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25. Tasks.

a)Complete the pre text task.

b)Find the English for the following Russian phrases and use them in discussing the text.

Занимать первое место в списке; служить для транспортировки товаров; хотят передвигаться свободно; проявлять энтузиазм; страсть к уединению, относятся терпеливо и к..., и к...; разработать надёжную стратегию; предмет непрерывных споров; политика; уменьшение интенсивности движения.

c)List English terms relating to transport. Give their Russian equivalents.

d)Match each word on the left with its dictionary definition on the right.

What letter does number 1 go with?

1. a schedule

a) either of the two periods in the day when


people are travelling to and from work in the


crowded streets.

2. regular

b) careful in choosing.

3. to serve

c) to go, to run.

4. a rush hour

d) a person travelling on foot in a street or


other place used by cars.

5. selective

e) which happens at the same time each day.

6. privacy

f) a system of carrying passengers or goods


from one place to another.

7. a pedestrian

g) a particular policy, course, or plan of action.

8. transportation h) the state of being away from other people


that they cannot see or hear what one is



9. a trend

i) a formal list, a time;table for trains, buses.

10. a strategy

j) a general direction in the way the situation is



11. to move

k) to provide with sth useful.


e)Replace the underlined parts of the sentences by words and phrases from the text.

1.John is very careful in choosing clothes, especially when he buys his suits.

2.He’d like to discuss in detail this idea before he goes on to the next point.

3.There are several important subjects that they have to talk about.

4.The British are very much interested in watching video.

5.The shop has articles for sale from various countries.

6.His policy of playing the game was sudden attack.

7.Discussions between the brothers can go on for hours.

f)Study the expressions with the word “matter”. Match the left side column with the right one to produce new sentences.

His trip to Japan



Making friends



life and death.

Regular payments




The President’s speech




Her privacy




A visit to San Francisco


Road traffic reduction


great importance.

The transportation of products


The new law



Developing businesses

is a matter of

national importance.



little importance.

g) Look through the text a second time and say:

1) Why don’t Londoners like to live near big roads? 2) How many cars does a British family use regularly? 3) Why are the British enthusiastic about mobility? 4) What is special about English people’s driving habits? 5) What is the subject matter of continual debate in Parliament? 6) What kinds of travellers is traffic reduction popular with? 7) What policy is the LPAC developing?


h) Give a presentation on the transport problems in the UK.

How Does It Compare to Your Culture?

Eyes on public transport problems in Russia...

i)Discuss the following points.

1.Do you think the situation is the same as in London? Why? / Why not?

2.Is there a reliable transport system in Moscow?

3.Do you often get stuck in a traffic jam?

4.Authorities need to think more about people’s health, don’t they?

5.What must the city mayor do about the traffic problem on the roads? Choose the best answer:

ban (изгнать) cars from the city centre;

charge drivers a fee (брать плату) for driving in the centre; improve public transport in the capital;

stop building motorways and spend the money on railways.

26. Translate the following text from Russian into English in writing. Use the words given below.


Bank of England


and New

St. Paul’s Cathedral


Stock Exhange


Путешествие в наши дни

Для бизнесмена деловая поездка – дело огромной важности. Когда ему приходится делать выбор между трёхчасовым путешествием на поезде и полётом на самолёте, длящемся всего час, он выбирает поезд.

Если подсчитать время в полёте, регистрацию на самолёт, поездку в аэропорт и обратно, то не получается никакой разницы.

Согласитесь, что в случае плохой погоды пассажиры, следующие по железной дороге, имеют шанс прибыть в назначенное место первыми.

Во многих странах Европы вошли в эксплуатацию высокоскоростные поезда на маршрутах Париж – Леон, Флоренция – Рим, Мадрид – Севилья, Гамбург – Мюнхен.

Новые железные дороги не только сокращают в несколько раз время в пути. Они предлагают пассажирам бизнес класса все условия для работы, включая телефон, факс, терминал ПК, копировальную машину и др.

(To calculate, check;in, to arrive at one’s destination, a high;speed train, Europe [ jVqrqp], to start operating, a route [rHt], to reduce a journey, a business user, facilities, including, a PC terminal, Seville [ sevIl], Hamburg [ hxmbE:g], Munich [ mjHnIk]).





27. Read the interview from the USA todayand say:

How many innovations does the article focus on? What are they?

Study the following words and word combinations.

at dusk – в сумерках

to produce – производить

to install – устанавливать что;л.

to lag behind sb – отставать

powerful [ paVq,fVl] – мощный

a device – устройство

system – система

visible – видимый

lights – сигнальные огни


to remind sb to do sth – напоминать


кому;л. сделать что;л.



to keep sb on someone’s toes – держать кого;л. начеку microwave [ maIkrqVweIv] – микроволновый

to illuminate sth [I lHmI,neIt] – освещать что;л.



Text B



“USA today” correspondent



Michael Harrison (President of LightGuard)

W =

Clark Williams (analyst with the Department of




CIn 1994 a friend of mine killed a pedestrian at dusk. My friend was depressed. I think there have to be better ways to protect people from accidents than two lines painted in the


WWell, yes. In fact, lots of American cities are computerizing their dangerous crossings. Some are installing powerful in;ground lighting systems. When a pedestrian steps into the street, the lights illuminate the walkway and are visible

to drivers more than 300 yards away.

HTwo companies, LightGuard and Traffic Safety Corporation, produce the lights. Drivers don’t get false alarms … I mean electronic sensors operate only when

a pedestrian is on the road. You feel safe because the system keeps drivers on their toes.

WBy the way, the lights are in place at 50 sites in 25 cities, including Walt Disney World in Florida. Portland and New York City plan to install the lights later this year.


That’s good news.


Besides, there are countdown signs that tell pedestrians


exactly how many seconds they have to cross the street. The


sign starts a digital countdown of 15 or 20 seconds after the


“Walk” signal comes on (появляться).

WI’d like to mention another innovation – electronic eyes. C Electronic eyes?

WYes. What we are talking about is the device that sits atop the “Walk” signal. When the “Walk” signal lights up,


a pair of electronic eyes looks left and right, reminding pedestrians to look both ways for oncoming cars.

CUhm…it’s clear that engineers are going in the right direction. And what devices are especially helpful for older


HThat’s a microwave detector. You know, new studies show that we typically walk 4 feet per second and the elderly walk

about 2.8 feet per second. If a pedestrian is lagging behind others, the walk signal automatically adds about 5 seconds to its cycle.

CThank you, very much.

28. Tasks.

a) Find the sentences in the text with the words and phrases below. Translate them into Russian.

Was depressed, adds about 5 seconds to its cycle, there have to be better ways, a walkway, don’t get false alarms, operate only when, to feel safe, …starts a digital countdown, are going in the right direction, helpful.

b)Complete the pre text task.

c)Suggest Russian equivalents for the names of the American devices.

a lighting system – a countdown sign – electronic eyes – a microwave detector –

___________ ___________ __________ _______________

___________ ___________ __________ _______________

d) Scan the text and say:

how each of these things works; what are its good points;

what companies produce the device;

what cities have it / are planning to install it.

e)Give a brief summary of the text. Say if any of the facts you’re talking about is new to you.

f)Decide which of these headlines best reflects the main idea of the text. Give your reasons.


1.How to protect pedestrians from accidents.

2.Safety dilemma is solved.

3.American cities installing high;tech safety devices.

4.Computerized crossings.

5.Engineers are going in the right direction.

Section III


Set 1

Make sure you don’t get lost


Убедитесь, что не потеряетесь

29. Read, dramatize and report the following dialogues.


at regular intervals – через равные промежутки времени an arrival [q raIv l] – прибытие

a schedule [ Sedju:l] – расписание

Catching the bus

Washington Square. New York City

Alexander: Pardon me! Do the buses stop here? Passer–by: Yes. Most downtown buses stop at this corner.

Alexander: I want to go to Washington avenue. Can I take any bus that stops here?

Passer–by: You can take any bus except number 12. The number 12 turns off at Richmond street.


Alexander: What are the usual intervals between the bus arrivals?

Passer–by: About every fifteen minutes according to the schedule that you can see over there.

Alexander: How often do the buses run?

Passer–by: In fact, the buses don’t always run at regular inter; vals. Look! You don’t have to wait any longer. A bus

is coming. It’s a number 5, you can take it.


1.Why shouldn’t Alexander catch bus number 12?

2.Do buses always run at regular intervals?

3.Why is Alexander lucky this time?

4.In what country is the action taking place?

Asking for and giving directions



to change to – сделать пересадку (в другой поезд) the next stop but one – через одну остановку


Good afternoon! Do you know how to get to




Where are you starting from? Roosevelt avenue?


That’s correct.


Take train number seven. Get off at Times Square


and change to train number two. Get off at the next


stop but one.


Is Brooklyn far from there?


No, it’s within a 10–minute walk from there.


Thank you.


You are welcome!


1.What kind of transport is Barbara using? Where is she going?

2.Why does she have to change at Times Squre? Is there a through train to Brooklyn college?


3.Where must she get off?

4.Where is the action taking place? Give your reasons.





to take the first turning on the left – свернуть



на первом повороте налево


Excuse me. I wonder if you could tell me the way to


Waterloo Station.


Walk down this road, take the second turning on the


left. Then walk until you come to the river and...


The river?


Yes. You can’t see it very clearly from here. When


you come to it, there’s a bridge. Just walk across it.


Follow the signs that say “To Waterloo Station”.


You can’t miss it.


And is it very far? I mean, how long does it take to


walk there?


About 15 minutes if you walk quickly.


I see. Thank you very much.


Not at all.


1.What place is Tom looking for?

2.Can the policeman show him the river from there? Why not? What phrase shows that Tom is confused?

3.Is the Waterloo Station within walking distance? What signs does Tom have to follow?

4.Where do you think the action is taking place?

30. You were lost in a town.

a) Read some expressions. They are marked with stars, according to how polite they are.

*Hey, do you know where ... is?

**I wonder if you could tell me the way to ... ?

***Good morning. Have you got any idea how to get to ... ?

****Excuse me, but could you possibly tell me ... ?


b) What were Barbara’s / Tom’s exact words as they turned to the residents for help? Mark their language according to the rules of politeness.

с) Here is some of the language you may need to understand when asking for directions.

Go down/along........./ straight ahead.

It’s on the left/right. but

Take the first/second turning on the left/right.

It’s quite a long way.

It takes you about ..........

to walk.

I’m not absolutely sure I think it’s...

I’m afraid I’ve no idea. Sorry, I’m a stranger here


31. Simulation.

You’re a stranger to a town. Build a conversation with a passer by using the cues below.


traffic lights – светофор


______________________the Central Hotel?





_______________________ a stranger here.


Yes. _________that road, _________ second


turning _____ right. Then ____ until


________traffic lights ...


Traffic lights?


Yes. _______not very clearly. When _______


first turning, ____ right, ______not miss it.


_________? How long _________walk there?


10 minutes ____________ quickly.



32. Look at the map.