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1. Make the following nouns plural.

Car, potato, dictionary, baby, roof, child, man, boy-friend, toothpaste, boy, sheep, person, mouse, mother-in-law, shelf, fox, fish, year, money, man-servant, day, knife, tape-recorder, information, address, institute, hair, foot, story, wolf.

2.Choose the correct verb is / are. Mind the noun (singular or plural).

1. Ladies and gentlemen. Here _____ the news.

2. Where _____ my jeans?

3. Further information _____ available in the office.

4.The stairs _____ over there, Sir.

5. The furniture in our classroom _____ uncomfortable.

6. The USA _____ a very nice country.

7. Your sunglasses _____ on the table.

8. Homework _____ boring.

9. The scissors on the table _____ mine.

10. Physics _____ not easy.

3. Make selected nouns plural. Don’t forget to make other changes in the sentences.

1. His child studies very well. 2. This man works at our office. 3. There is a new house in our street. 4. This story is very interesting. 5. The roof of the house is covered with snow. 6. I have hurt my foot. 7. That car has been sold. 8. He keeps his toys in the box. 9. In our country a woman is equal to a man. 10. Put this knife on the table.

4. Choose the correct word in brackets.

1. My hair (is, are) clean.

2. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine (is, are) not sharp enough.

3. There (is, are) hair in my soup.

4. I’d like 3 (dozen, dozens) of eggs.

5. Knowledge (is, are) power.

6. I need my glasses. Where (is, are) the glasses?

7. The police (is, are) looking for the stolen car.

8. Money (is, are) not everything.

9. Last Saturday we went fishing, but we didn’t catch many (fish, fishes).

10. Some people (is, are) always late.

11. Mathematics (is, are) an exact science.

12. The (louse, lice) were caught.

13. The news (is, are not) very bad today.

5. Choose the correct form of the compound noun.

1. Cinderella had two cruel _____ .

A. step-sisters B. steps-sisters

2. There were ten _____ in the choir.

A. woman-singers B. women-singers

3. _____ are so beautiful.

A. Forgets-me-not B. Forget-me-nots

4. She had two _____ .

A. brothers-in-law B. brother-in-laws

5. Both of his grannies are _____ .

A. housewifes B. housewives

6. Letters, newspapers and magazines are delivered by _____ .

A. postmen B. postman

7. There had been no _____ till the second half of the 19th century.

A. women-doctor B. woman-doctors

8. There were some thrilling _____ in the park.

A. merry-goes-rounds B. merry-go-rounds

8. All the _____ smiled at the scene.

A. passer-byes B. passers-by

9. The _____ were dressed in the scarlet uniform.

A. men-servants B. man-servants

10. _____ cater for all needs of the clients.

A. Hotels-keepers B. Hotel-keepers

6. Write selected nouns singular. Make changes in the sentence where necessary.

1. Women and children sat on the bench. 2. The keys to the boxes were lost. 3. The documents have been signed. 4. The mice were caught. 5. These factories produce furniture. 6. Copies of these letters will be sent to London. 7. The cargoes will be discharged tomorrow.

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