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  1. Does the yellow (the back) car process correctly?

Answer: No, the solid line does not allow any cars for passing/over taking.

  1. What does car have to do if it is going to turn to the right?

Answer: Stop and let car ข passes first then turn right

  1. If you want to take road X,

Which traffic lane do you have to take 1 or 2?

Answer: You can take both lane 1 and lane 2.

  1. The B car is going to join one way road, after he turns right which traffic lane does he have to take, 1 or 2 ?



Answer: Lane 1

  1. If he wants to turn right to the alley,

what does he have to do?

Answer: The yellow stripe area is a safety zone which it does not allow any cars to pass or stop or run over, so this car has to pass this area and u-turn and then turn left to the alley.

  1. Does the car park correctly?

Answer: No, because it parks in the area of bus stop.

He needs to park away from the bus stop15 meters before

or 3 meters after the bus stop.

  1. Does the car park correctly?

Answer: No, because it parks in the area where roads cross. He needs to park at least 10 meters away from any cross roads or t-junction.

  1. Does the car stop correctly?

Answer: No, he needs to stop at least 5 meters away from the railroad. (Park: 15 meters)

  1. Does the park correctly?

Answer: No, because the car parks on the right side opposite with the traffic direction and obstructs the on coming traffic.

  1. Does the car park correctly?

Answer: Yes, because he parks on the left side within 25 centimeters from the curb.

  1. Does the car park correctly?

Answer: No, because he parks in the prohibitive zone. Red and white paint on the road curbs means cars are not allowed to stop or park.

  1. Does the car park correctly?

Answer: No, he needs to park at least 3 meters away from the pedestrian cross.

  1. Do these cars park correctly?

Answer: No, because yellow and white paint on the road curbs does not allow any car to park except temporary stop for loading and unloading.

  1. Does the car park correctly?

Answer: No, because he parks in the safety zone which it does not allow any car to park.

  1. Does the car stop correctly?

Answer: Yes, because he stops for the pedestrians to cross the road first.



30 Questions

  1. Which is the most correct:

  1. Speed limit of driving inside urban area is 80 km/h

  2. Speed limit of driving outside urban area is 90 km/m

  3. Speed limit of driving inside and outside urban area is 80km/h

  4. A & B are correct

  1. Which type of following vehicles is prohibited on being used on roads:

  1. Cars with broken back lights

  2. Cars with 80 dzb

  3. Army tanks

  4. Tractors with rubber wheels.

  1. Which one is most correct:

  1. Slow speed cars have to keep left

  2. When turning around, you have to give signal 60 m before U-turn sign.

  3. Drivers have to give hand signal when turning.

  4. All are correct.

  1. No overtaking in which of following cases:

  1. There is obstruction on the left side of the road

  2. Within 30 m from junctions

  3. Overtake on the left while the front car is turning right.

  4. 150 m before bridge foots.

  1. When do you turn on head lights:

  1. It is raining

  2. It is emergency

  3. It is foggy and vision is less than 150 m

  4. Turn left

  1. What you should not do:

  1. Driving when sleepy.

  2. Overtake on the left while the front car is turning right

  3. Racing with police permission

  4. All are correct

  1. Where you cannot park:

  1. In front of schools

  2. At right side on a lane road.

  3. At steeply downhill and uphill areas

  4. Area of police stations

  1. What you have to do when seeing Ambulances:

  1. Slow down your vehicles

  2. Stop vehicles or park on left side.

  3. Stop and continue immediately when ambulances pass already.

  4. Park at bus stations.

  1. What you have to bring along with while driving:

  1. Car handbook.

  2. Driving license.

  3. Tax receipt.

  4. ID card.

  1. What you have to do when you see red flashing lights:

  1. Continue driving

  2. Stop your car, observe left and right hand sides, and continue when it is safe.

  3. Drive through carefully

  4. Slow down, drive through carefully.

  1. What you have to do when you have over length cargo:

  1. In day time, put a red flag with dimension 30 x 45 cm

  2. During night time, fixed red light with vision of 150 m.

  3. Secure the cargo with ropes.

  4. All are correct

  1. What you should do when driving on steeply downhill roads:

  1. Shift gear to neutral b)Take break

  2. Turn off engine d)Use low gear

  1. Where it is prohibited to turn around:

  1. At a junction, unless there is a traffic sign permitting vehicles to turn around.

  2. At a space between dividers in the middle of the road.

  3. 150 m from the plain of a bridge foot.

  4. When there are cars coming from opposite side with the distance of 150m.

  1. What is most correct way to tow cars:

  1. Tow more than one car per time

  2. The length of rope / cable between 2 towed cars is not shorter than 3 m and not longer than 10 m

  3. Either lift up front or back of pulled cars whose steering wheel or break is broken down.

  4. A & B are correct.

  1. What is not allowed:

  1. Overtake from 100m before junctions

  2. Parking in front of post office

  3. Drive on footpath

  4. All are correct.

  1. What you have to do when dealing with roundabout :

  1. Always Give Way to traffic from Right

  2. Know your exists, traffic moves clockwise

  3. Indicate correctly

  4. All are correct

  1. Which is the most correct:

  1. Lend your driving license to others.

  2. Do not use cars without tax payment

  3. Use your own registration plates.

  4. Lend your cars to somebody ,

who has no driving license.

  1. What is not allowed:

  1. Overtake from 50 m before a junction.

  2. Park at right side on one way road.

  3. Make u-turn at a junction

  4. All are correct

  1. What you have to do when seeing the yellow flash light:

  1. Drive through carefully

  2. Drive through immediately

  3. Slow down and drive through carefully

  4. All are correct

  1. Which vehicle is not allowed to use:

  1. Cars without registration plates

  2. Cars without tax payment

  3. Cars without registration

  4. All are correct

  1. What you have to do when you are sleeping during driving:

  1. Drink coffee

  2. Drive slowly

  3. Stop driving for awhile

  4. Take drugs

  1. What is the most suitable distance between vehicles on roads:

  1. 18 m

  2. 30 m

  3. 50m

  4. Driver has to estimate the distance

by himself for safety.

  1. What is the meaning of this sign:

  1. Do not go straight forward

  2. No overtaking

  3. Stay in the lane

  4. Road is blocked ahead.

  1. What you have to do when seeing this sign:

  1. Stop your car; give up the way to coming vehicles from opposite side.

  2. Drive through carefully

  3. Slow down, and drive carefully

  4. Do not go straight forward

  1. What is the meaning of this sign:

  1. Slow down or stop to give up the way to coming vehicles

  2. Be able drive through

  3. Keep left

  4. Stop your car to give up the way to bigger vehicles.

  1. What is the meaning of this sign:

  1. Do not stop at this area

  2. Before entering main road, you have to stop the car, observe if there is any coming car.

  3. Stopping for loading / unloading

  4. Parking area

  1. What is the meaning of this sign:

  1. Junction in 50 m

  2. Speed limit 50 km/h

  3. Do not drive slower than 50 km/h

  4. Weight limit 50 ton.

  1. What is the meaning of this sign:

  1. Turn right

  2. Turn right only

  3. Keep right only

  4. No turn left.

  1. What is the meaning of this sign:

  1. No u-turn

  2. No u-turn ahead

  3. No turn back.

  4. A & B are correct

  1. What you have to do when your car is broken down:

  1. Leave your car on the road

  2. Leave your car with emergency lights on the road

  3. Leave your car with emergency light and warning sign.

  4. Leave your car with opened hood.

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