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6. Passive voice


Exercise I: put the following into passive voice and translate the given variant into Russian.

  1. The Sellers dispatched the quick-wearing parts the other day.

  2. The Buyers have just got down to examining the operation and maintenance and assembly instructions.

  3. Smith and Co will undertake to purchase replacements subject to the Sellers’ extending the guarantee period by 2 months one of these days.

  4. Our management is comparing the tender of Brown and Co with the one of their competitor now.

  5. Their vice-president always insists on attaching all current publications and specifications with the formal order.

  6. The engineers of yours were still acquainting with a set of drawings when your regular inspectors waived the tests.

  7. Our firm had insured the grinding machines with the insurance company against damages in transit before the former considered the enclosure.

  8. The total damage to the consignment is to the amount of $ 1,500.

Exercise II: translate into Russian and then say the same in Active voice.

  1. The original Bill of Lading was opened in full conformity with the contract last week.

  2. The efficiency and capacity of our drilling rigs are constantly examined by the Buyers.

  3. The expenses on storage of the goods have been cut down at least by 5 % lately.

  4. The correspondence is being thoroughly considered by our manager now.

  5. A full set of replacements will have been supplied with by us by the first of May.

  6. The release note for shipment and the notification of readiness will be attached to the whole set of trade documents when the contract is reconsidered.

  7. The irrevocable Letter of credit was being opened by our firm yesterday with the Moscow-Minsk bank when your representative got in touch with our manager.

  8. The consignment note is being handed to the consignee right now, captain.

Exercise III: translate into Russian paying attention to the Actives and Passives.

  1. Вчера на собрании акционеров обсуждали ряд деловых вопросов по слиянию компаний.

  2. Наша фирма подтверждает гарантию на оборудование и замену быстроизнашивающихся деталей со скидкой в 5 %.

  3. Текущие цены на шлифовочные станки сейчас пересматриваются.

  4. Продавцы уже взяли на себя обязательство проследить за сборкой и введением в эксплуатацию турбобуров.

  5. Транспортные расходы были указаны в отчете бухгалтера.

  6. Наша фирма ознакомится с Вашими образцами страхового полиса, как только Ваш представитель свяжется с нами.

Test 2

  1. Choose the proper auxiliary verb:

1. If taxes…increased on beer, the brewers’ profits will go down and jobs…lost.

a) will be/will be b) are/are c) are/will be d) will be/are

2. На днях был достигнут кворум.

a) has been b) was c) did d) be

3. После того, как обсудили условия платежа, директор ушел.

a) were discussed b) had been discussed c) was discussed d) discussed

4. One of these days a new agreement…concluded.

a) was b) will c) will be d) will have been

5. When manager came in, the fax…still got.

a) will be b) was c) was being d) did

6. Before they put the tools into operation, the maintenance instructions…considered.

a) will b) were c) be d) will have been

  1. Say it in Passive if possible and translate into Russian:

  2. In addition the Sellers have enclosed with the mail the newest catalogue and price-lists with all technical data of their famous model.

  3. We are going to promote the computer of the latest generation at the next exhibition.

  4. The competitors were hesitating whether they should take part in the next exhibition.

  5. In conformity with our previous transaction we are to open an irrevocable Letter of Credit with the London bank no later than July, 5th for the full value of the commodity ready for shipment.

  6. Their new bookkeeper is doing her best to sign the cheque and to get their salary in the bank by 5 p.m.

  7. When their new personnel manager got down to business, they were not practising recruiting internally for higher positions.

  8. Translate into English, using either Passive or Active:

1. Вы должны будете произвести платеж согласно контракту № 43ок не позднее 5 февраля, если только грузоотправитель не сможет отправить партию в порт назначения до срока, указанного в пункте 3 вышеупомянутого соглашения.

2. От имени и по поручению нашего комитета я хотел бы известить Вас, акционеров компании с ограниченной ответственностью Ваилшау, о финансовой несостоятельности нашего филиала в США.

3. Их постоянные покупатели только вчера отказались от проведения тестов на территории завода продавцов и обратились к нам с весьма перспективным предложением.

4. По просьбе наших партнеров тщательно изучаются все издержки на транспортировку и складирование товара за последние 3 месяца.

5. Только в начале прошлого квартала наши лучшие инженеры произвели ряд важнейших изменений в отделке нашего турбобура, а уже в конце этого квартала были устранены последние дефекты в изоляции моторов.

6. До того, как первая партия энергетического оборудования была поставлена нашим новым покупателям, представитель последних настоял на повторном проведении испытаний, так как за последние несколько лет неоднократно присылали жалобы (complains of) на дефекты в быстроизнашивающихся деталях.

Test 3