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Introductory text

Notes to the text:

to look(ed) forward (to) – чекати з нетерпінням

The point is that… – Річ у тім, що…

to have (had; had) nothing to do (with) – не мати нічого спільного (з)

to be of great importance – бути дуже важливим

folk customs and rites – народні звичаї та обряди

to arise (arose; arisen) in prehistoric time – виникати в доісторичні часи

to evolve(d) through centuries – розвиватися протягом століть

to blend(ed) with – змішуватися (з)

farming, herding and hunting – хліборобство, скотарство й полювання

persistent effort – наполегливе зусилля

country people – сільські жителі

to observe(d) – дотримуватися, відзначати

farewells to army recruits – проводи призовників до армії

sovereign country – суверенна держава

to commemorate(d) – відзначати подію, бути нагадуванням

toarrange(d) –влаштовувати, домовлятися (про)

sweetheart – коханий, любий

to congratulate(d) on – вітати (з)

Easter; Easter egg – Пасха, пасхальне яйце

Christ’s rising from the dead – воскресіння Христове

fascist invaders – фашистські загарбники

tomb – могила

firework – феєрверк

Very often we look forward to holidays to enjoy ourselves. The word “holiday” comes from the words “holy day”. The point is that all the holidays were first religious festivals, but nowadays many of them have nothing to do with religion. Each country has holidays honouring important events in its history. Many historical events are of great importance for all people and countries throughout the world.

As we live in Ukraine, we have our own customs and traditions, holidays and festivals. Folk customs and rites arose in prehistoric times and evolved through the centuries of Ukrainian history, blending in many cases with Christian rites. They can be divided into:

  • family customs and rites (birth, marriage, burial rites);

  • seasonal-productive customs and rites, tied to farming, herding and hunting;

  • communal customs and rites (mark certain events in the life of the community).

Recently a persistent effort is being made to revive folk rites. In the last few decades the country people have been turning to ancient folk customs and rites such as New Year’s rites and its special carols (shchedrivky); spring songs (vesnianky); the procession of nymphs and Kupalo festival, which are associated with harvest celebration (obzhynky); marriage rites: celebration of birth, involving godparents and christening linen; and farewells to army recruits.

The New Year holiday is widely observed in Ukraine. The most common type of celebrating is the New Year party, either a family party or one arranged by a group of friends. This usually begins at 9 o’clock and goes on till the early hours of the morning. There are a lot of drinking and eating on the festive table; but the main thing is that the New Year is the holiday of expectations. The children decorate the New Year tree with toys and coloured lights. When the clock strikes 12, everybody drinks champagne and says to each other, “Happy New Year!”

Christmas Day is observed on the 7th of January. This holiday is of religious origin. Most people observe the tradition of going to church and having a tasty dinner. But in Ukraine people do not exchange presents on this holiday as it is in the case of Great Britain and many other countries.

On the 8th of March we celebrate Women’s Day. It is a nice spring holiday when men give presents and flowers to their wives, sweethearts, girlfriends, sisters and daughters. Children congratulate their mothers on this holiday, or send them a holiday card with the best wishes.

Another great holiday is Easter, the holiday of celebrating Christ’s rising from the dead. It is time of giving and receiving presents which traditionally took the form of an Easter egg. The Easter egg is the most popular emblem of this religious holiday.

The 9th of May is Victory Day, the sacred day for every Ukrainian citizen, the holiday of victory over fascist invaders. People lay flowers to the war memorials, to the tombs of the people who died in the war. There are commemorative meetings all over the country. War veterans are greeted and there is a salute and fireworks in the evening.

One of the greatest holidays in Ukraine is Independence Day. It is celebrated on the 24th of August. On this day, Ukrainians celebrate the birthday of Ukraine as a sovereign country. There is a military parade with orchestra and national blue-and-yellow flags in Kyiv. Everybody is welcome to attend or join in the music festivals and concerts held on this day.

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