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2.– Как давно вы её знаете? – С тех пор, как она стала заниматься литературой. Она всегда была старательной студенткой и никогда не останавливалась на полпути.

3.– Вы cделали свой выбор? – Ещё нет. Всё зависит от того, сколько готов потратить мой отец.

4.С нетерпением жду встречи с Джоном. Не помню, когда я видел его в последний раз.

5.– Вы уже подали заявление о приёме на работу? – Да, на прошлой неделе я написал резюме, а затем договорился о собеседовании.

6.– Вы только что записались на курсы английского языка, не так ли? – Да, я должен был поддержать друга, который предложил посещать занятия вместе. Подзаняться языком – это отличная идея.

7.Он ждёт ответа несколько недель, но до сих пор не получил никакого известия.


A achieve

achievement aim

annoy astronaut

B brush up

C calm

challenge capable (of) carry out challenge


deal (with) degree

do one’s best

E economic encourage exhaust experiment


fall in / out of love (with)

former function

G give up guide

Word List (Unit 16)




have a command








in terms of

prejudice (against)







jont venture





qualify as/for





letter of introduction


look forward (to)






make an appointment


make a choice


make a decision


make a discovery


make notes

take up

make a phone call


make a reservation


make sure

upset (a plan)

master a skill












SHOW REASON AND TOLERANCE Все, что нам нужно – это разум и терпимость


* Future Simple. Future modals.

If and when clauses. Future in the Past. (See Grammar Supplement, p. 591)

* The world conservation movement.

* Discussing probability.

Study unit 17 and roleplay.

At the conference

You’re an ecologist working in Russia. At a conference you meet an official from the British Embassy. You’ve touched upon a global topic – how to prevent ecological crises.


Начните разговор с обсуждения прогноза погоды на ближайшее будущее.

Ответьте, что за последнее время зима в России стала теплее в результате глобального потепления.

The British official

Узнайте у вашего собеседника, как долго в Москве продержится холодная погода.

Отметьте, что, на ваш взгляд, такие явления (phenomena) как, например, пожар в тропических лесах Бразилии, меняют климат на земле.

Согласитесь, что глобальное


потепление и кислотные дож-

Напомните российскому эко-

ди – это проблемы «без пас-

логу, что в 1992 г. Великобри-


тания принимала участие в


порта». За прошедшие 20 лет они стали важнейшим аспектом международных отношений.

Скажите, что вы понимаете, как трудно достичь согласия. Попросите британского дипломата сделать прогноз относительно того, как будут развиваться британско/российские отношения в будущем.

Добавьте, что в следующем столетии нации, наконец, найдут решение злободневной (burning) экологической проблемы.

конференции ООН по проблемам окружающей среды. Каждая нация выдвигает для переговоров широкий круг вопросов (to bring to the negotiating table a wide range of issues).

Выразите уверенность, что обе страны направят свои усилия на достижение (cooperate toward) бо´льшей стабильности в Европе и мире.

Скажите, что вы не теряете оптимизма на этот счёт.

Section I





Set 1

Predict the future


Предскажите будущее

1. Prices of most things have gone up a lot in recent years. What changes will take place in the next fifteen years? Can you predict how much these items will cost in five years’ time?

a cup of coffee

a family car

a colour TV set

a box of matches

a pair of shoes

a quartz wristwatch

20 cigarettes

1 litre petrol

a stamp for a letter abroad

2. What do the stars say about next year happenings? Match the words in the columns below.




a scientist [ saIqntIst] – учёный



will win


famous some day.



The queen


will be


in restaurants.



will become


much warmer.



will make


on a long journey.



will go


changes in our life.



will eat out


the football championship.

More people


will get


different in many ways.

The weather


will have


remarkable discoveries.






3. Discuss the future events in the following way.


Will the train arrive soon?

Yes, it will. It will arrive in 5 minutes.

1.the train/start? (at midday)

2.the concert/begin? (at 7 o’clock)

3.your brother/get married? (at the end of April)

4.you/be ready to leave? (at 10.15)

5.you/see your parents?(next Saturday)

6.you/take you English exam? (in June)

7.Jennifer/start her own business? (next month)

8.clothes/be very different? (in the year 2025)

3a. Answer in the negative. For practice, use the sentences of task 3.


Will the train arrive soon?


– I don’t think so. It won’t arrive until



4. Pairwork. Talk to your partner who is interested in your predictions for the near future.

Example 1: – Do you think it’ll rain tomorrow?

– Maybe it will, and maybe it won’t. We will just have to wait and see.

1. Max will train as a pilot.


2.She will forget about you.

3.It will be very warm in spring.

4.John will apply for a new job.

5.We’ll do a course in ecology [I kPlqGI] next year.

6.You will move into a new flat.

7.He will need George to help him.

8.“Dynamo” will win the hockey match.

Example 2: – When do you think you’ll make a decision?*

– In a few days.

1. make a choice

5. plant trees on the campus

2. take the exams

6. fix an interview appointment

3. enrol in an English course

7. go to Canada on business

4. graduate from university

8. create designs for the new



5. Ask your friend what he’s decided to do in the following situations.


A. What career do you think you’ll take up


after university?


B. I really can’t decide. I might work in mana/


gement, or I might travel around the world.

He wants to read some literature after classes. Will it be professional literature or fiction? Ask “What?”

He’s going away on business one of these days. Will it be Mexico or Japan? Ask “Where?”

He’d like to go out tonight, but he isn’t sure about the place. Will it be a concert hall or a museum? Ask “Where?”

He’s planned to go on a picnic, but the weather forecast predicts rain for today. Ask “When?”

He wants to invite guests for dinner, but he can’t decide what time to fix for the party. Ask “What time?”

* When do you think you will make a decision? Вопрос в вопросе, после которого следует прямой порядок слов в предложении.


6. Read some of the scientists’ predictions.

“What will everyday life be in the 21 st century?”


garbage – мусор


a well – колодец

to cure a disease [dI zJz] – излечивать болезнь close [klqVs] at hand – рядом, поблизости

to run out of sth – истощаться, иссякать

Where will we live and work?

By the year 2100 the world population will be 9.5 billion (6 billion now). Almost 60% of the world’s population will live in town. We will live in neighbourhoods where places to work, shop and play are close at hand.

Will we keep fit?

To keep fit, we’ll spend more time on bicycles. As we move to the 21st century, most of us will have to keep away from our computer or TV to burn off calories. No matter how great are technologies, we will still have to go hand in hand with diseases.

The global AIDS epidemic will get much worse before it gets any better. AIDS will be the major killer of young Africans. Anyway there’s reason to hope that doctors will be able to cure many diseases.

Will we still eat meat?

Around the world millions of wells are going dry. Governments will act to cut these deficits by supplying water to grow food, not feed animals. Meat will become very expensive. Humans will eat vegetables that use less water and land and provide the protein we need.

Will we run out of gas?

The earth’s supply of fuels will last a long time. Humans will keep warm, to light buildings


and operate computers, to power the cars that get us around, the tractors that plant food, the hospitals that serve our sick.


a)Answer the questions listed in the text.

b)Ask and give more detailed answers.

1.Will the population of our planet be 7 billion? Ask “What?”

2.Will most part of the population live in the country? Ask “Where?”

3.Will we need any special living conditions? Ask “What neigh/ bourhoods?”

4.Will we travel more by cars? Ask “How?”

5.Will diseases disappear? Ask “Why /Why not?”

6.Will cancer be the major killer of young Africans? Ask “What?”

7.Will governments supply water to feed animals? Ask “What for?”

8.Will humans eat more meat? Ask “Why / Why not?”

9.Will people experience difficulties with fuel? Ask “Why/Why not?”

10.Will homes and factories use energy? Ask “What for?”

c)Choose the statement you most agree with.

Trying to discover new planets is vital for our future. In 400 years we will probably colonize (заселять) Mars.

Intercontinental aeroplanes will travel at 3 times the speed of sound.

What were considered science fiction films 20 years ago will now be considered reflections of reality.

d) My predictions.

Imagine the future of your country. Try to express your fantasy in words and make notes having in mind a few different aspects.

life style



food and health




Set 2

What will you be able to do?


Что вы сможете сделать?

7. What kind of an English teacher would you like to have? Place the qualities of a good teacher in order of priority.


I’d like to have a teacher who will


explain rules on the spot.


to protect [prq tekt] sth – охранять, защищать the environment [in vaIqrqnmqnt] – окружающая среда

challenge students to talk in English; discover what they want to do; create a free atmosphere in class; prepare students for working life;

cultivate artistic talents (for music/art);

cultivate a real interest in the culture of the target language; teach students to protect the environment

8. Show enthusiasm while talking about your abilities, in the following way.


Last year

Next year



I couldn’t speak English fluently last year,



but I hope* I will be able to do it next year.

take up sports


go to Cyprus for a holiday

pass a driving test


enter an agricultural college

work for a joint venture

understand the real English speech

start my own business

read English books in the original

* В современном английском языке для обозначения будущего после “hope”часто употребляются глаголы в Simple Present:

I hope she likes (= will like) the flowers. I hope the bus comes soon.


9. Read these conversations and dramatize similar dialogues using the clues below.

A.I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you take photos tomorrow.

B.You won’t. Why not?

A.I’ve got to service my car.

B.Don’t worry about it. I’m sure I’ll be able to take photos myself.

1.cook supper / get tickets for a ballet;

2.do housework / make several business calls;

3.water the garden / have a game of tennis;

4.make arrangements for the trip / practise the piano;

5.write a letter / have a family reunion;

6.make a copy of this letter / translate an article;

7.get to the university / go to a job interview;

8.do the shopping / visit my cousin in hospital.

A.I’ve decided to practise English out of class.

B.That’s great! Do you really think you’ll be able to do it?

A.Yes, I do, but it won’t be easy. Do you think I’m making the right decision?

B.I think practising English is a wonderful idea.


pollution [pq lu:Sqn] – загрязнение окружающей среды

1. study nature;

4. enter Harvard University;

2. get married;

5. pass a special exam to be an ecologist;

3. do military service;

6. take a course in linguistics;

7.speak against pollution;

8.get a driving license;

9.arrange for a job interview.

10.These people are at a loss in different situations. What do you think they will have to do?