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JAM ----------











Cure: Train yourself to stop. Relax by raising brows and holding the tension for five seconds. Relax. Frown hard, then hold for five seconds. Smooth out brow. Rest eyelids

together. Focus on all tension leaving your forehead.


Jam tension can make you grind your teeth when you're asleep.

Cure: Gently open your mouth wide. Exhale while slowly closing it. Lightly massage the points where your jam hinges on to the head. Repeat 10 times. Place fist beneath chin. Open mouth against light pressure. Repeat

12 times.


Anxiety makes you breathe unevenly, leading to stress and panic attacks.

Cure: Start by gently pressing your stomach to expel air. Breathe slowly and deeply, pulling air into lungs using the whole of your diaphragm. Place one hand on your stomach and feel it move as you breathe.


Palms can get sweaty and cold.


Cure: Sit quietly and concentrate on one of your hands becoming warmer (the right hand if you are right-handed). Imagine holding it in front of a fire as it gets hotter. This will relax you by bringing warm blood from deep inside

your body back to the skin's surface.


Dehydration is a frequent cause of mental and physical

stress, especially in air-conditioned offices.

Cure: Try to keep your urine as pale as possible by drinking eight glasses of water a day (unless you have medical advice to the contrary). Avoid diuretics like tea, coffee and alcohol which will increase dehydration and

make you go to the loo more often.


Worrying will stop you from concentrating.

Cure: Sit or lie down. Close your eyes. Take five deep slow breaths. Feel the tension flowing from your body.

Imagine yourself on a desert island. Smell the flowers. See the tranquil blue ocean. If any worries come to mind, write

them on the sand and watch the tide washing them away.


Close work, especially on computer screens, stresses

eyes and their muscles.

Cure: Try to take regular breaks and refocus your eyes on distant views. Rub hands briskly together. Place lightly over your eyes and forehead and feel the heat from your

palms ease away all tension.


Hunched posture when seated can lead to aching muscles and tension headaches.

Cure: Always try to keep shoulders relaxed. Use cues such as a ringing phone or a red traffic light to focus on any tension here. Roll your shoulders with an exaggerated rowing action, three times clockwise, then three times anticlockwise. Finally, shrug hard three times in a row.


Caused by computer work or repetitive actions.

Cure: Stretch each hand in turn, wrist uppermost, hand open. Bend back towards forearm. Rotate clockwise as far as possible, but don't twist your arm. Make a sudden fist,


then relax all muscles in your hand. Rotate hand back to starting point. Repeat three times and do the same with left hand.


Stress can churn up your tummy and make you lose your appetite or binge on comfort food.

Cure: Eat something when you feel stressed, but swap chocolate bars and sugary buns for fruit, nuts or cheese. This will help trigger the body's natural relaxation response.


This is a focus of stress and tension for people whose job involves standing or walking around.

Cure: Take off your shoes. Sit down and place your right ankle over your left knee. Holding your foot in one hand, rub the sole applying firm pressure. Repeat with the left foot.

XVI. Translate the text in writing:

The Language of the Body

One of the best locations to study the body language is a politicall rally. Each speaker has already worked out his verbal message, usually a string of highly predictable platitudes calculated to gain him applause. But while he is mouthing his utterances, his hands are busy too. He will not be aware precisely what they are doing, merely that they are beating time to his statements and helping to underline them. If we ignore his words and focus exclusively on his hands, it soon becomes clear that he employs some major hand signals.

If he is making a powerful point, he will clench his fist, as if about to punch an invisible opponent. If he is trying


to chop down a rival proposal, he switches instead to the hand-chop gesture, cutting down through the air as forcibly as possible with a flattened hand, its hard edge pointing down. With this action he transforms his hand into a symbolic axe.

For those who wish to appear forceful, but not too violent, there is a slightly milder hand gesture - the semiclenched fist. With the thumb uppermost, on top of the bent forefinger, this half-fist is jerked in the air to emphasize point after point in the speaker's words. It is almost as if he is serving an invisible writ on his audience. This gesture is favoured by politicians.

In a more dominant mood, the speaker introduces the palm-down hand posture, usually with a few slight downward movements. In this he is symbolically calming down his audience, as if it were composed entirely of unruly children. If he is less sure of himself, he uses the opposite hand signal, with the palm up. This is a gesture of the beggar, reaching out his hand for help. This particular gesture is universal and can even be seen in wild chimpanzees when begging for food from companions.

If the speaker wishes his audience to embrace his ideas, he offers them a hint of an embrace in his hand gestures. He reaches out both hands, with his palms facing one another, as if trying to hug his audience at a distance. This is a favourite gesture of good communicators, who know the value of making their audience feel intimate with those on the platform.

Finally there is one more special forefinger gesture much loved by the more aggressive politicians, that is a prodding forefinger, aimed straight towards the audience, as if stabbing them into submission.

There are, of course, many other gesticulations employed during speech-making. Because both the speaker and the audience are primarily focussed on the words being spoken, none of these gestures is deliberately made or deliberately read. They form a sub-text which carries with it a mood communication system that imparts far more information than any of those present may


realize. They will transmit to the audience either a feeling that the speaker is not to be trusted or that he means what he says. If his verbal message is false or exaggerated, his gestures will give him away. They will make a «bad fit» with his words and leave the audience uncomfortable, without knowing quite why. If they match well with the spoken words, the listeners will unconsciously sense that harmony and will respond more positively.


I. Give Russian equivalents for:

To dislike; to handle emotionally charged situations; to put forth a theory; to be aware of; to signify; to convey information; to realize; to acknowledge; to intend; to have an effect on; to indicate; to fail; to occur; to leak; to prefer; to insult; to involve; to touch; to apply the rules to; to keep in mind; to evoke.

II. Give English equivalents for:

Чувство; усталость; приобретенный; врожденный; недостаток интереса; научение; среда; эмоциональный

заряд; невербальное общение; супруг; сообщение; дву-

смысленный; придавать значение; игнорировать; случайный взгляд; взаимодействие; вызывать стресс; ис-

пытывать стресс.


III. Make up a list of pleasant and unpleasant emotions. Choose them from the words below:

Fear; anger; amusement; anticipation; annoyance; astonishment; grief; horror; anxiety; happiness; calmness; disgust; jealousy; elation; surprise; timidity; serenity; embarrassment; boredom; apprehension; sorrow.

Give examples of those emotions that may comprize an emotional mixture.

VI. Derive adjectives from the following nouns:

Anger; jealousy; happiness; calmness; tension; hopefulness; anxiety; sorrow; emotion; ambiguity; confusion; excitement; stress; uncertainty.

V. Explain in English the meanings of the following word-combinations:

Emotional activity; emotional storm; outbreaks of rage; to show rapport; marital situation; interpersonal attitudes; to have an impact on; to provide a complete overview; to receive acknowledgement; fight-or-flight response; to be vulnerable.

VI. Arrange the following words in pairs of synonyms:




marital break-up



















VII. Arrange the following words in pairs of antonyms:

pleasantness amuse
























VIII. Make up word-combinations and translate them into Russian:

Conscious effort / experience / activity / performance; body language / reaction / movement / posture; to cope with feelings / emotions / stress / situation; to show sympathy / support / respect / true feelings / rapport; to receive approval / disapproval / acknowledgement / emotional quale; to feel suspicious / uncomfortable / anxious / vulnerable.

IX. Substitute the following word-combinations by those close in their meanings. Choose them from the list below:

To have an effect on; to control stress; stress-hardy personality; to produce stress; to relieve stress; stress level; to feel worried; to inhibit an emotional response; to be conscious of; to put forth a theory; to convey information; body language; inborn responses.

Stress-prone personality; degree of stress; to be aware of; nonverbal language; to have an impact on; to release stress; to feel distressed; to put forward a theory; innate reactions; to handle stress; to reduce stress; to suppress an emotional reaction; to pass information.


X. Make up a list of word-combinations to characterize:

•altruistic emotions; •sympathetic emotions; •disinterested emotions; •nonverbal communication; •stress experience; •relaxation training.

XI. What would you feel if...:

a)you failed your driving test;

b)you passed your exam after two re-examinations;

c)you lost your purse;

d)you won the first prize;

e)you quarrelled with your parents;

f)you heard bad news.

XII. Make up your own sentences with the following words and word-combinations:

To exhibit controlled behaviour; to bore; to handle a situation; to face smth or smb; to fail; to keep in mind; to experience stress; to feel dejected; to put forth an idea; to displease smb.

XIII. Fill in the blanks with the words below:

1.The chief aim of Wundt and his students was to discover the ingredients of ......

2.Individuals try to adapt to the conditions of their social

3.Subjects used an extraordinary different... to problem.

4.New and more efficient techniques for investigating

...... people are being developed.

5.Children who have good relations with parents and siblings ... more readily to other children.

6.The rate of ... and the degree of motivation are seen to be closely related.

7.The experimenters have found that... makes subjects take longer to react.


8.In the early months infants appear to experience little beyond delight and ... .

9.James......... another scientist, Walter Cannon, to begin research under laboratory conditions in order to find out the nature of psychological changes that accompany emotion.

10.Any activity can bring ... — it depends on the individual and his attitude to the occasion.

(Stress-prone; pleasure; conscious experience; anxiety; environment; to have an impact on; learning; approach; to adjust; distress).

XIV. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1.Psychotherapy is directed towards the aim of relieving the chronic emotional state, either by a process or reeducation in which the patient learns to re-evaluate the situations in which he finds himself.

2.By means of the psycho-analytic method proposed by S. Freud people become aware of the causes which produce the anxious attitude.

3.Control of the emotional responses, and in particular, handling stressful situations, becomes easier as one trains to realize objectively his experiences.

4.Voluntary control is of importance in our adjustment to social environment and we should learn to cope with manifestations of negative emotions.

5.Our emotions can be conveyed either in terms of spoken words or body language, that is, by means of hand gestures, facial expression, eye contact and so on.

6.One of the best locations to study hand gestures is a political rally. Each speaker has already worked out his verbal messages calculated to produce approval on pan of the public.

7.The more you travel the globe making observations of the language of the human body, the more optimistic you become. Everyone talks about the differences that


exist between nations and cultures and societies but, by contrast, there are so many similarities, so many shared emotions and common moods.

8.Smiling is perhaps our most important facial expression; by using the «happy mouth» as a greeting we can convey instant friendliness.

9.In partnerships and marriages, those who can't adapt, who think compromise is a dirty word, who are convinced that a person is either good or bad; right or wrong, have a slim chance of success.

10.American psychologists Gottman and Krokoff found that in the marital situation those spouses who could give each other «positive strokes» and who supported and appreciated each other's talents and qualities, were more likely to survive.

XV. Comment on the quotation:

A world-renowned zoologist and psychologist Desmond

Morris said, «Human beings are animals. We are sometimes monsters, sometimes magnificent, but always animals. We may prefer to think of ourselves as fallen angels, but in reality we are risen apes.»

XVI. Translate the following sentences into English:

1.On испытывал постоянный страх в присутствии этого человека.

2.Если испытываешь желание достичь определенной цели, исполнение лучше, чем когда такого желания нет.

3.Психолога интересует, какое влияние окружающая среда оказывает на внутренний мир человека, его

мысли и чувства.

4.Настроение — длительное эмоциональное состояние, которое придает определенную эмоциональную ок-

раску другим переживаниям, а также мыслям и дей-

ствиям человека.

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