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тесты по грамматике.doc
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1. Translate and report the sentences.

1. The manager explained, “ $350 per unit is quite a reasonable price. As you know we have improved the model. And besides the price includes export packing. And the quality of our pumps is higher and we've delivered a lot of pumps to different countries of the world at this price.”

2. The Buyer said, “Yes, we know that. But we also know that on the market prices for this type of pumps are much lower than yours. And still, Mr. Bell, we find the price somewhat high. I'd like to stress that it is our trial order. And if we are satisfied with our deal, you can expect repeat orders from us.”

3. The representative informed Mr. Jackson, “We have studied carefully all the technical information received from you. Model A183 is just what we need.”

4. Mr. Jackson objected, “ I can't agree with you here. Our price is quite reasonable if you consider the superior quality of our machine tools. Besides prices for this type of equipment have been going up for the last 3 months. These machine-tools, as you know, are in great demand now.”

5. The chief asked, “When are your inspectors coming? When will you begin the final tests? As far as I know. The preliminary tests that we made a fortnight ago were quite satisfactory and I hope we'll be able to send the test report next week.”

2. Restore direct speech.

Mr. Brown reminded to Mr. Perry that during their previous meeting they had not agreed on the prices for the accessories quoted by their firm, as they were unreasonably high. And asked if he was ready to discuss that question then? He also wanted to explain in detail the reason, which caused a slight difference in price as compared with those of their competitors. The point was that they had bought most of the accessories from other firms so those items accounted for the difference in price. Besides Mr. Brown added, that unlike their competitors they bought the accessories for the basic equipment from subcontractors. And he suggested buying the accessories direct from the manufacturers by-passing their agency? In case if that was impossible he wanted to know if they could eliminate the difficulties if they gave Mr. Perry’s company a discount off the total sum of the order?

3. Translate into English.

1. Директор объяснил, что единственное, что они могут сделать, это предоставить нам скидку в 2% от стоимости контракта.

2. Мы поинтересовались как насчет условий платежа? И выразили надежду, что платеж с аккредитива против погрузочных документов устраивает наших клиентов.

3. Бухгалтер сообщила, что мы должны после их уведомления о готовности товара к отгрузке открыть аккредитив в Московском народном Банке.

4. Управляющий объяснил покупателям, что этот вопрос обсуждался на Совете директоров, но они не нашли путей его решения. Покупатели сказали, что они понимают наши проблемы, но это не делает цены на наше оборудование конкурентоспособными.

5. Наш начальник сказал, что нам придется поехать в командировку в Витебск. Так как наши поставщики все еще не отгрузили сахар согласно контракту № 23-С. Он выразил надежду на то, сто нам удастся решить эту проблему к концу недели.

Test 13

  1. Write reported questions. Begin them with the words given in brackets.

1.Who built that enormous bridge? (I wonder...)2.What's Brazil like? (I wanted to find out...) 3. Did Benjamin Franklin write 'Poor Richard's Almanac'? (I can't remember ....) 4. How do you do it? (Can you tell me ...) 5. Whom did you meet at the party? (I'd like to know ...) 6. How long have you been waiting for me? (I wondered ...) 7. What happened to them? (Nobody cares ...) 8. How important is that meeting to the company? (Can you tell me ...) 9. When was the film produced? (Nobody remembered ...) 10. Have they flown a dinghy too? (I don't know ...) 11. What is it called in English? (I can't remember ....) 12. Should people be allowed to smoke in public places? (I'd like to know ....)

  1. Put the following sentences into Direct Speech.

1. She said that there was nothing that anyone could do for her. 2. The girl asked her friend if he was going to take part in the conference. 3. She recommended to discuss the matter in private. 4. She asked the shop-assistant what the price for the beef was. 5. He admitted that he had not the slightest interest in the social questions. 6. The old man said that she was a very wise woman but she was not so wise as he was. 7. I asked the receptionist if he had any rooms to let. 8. We asked the secretary what was her boss doing at the moment. 9. We asked Mr. Flynn what firm they had done business with before they came to us. 10. Mr. Brown advised not to take part delivery.

  1. a)Put the required form of the verbs in brackets.

b)Change the dialogue into Indirect Speech.

(Peter and Karen work in a large company. They are having dinner in the company cafe).

P. - Hi, Karen. Glad to meet you. You …1(look) very busy this morning. There (be) so many statements on your table.

K. - Oh, Peter. This is the end of the year. The accounting department is very busy.

P. - I know. We …2(be) all very busy, totaling accounts. But I already …3 (turn) in the report on my


K. - Good.

P. - So, how's business?

K. - I don't know everything. I …4(be) busy with some records and statements. I …5 (not have) the whole

picture. But I think the company …6 (do) very well now.

P. - I am sure of it. We have to keep our creditors and investors happy.

K. - Well, the balance sheet and profit and loss statement are ready. It is the end of the fiscal year. So everybody can check out the assets and liabilities, net worth and profit position of the company in the financial statements.

P. - … you ….7 (work) with the pay checks?

K. - Why you …8 (ask)?

P. - I thought you …9 (can) explain me the big difference between my gross pay and my net take-home pay.

K. - The explanation …10 (take) only one word-taxes. Actually the salaries are done through the computer.

P. - Really?

K. - Sure, We can't handle any volume in a large company without computers.

P. - You are right. Thank you for very interesting information.

K. - Oh, its my pleasure. Let' s go to get some dessert.