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Grigoriy Grabovoy - Resurrection and Eternal L....doc
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Second commentary

Let us consider next fragment of declaration.

At January 16, 1999 son Dmitry (born at 1965) and grandson Michele (born at 1985) in one voice tell us that they saw at night on next wall alive Valentine near to photo of lion. Dmitry closed the eyes and opened again. Valentine was still there. Then Dmitry waked up Michele and convinced that Michele see Valentine to.

From general principles of resurrection follow if resurrection accomplish in presence of relatives, in this case Dmitry and Michele, then resurrection accelerated and access to exit of resurrected man simplified. Resurrection realizes in presence of these two witnesses. They saw living Valentine near to big lion photo. Important that in area of resurrection presented photo of animal. Instead of photo, it can be real animal cat, dog, or some plant. We considered this question in case 1. Presence some different object provides dispersion of attention. This decreased load on people and accelerate resurrection.

Therefore, we can form following rules.

As much as possible number of people should be involved in resurrection process. Then resurrection will accomplish faster.

Best way is to involve in resurrection relatives.

Presence of animal significantly improved the resurrection. Even if this animal presents on photo, like in considered case.

By the way, presence of lion has one additional property, which provides to see link between resurrected man and environment. In connection with that, I consider information opportunities of eagle and lion.

When lion moves he almost know which situation will happen and what will happen with him around one hour. That is difference between lion and other animals. For better understanding Let us think about well-known situation.

In modern airports, airplanes were landing almost every minute. Dispatcher provides safety he must see on screen of radar motion of all airplanes and control arriving and departure. Let us consider shortly how works radar. Radar sends short electromagnetic impulse (beacon) in some direction. If in this direction fly airplane, then signal reflects from airplane and going back. On radar screen is displayed bright point. Time of signal reflection corresponded with distance. In the next moment radar sends signal in next direction and that is the way to scan air space. As result all airplanes in air space will presented on display.

Let us interrupt for a moment to discuss abilities of animals and birds.

Unusual animals and birds abilities

Therefore, lion has possibility to scan space of further events around for one hour. He can see future events as present events. Notice too, that we are talking about scanning of time, which is scanning of further events. This scanning of time we can use later.

Periodically lion sends impulse of consciousness from his breast area and receives reflected signal with knowledge of further events.

This impulse forms in stomach area, and reflects from stomach walls going through brain and sends from stomach area. This is first signal. Second signal immediately sends from brain. Two signals joins together and uses for time scanning. When forms this signal lion stomach tightened and looks like rugby ball and impulse sends from one of it poles.

Let us consider one more example based on ostrich possibilities. Well known such expression, “ostrich policy,” which means that in the moment of danger he plunks his head in sand instead of rescue. In fact, the reason is different.

Ostrich can scan time for one minute ahead. Hence, if he sees real danger he runs away. This approves American scientists in experiment with balls. If the danger is potential and ostrich knows that nothing, bad can happen then he sticks his head in sand. In the danger beginning to stay real, he runs away.

Let us go back to lion. Lion scans time approximately at one hour ahead. If for example he will be able to scan for one hour and twenty minutes, then he lost some of unnecessary motions but he cannot allow that for itself.

One difference between scanning of environment between lion and radar is important. Beacon of radar is electro-magnetic wave is moving with light speed. Impulse from lion consciousness is nowhere moving and is nowhere extending here is not take place any motion. This impulse appears immediately in point where lion intends to go. This impulse appears in point and reflects from point after scanning space around.

For reflected signal is existed wave expanding, in contrary to direct impulse. This wave expands with very high speed, which is much more than light speed. Then this wave went back to it source.

Let us consider direct signal. For better understanding Let us imagine this process in following form. When lion intends to go through some area in his mind appears appropriate thought. Let us imagine it information form as cylinder. When at lion appears this thought, then immediately appears at the destination point slightly different cylinder of information, Let us say shaped like a cone. His appearance inducts on base principle of information fragment links. Then information will scan around the destination point.

Conditionally, we can say that this cylinder consists two parts. One part always contains in information because principle of “ALL CONTAINS IN ALL.” Second part of this cone like cylinder contains will information of lion. By the way, here calculates will fragment and illuminates spirit segment.

Spirit control is a govern structure. Spirit manages the consciousness.

This hierarchy is naturally correspondent with decision process.

When lion receives the reflected signal first decision makes with spirit, govern structure. For example, something is ahead and needs to jump. Then signal processes with consciousness and based on that lion makes decision, in this case where needs to run.

If we consider, in contrast behavior of tiger we can recognize different situation. At tiger spiritual control replaced with work of expanded consciousness and hence tiger is little bit late.

Therefore, we can see that lion significantly dominates to tiger in spiritual control, like also to the other animals. Namely, that ability illuminates lion from other animals and namely this ability makes lion king of animals.

If we consider human being abilities in that context then we can detect following. At human being is exist special separated segment of spiritual level and spiritual control is involved in Lord contacted structure. Consequently, human being can developed very fast if he has that desire.

Let us make one more notice. If spiritual control system of human being or any object develops much more than consciousness system and takes control of all cells and consciousness itself, then human being or object will be non-destroyable at all. Because the consciousness owned highly developed spiritual principles can create matter, and, therefore, any physical body, in partial case, body of human being.

Let us consider unique representative of birds about which we were talking in introduction. This is the eagle. Among the other abilities eagle can scan also space of future events.

First impulse he sends from feathers, even this part of body seems not appropriate because feathers can be lost. Nevertheless, it is true. Second impulse sends from eyes like at lion. Then these impulses will join and complex impulse will use for space scanning. The other parts of body will be in practice not involved in this process. Only when eyes closed then sent system of parallel signals from body. Other birds can do that. Thus, if close eyes of falcon then he cannot scan space, and, therefore, he not fly.

Let us talk about time. When the eagle scans space of future events in one hour, then he sees self, all processes, interconnections and analyzes all in complex. Perception of that accomplishes with direct or irrational vision. Next half hour he sees self and somewhat else, but background start to be unclear. Eagle can sees self for next 5-7 hours. We can compare this vision with thread which extends in space and which provides for eagle ability to feel where problem and not fly in that. Some of eagles can use irrational vision for orientation in flight. This provides more clear vision than eyes. However, eagles use this kind of vision quite rare because in that case will be appeared big load of skeleton.

Here can be added that eagle have perfect possession of teleportation.

If you observe birds flight you can see that sometimes they going down and then up with usage of air stream power. Perfect example of that fight has albatross. He speeded up when going down and then when he is close to surface he turns again wind and going up.

Eagle also has this ability. However, now we interested in another thing, which he use. Well known, that when eagle comes down with high speed and then seems he hit the earth and then immediately he comes up. The observer supposed that after landing he jumps from earth. However, here happens something different. When the scientists from Austral made the movie of that flight, then they saw that the eagle not touched earth at all. This case remains as enigma.

Indeed, the eagle be seeing the future and be known where he intend to fly when he jump from earth teleported himself in position where he will be after jump. Therefore, eagle has ability to teleportation.

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