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2.5 Translate the following into Russian:

Man-flight, man-powered aircraft, man-made aircraft, fixed-wing glider, powered airplane

2.6 Make the list of pioneers of aviation, then read the text and complete your list. Pioneers of Aviation

The history of Man's achievement in flight goes back through centuries. The first recorded attempt of flying in heavier-than-air craft is found in the Greek legend of Daedalus and his son Icarus who succeeded in propelling themselves through the air by means of wings attached to the body with wax. But the experiment proved fatal to Icarus who flew too close to the Sun, which melted the wax, the wings dropped off and he was drowned in the sea.

In the 15th century the great Italian painter, scientist and engineer Leonardo da Vinci began his investigations into the possi­bility of man-flight. He designed the first men-powered aircraft and devised a fixed-wing glider and a helicopter. He also invented the first prototype to the modern parachute. Leonardo constructed a number of models with which he experimented. But his mathematical cal­culations, observations and sketches demonstrating his ideas on the possibility of soaring in the air came to light only in the late 19th century.

Since then many experimenters tried to build and fly man-made aircraft. But successes were random until in the 19th century a German scientist O.Lilienthal designed and constructed several types of gliders. Between 1890 and 1895 he built and flew five monoplane fixed-wing gliders and two biplane types. Actually Lilienthal made about 2.500 successful flights between 1893 and 1896 becoming the greatest of the early pioneers of gliding and so the father of heavier-than-air flight.

In December, 1903 the two brothers by the name of Wright made the first successful controlled and powered flight. But the very first powered airplane was designed and constructed by A.S.Mojaisky in 1884, 19 years before the Wright brothers' flight.

Vocabulary development

2.8 Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

полет человека; летательный аппарат, приводимый в движение мускульной силой человека; планер с неподвижным крылом; вертолет; парить в воздухе; планировать; полет на летательном аппарате тяжелее воз­духа; облетать планер; управляемый полет; моторный полет (полет с двигателем); созданный человеком летательный аппарат.

2.9 Make up possible word combinations.


1) controlled a) aircraft

2) fixed-wing b) speed

3) heavier-than-air c) planes

4) man-made d) glider

5) aero-hydrodynamic e) flight

6) screw f) craft

7) flight g) institute

8) all-metal h) giants

9) multiengined i) bombers

10) long-distance j) fighters

11) highly-maneuverable k) theory

12) high-speed

2.10 Match the words in A to the definitions in B


1. investigation a) suitable and likely to make smth. happen or succeed

2. grateful b) happening or chosen without any definite plan, aim, or pattern

3. observation c) experience, endure

4. favourable d) the process of watching smth. or smb. carefully

5. undergo e) a careful search or examination in order to discover facts, etc

6. random f) thankful for gifts, favours, etc


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