meteorological service for domestic flights in Ukraine, it is necessary to provide the following:

  1. To develop the Guide of Meteorological providence in Uk-raine.

  2. Reissue the Instructions of Meteorological providence (because of a great number of corrections and unnecessary meteorological service information of the former USSR).

  3. Gradually to transfer to the rules and standards of ICAO practice.

Cadets study many subjects at the Academy. Aviation meteorology is one of the main and interesting subjects. Everybody understands that it is essential for pilots of aircraft to be provided with accurate and up-to-date information on the weather. The majority of cadets are enrolled in a flight programme and take the meteorology course as well as lab course on how to utilize best the aviation weather services.


  1. Why is aviation meteorology so important?

  2. When are meteorological observations taken?

  3. How is meteorological providence conducted in Ukraine?

  4. Why is it necessary to establish close contacts with all ICAO states?

  5. What is being done in order to improve the meteorological service in Ukraine?

  6. How did you study the meteorology at the Academy?

  7. Is it difficult for you to read METAR, TAF, SIGMET?

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