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50 Questions

  1. Which is the main cause of rear-end collisions?

a) Traffic lights changing suddenly

b) Stopping at every junction

c) Pedestrians crossing in busy, built-up areas

d) Driving too close to the vehicle in front

  1. You are driving at the legal speed limit. A vehicle comes up quickly behind flashing its headlights. You should?

a) Maintain your speed and prevent the vehicle from overtaking

b) Touch your brakes to show your brake lights

c) Accelerate to maintain a gap behind you

d) Allow the vehicle to overtake

  1. You are driving at night and are dazzled by headlights of an oncoming car. What should you do?

a) Pull down your sun visor

b) Close your eyes

c) Stop or slow down

d) Flash your headlights

  1. You are driving on a wet road. You have to do an emergency stop. What should you do?

a) Select reverse gear

b) Give an arm signal

c) Keep both hands on the wheel

d) Apply the handbrake and footbrake together

  1. In which situations should you avoid overtaking?

a) In a one-way street

b) Just after a bend

c) On a 30 mph road

d) Approaching a dip in the road

  1. Driving with under-inflated types can effect:-

a) Your gear-box

b) Oil pressure

c) Engine temperature

d) Fuel consumption

  1. What is the nearest you can park your vehicle to a junction?

a) 10 meters b) 12 meters

c) 15 meters d) 20 meters

  1. Which of the following statement is correct?

a) The roads are safe after being gritted

b) Gritting ensures the roads are not slippery

c) Gritting is a waste of time and money

d) In freezing conditions take care even if the roads have been gritted

  1. Which statement is correct?

a) Never reverse from a side road into a main road

b) Never reverse from a main road into a side road

c) Where possible reverse out of a driveway

d) It's O.K. to reverse your car for longer than necessary

  1. You are about to reverse into a side street. A pedestrian wishes to cross behind you. You should:-

a) Give way to the pedestrians

b) Wave to the pedestrians to cross

c) Wave to the pedestrians to stop

d) Reverse more slowly

  1. Your vehicle pulls to one side when you brake. What is the most likely cause of the problem?

a) Incorrect tire pressure

b) Your handbrake is still on

c) Low brake fluid level

d) Poorly adjusted brakes

  1. During an emergency stop your wheels lock and skid, would you:-

a) Turn the steering wheel to the left

b) Turn the steering wheel to the right

c) Release the brake and let the vehicle roll to a stop

d) Release the brake and then re-apply it

  1. You are following a vehicle on a wet road. You should leave a time gap of at least:-

a) one second b) two second

c) three second d) four second

  1. Driving past a row of parked vehicles. What should you look out for?

a) Drivers moving off without looking

b) Car doors opening

c) Pedestrians walking out from between them

d) All a, b and c

  1. You are about to drive but you feel unwell. You should?

a) Take suitable medicine before driving

b) Shorten the journey if you can

c) Not drive

d) Promise yourself an early night

  1. You should NEVER attempt to overtake a cyclist:-

a) On a dual carriageway

b) On a one way street

c) Just before you turn left

d) Just before you turn right

  1. What is the most common factor in causing road accidents?

a) Bad weather

b) Driver error

c) Turning right only

d) Mechanical failure

  1. When may you enter a box junction?

a) Only when your exit road is clear

b) Only when there are less than two vehicles in front

c) Whenever you need to turn right

d) Whenever the traffic lights show green

  1. You are driving along a motorway. A vehicle in front switches on its hazard warning light while it is still moving. What does this mean?

a) There is a police car ahead

b) The vehicle is leaving the motorway

c) The vehicle is changing lanes

d) There is a hazard ahead

  1. What is the most important factor in avoiding running into the car in front?

a) Having tires that meet the legal requirements

b) Making sure your brakes is effective

c) Keeping the correct separating distance

d) Always drive at a steady speed

  1. You are following a long vehicle. It approaches a crossroads and signals left but moves to the right. What should you do?

a) Get closer to overtake quickly

b) Stay well back and give it room

c) Overtake as it slows down

d) Assume the signal is wrong. It is really turning right

  1. Why might a motorcyclist steer round drain covers on a bend when the road is wet?

a)To help judge the bend

b) To avoid puncturing the tires on the drain covers

c) To avoid splashing pedestrians

d) To prevent the motorcycle sliding on the metal covers

  1. It is essential that tire pressures are checked regularly. When should this be done?

a) After driving at speed b) After a lengthy journey

c) When the tires are cold d) When the tires are hot

  1. Before you make a U-turn in the road, you should:-

a) Look over your shoulder for a final check

b) Give an arm signal

c) Select a higher than normal gear

d) Flash your head-lights to warn other drivers

  1. You are driving your car and there is the first shower of rain for weeks. What is the greatest danger to you?

a) Being distracted by the wipers making a noise

b) The brakes getting wet and needing drying out

c) The road becoming very greasy and slippery

d) Being dazzled by oncoming vehicles' lights

  1. You notice a bus signaling to move off from a bus stop ahead. You should:-

a) Slow down and give way b) Speed up

c) Signal to the bus driver with your headlights and give way

d) Continue at the same speed

  1. You are joining the motorway. Why is it important to use the slip road?

a) Because you can slow down if you need to

b) To build up speed similar to traffic on the motorway

c) To get into the fast lane

d) To continue on the hard shoulder

  1. If your vehicle is fitted with ABS braking, what effect is this most likely to have on the vehicle and the way it can be driven?

a) The brakes are better in the wet

b) The brakes can stop the car in a shorter distance

c) You can steer and brake together

d) The brakes will lock up quicker

  1. If you are driving your car through a ford or flood water, what gear should you be in?

a) First or second gear b) Top gear

c) Third gear with slipping clutch

d) No gears at all, freewheeling

  1. You should only flash your headlights to other road users?

a) To tell them you have right of way

b) To show them you are about to reverse

c) To show them you are giving way

d) To let them know that you are there

  1. You are about to go down a steep hill, to control your speed you should?

a) Select a low gear and avoid using the brakes

b) Select a high gear and brake carefully

c) Select a low gear and use the brakes carefully

d) Select a high gear and brake firmly

  1. When going straight ahead at a roundabout, you should?

a) Indicate right when approaching the roundabout

b) Indicate left before leaving the roundabout

c) A+B

d) Do not indicate at any time

  1. What is the main reason why your stopping distance is longer after heavy rain?

a) Water on the windscreen will blur your view of the road

b) You may not be able to see large puddles

c) The brakes will be cold because they are wet

d) Your tires will have fewer grips on the road

  1. What colors are MOTORWAY signs?

a) Mostly blue b) Mostly brown

c) Mostly green d) Mostly red circles

  1. Your Doctor has given you a course of medicine. Why should you ask if it is OK to drive?

a) Some medicine can cause your reactions to slow down

b) Some medicine may affect your eyesight

c) Drugs make you a better driver by quickening your reactions

d) Your Insurance company will have to know about the medicine

  1. Whilst driving you notice a cyclist riding on the pavement. You should:-

a) Switch on your hazard warning lights

b) Rev your engine

c) Drive on quickly

d) Expect the cyclist to move into the road without warning

  1. Your overall stopping distance will be much longer when:-

a) Driving in the rain b) Driving at night

c) Driving in the fog d) Driving in strong winds

  1. One Red unbroken line painted parallel with the curb is informing drivers of?

a) Clearway. No Stopping

b) Restrictions on parking

c) Only applicable to lorry drivers

d) Restrictions on weight of vehicle

  1. When waiting to emerge into a main road, if you cannot see because of parked cars what should you do?

a) Wait a few seconds before proceeding

b) Creep forwards until you can see and proceed when safe

c) Stop at the line and wait until you can see

d) Stop at the line and sound your horn

  1. How would you react to other drivers who appear to be inexperienced?

a) Overtake them as soon as possible

b) Flash your headlights to indicate that it's safe for them to proceed

c) Be patient and prepared for them to react more slowly

d) Sound your horn to warn them of your presence

  1. You are driving in heavy rain. Your steering suddenly becomes very light. What should you do?

a) Steer towards the side of the road

b) Apply gentle acceleration

c) Brake firmly to reduce speed

d) Ease off the accelerator

  1. You are approaching a bend at speed. You should begin to brake:-

a) On the bend

b) After the bend

c) After changing gears

d) Before the bend

  1. If you consider the vehicle behind you is following too close, what should you do?

a) Flash your brake lights on and off

b) Accelerate away to increase the gap

c) Apply your brakes suddenly

d) Increase the gap between your vehicle and the one in front by slowing down very gently

  1. Overloading your vehicle can seriously affect the:-

a ) Steering b) Gearbox

c) Battery life d) Journey time

  1. You are most likely to lose concentration when driving if you:-

a) Switch on the heated rear window

b) Look at the door mirrors

c) Use a mobile phone

d) Listen to the radio

  1. A basic rule when on motorways is :-

a) Overtake on the side that is clearest

b) Try to keep above 50mph to prevent congestion

c) Use the lane that has least traffic

d) Keep to the left lane unless overtaking

  1. Objects hanging from your interior mirror may:-

a) Restrict your view

b) Help your concentration

c) Provide entertainment

d) Improve your driving

  1. Why should you make sure that you have cancelled your indicators after turning?

a) To avoid flattening the battery

b) To avoid misleading other road users

c) To avoid dazzling other road users

d) To avoid damage to the indicator relay

  1. How can you, as a driver, help the environment?

a) By reducing your speed

b) By using leaded fuel

c) By driving faster

d) By harsh acceleration

  1. You are on a narrow road at night. A slow moving vehicle ahead has been signaling right for some time. What should you do?

a) Flash your headlights before overtaking

b) Signal right and sound your horn

c) Wait for the signal to be cancelled before overtaking

d) Overtake on the left





















































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