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              1. 14. A room

              2. a) a den

b) a cabinet

c) a brush

d) a curtain

e) a birch

Выберите слово которое не относится к слову ’door’:


a) a window

b) a spy hole

c) a peephole

d) a door frame

e) a door lock

Ответьте на вопросы.

16.A person who rents a land or a building:

a) a tenant

b) an owner

c) a landlord

d) a widow

e) a witness

17.What do we do when we enter a dark room?

a) we switch the light on

b) we screw in a bulb

c) we pull the curtain aside

d) we go to sleep

e) we run away

18.How do we call a room just below the roof of a house?

a) a loft

b) a cellar

c) a garage

d) a balcony

e) a penthouse

19.What do we say when we see a house which is falling into decay?

a) We must do repairing.

b) We must invite friends.

c) We must move in.

d) We must air in it.

e)We must rearrange everything.

20.Сan town-houses be purchased and rented?

a) yes

b) no

c) I don’t know

d) I doubt

e) partly

21.What can you say about mobile homes?

a) They can be moved from place to place.

b) They can’t be purchased.

c) They can be moved by bicycle.

d) They are located in special mobile home parks called mobile towns.

e) They are usually in the very center of cities.

Выберите правильный вариант.

22.B & B :

a) комната в наем с предоставлением завтрака.

b) агентство по продаже недвижимостью.

c) меблированная комната.

d) первоначальный взнос.

e) »Просьба, не беспокоить.»

23.The holding of a land or a house in absolute ownership for life is:

a) a freehold

b) a lease

c) a rent

d) a board

e) a tenement

Выберите правильный вариант перевода.

24.Medicine for internal use:

a) лекарство для внутреннего использования.

b) лекарство для внешнего использования.

c) лекарство для ежедневного использования.

d) лекарство для частого использования.

e) лекарство для детей.

25.Сделать глубокий вздох :

a) to take a deep breath

b) to take a wide breath

c) to get a deep breath

d) to get a wide breath

e)to breathe a deep breath

Выберите правильный перевод к словам в скобках.

26.There is nothing more unpleasant than (заболеть) when you are away from home.

a) to get ill.

b) to ill

c) to sick

d) to take ill

e) to take sick

27.If you want some (лекарство) a doctor will give you (рецепт) that you can get at (аптека).

a) medicine, prescription, chemist’s

b) mixture, prescription, chemist’s

c) medicine, recommendation, chemist’s

d) medicine, prescription, hospital

e) powders, prescription, chemist’s

Выберите правильный вариант.

28.What do we do if you are ill?

a) I go for a medicine.

b) I give a direction for myself.

c) I don’t consult a doctor.

d) I breathe deeply.

e) I feel my pulse.

29.Put the thermometer under your …:

a) arm

b) leg

c) ear

d) hair

e) teeth

30.Выберите подходящее слово к “medicine”:

a) teaspoon

b) mixture

c) pills

d) powder

f) ointment

Тестовые задания к итоговому контролю за I семестр

Выберите правильную форму глагола «to be»

1. He ….. the best student in the first course

      1. Is

      2. Am

      3. Are

      4. Were

      5. was

2. The stamps…… in my desk




d) am

e) were

3.We …..pupils two years ago

      1. were

      2. was

      3. is

      4. are

      5. am

4……you at the library now?

  1. are

  2. was

  3. is

  4. were

  5. am

5.I believe that she ….. busy at 5 o’clock tomorrow

      1. will be

      2. was

      3. is

      4. am

e) are

Используйте конструкцию There is(not)/ there are (not),

there was (not)/ there were (not).

6. ….. an interesting lecture on political economy yesterday

  1. there was

  2. there are

  3. there is

  4. there were

  5. there were not

7. Excuse me, …… a restaurant near by ?

  1. is there

  2. are there

  3. there are

  4. there is

e) there were

Выберите правильный предлог.

8. Give my kind regards … your sister. I haven't seen her … ages.

a) to / for

b) for / for

c) about / in

d) of / to

e) during / for

9.How are you getting … ? - Not too bad, thank you.

a) on

b) under

c) in

d) for

e) about

10. How would you address a director of the company you work for?

a) Sir

b) Doctor

c) Director

d) Mister

e) Professor

Выберите правильную форму глагола.

11…… you have classes every day?

  1. Do

  2. Have

  3. Did

  4. Are

  5. Had

12. I….. post the letters yesterday.

a) didn’t

  1. haven’t

  2. don’t

  3. doesn’t

  4. will

13.The conference…… be held on Monday.

a) will

  1. are

  2. do

  3. is

  4. have

  1. “Do you speak English?”- “Yes. I….

a) do

  1. am

  2. will

  3. have

  4. will

Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. I'm busy at the moment. ….. on the computer.

a) I'm working

b) I working

c) I work

d) I'm work

e) I've worked

16. My friend…… the answer to the question.

a) knows

  1. is known

  2. knowing

  3. is know

  4. know

17.I think I'll buy these shoes. ….. really well.

  1. They fit

  2. They have fit

  3. They are fitting

  4. They were fitting

  5. They fitted

  1. Where ….. the car?

  1. did you park

  2. did you parked

  3. parked you

  4. you parked

  5. were you parked

Дополните предложение.

19. When an Englishman passes a friend in the street he…… .

  1. touches his hat

b) shakes hands with him

  1. kisses him

  2. only smiles at him

  3. embraces him

Выберите правильный перевод предложений.

20. They were long past forty.

  1. Им было далеко за 40.

  2. Им было более 40.

  3. Им было около 40.

  4. Им только что минуло 40.

  5. Им было менее 40.

21. Tom is gone.

  1. Том умер.

  2. Том уйдет

  3. Том ушел.

  4. Том болеет.

  5. Том уезжает.

22. Jim dated his girl every now and then.

  1. Джим время от времени встречался со своей девушкой.

  2. Джим редко встречался со своей девушкой.

  3. Джим и его девушка отмечали годовщину знакомства.

  4. Каждый раз Джим назначал свидание девушке.

  5. Девушка назначила свидание Джиму тогда.

23. He was up to ears in love with his girl-friend.

  1. Он сильно любил свою девушку.

  2. Он по уши влюблен в свою девушку.

  3. Он любит свою девушку за ее уши.

  4. Его девушка любит его уши.

  5. Он хочет, чтобы девушка любила его уши.

Выберите правильный вариант перевода.

24. "мачеха"

  1. stepmother

  2. old girl

  3. wife

  4. maiden

  5. old woman

25.An apartment or flat built on the roof of a tall building?

  1. penthouse

  2. verandah

  3. greenhouse

  4. loft

e) patio


  1. sleepyhead

  2. sloppy

  3. villain

  4. virtue

  5. nuisance

27. "лодырь"

  1. slacker

  2. shirker

  3. scoundrel

  4. snobbish

  5. ignoramus

28.жадный, алчный человек

  1. greedy man

  2. thrift person

  3. careless person

  4. stingy man

  5. frugal man

29.строительная площадка

  1. construction site

  2. garret

  3. basement

  4. building square

  5. construction


  1. flower bed

  2. flower garret

  3. flower square

  4. flower floor

  5. flower site

Выберите правильный ответ.

  1. How do we call a 1-3 year old child?

  1. toddler

  2. child

  3. kid

  4. baby

  5. the only child

33.A barrier made of wood or metal, put round a garden?

  1. fence

  2. basement

  3. loft

  4. den

  5. court

34.If a marriage finishes you get…….

  1. divorced

  2. a family

  3. a ticket

  4. children

  5. alone

35.How do we call a bridegroom's friend at the wedding?

  1. best-man

  2. best-friend

  3. mate

  4. a bridegroom's friend

  5. close-man

36.How do you call your wife after a divorce?

  1. ex-wife

  2. mate

  3. spouse

  4. new wife

  5. divorced wife

37.To what part of the ear are earrings attached?

  1. earlobe

  2. eyelash

  3. mouth

  4. jaw

  5. cheek

37.How do we call a person who lost his hair?

  1. bald man

  2. a man with curly hair

  3. man with short hair

  4. man with plaits

  5. man with a mop of hair

Выберите правильный вариант.

38.Scarlet fever is a catching…….

  1. disease

  2. illness

  3. sickness

  4. disorder

  5. malady

39.His ……. prevented him from going to school.

  1. illness

  2. disease

  3. sickness

  4. disorder

  5. malady


  1. прозвище

  2. имя

  3. родное имя

  4. фамилия

  5. шифр


  1. предки

  2. последователи

  3. родственники

  4. соседи

  5. друзья

42.A second wife of one's father

  1. stepmother

  2. grandmother

  3. niece

  4. aunt

  5. foster mother

43.A man who has never been married

  1. bachelor

  2. widow

  3. widower

  4. family man

  5. spinster


  1. образованный

  2. воспитанный

  3. скромный

  4. добрый

  5. честный


  1. честный

  2. храбрый

  3. веселый

  4. щедрый

  5. тактичный

Выберите правильный вариант объяснений слов.

46.The part of the face above the eyebrows.

  1. forehead

  2. cheeks

  3. chin

  4. eyelashes

  5. skin

47.The natural color and appearance of the skin (esp. the color of the face)

  1. complexion

  2. color

  3. countenance

  4. face features

  5. frown

48.The hair that grows on the edge of the eyelid.

  1. eyelashes

  2. eye hair

  3. eyebrows

  4. eyelids

  5. eye moustache

49.The hair on a man's face below the mouth.

  1. beard

  2. shadow

  3. mouth hair

  4. moustache

  5. whiskers

50.The face and its expression.

  1. countenance

  2. complexion

  3. features

  4. form

  5. appearance

Выберите правильный перевод.


  1. простодушный

  2. заурядный

  3. посредственный

  4. смышленый

  5. одаренный


a) невоспитанный

b) неуважительный

c) неучтивый

d) нетребовательный



  1. послушный

  2. расточительный

  3. экономный

  4. благородный

  5. учтивый

Выберите правильное объяснение.

54.A house which stands alone and is not joined to any other?

  1. detached house

  2. terraced house

  3. semidetached house

  4. duplex house

  5. hut

55.A barrier made of wood or metal, put round a garden?

a) fence

  1. basement

  2. loft

  3. den

  4. court

56.An apartment or flat built on the roof of a tall building?

a) penthouse

  1. verandah

  2. greenhouse

  3. loft

  4. patio

57.A chair with support for arms

  1. armchair

  2. step

  3. tile

  4. furniture

  5. cushion

58.A piece of furniture with drawers for storing clothes

  1. chest of drawers

  2. tile

  3. furniture

  4. studio apartment

  5. sofa

59.A person who owns something as his property

  1. owner

  2. retailer

  3. dweller

  4. freehold

  5. seller

60.A payment made periodically for the use of land or living quarters

  1. rent

  2. tenant

  3. money

  4. earnings

e) wages