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Verb. The category of voice

The voice of the English verb shows the direction of the process as regards the participants of the situation reflected in the syntactic construction. The voice of the English verb is expressed by the opposition of the passive form of the verb to the active form. The sign marking the passive form is the combination of the auxiliary “be” with the past participle of the notional verb. It expresses reception of the action by the subject of the syntactic construction, the passive subject, denoting the object of the action.

Still, not all the verbs capable of taking an object are actually used in the passive. In particular, the passive form is not used with many verbs of the statal subclass (have in direct possessive meaning, belong, cost, resemble, fail, etc. It must be admitted that the category of voice is represented in all the verbs, not only those which can be used in the passive, because other verbs express this category by their non-passivity. Sometimes they use the active form with the passive meaning: The shop opens at 10. The magazine doesn’t sell well.

Both the active and the passive forms have the same tense and aspect categories, but the passive forms where the auxiliary “be” must be doubly used as a verbid, are neutralized. So, the future continuous and all the perfect continuous tenses are not used, and the corresponding simple forms are used: The police will be keeping an army of reporters at bay. – An army of reporters will be kept at bay by the police.

We have been expecting the decision for a long time. – The decision has been expected for a long time.

The typical cases of use of the passive is when the subject is unknown or when the attention of the speaker is centred on the action as such.

Sometimes it is difficult to tell a passive construction from a nominal predicate with the link-verb “be”. The door was closed by the butler as softly as it could be. – The door on the left was closed. The predicate of the first sentence expresses an action, the second – a state. So, we must consider it a nominal predicate with a link-verb “be” and a nominal part expressed by a past participle.

Verb. The category of mood

Mood is the category which expresses the relation of the action to reality, as stated by the speaker. The mood in English is expressed by the opposition of the indicative and a number of oblique (косвенных) moods.

The use of the indicative mood shows that the speaker presents this action as real. No matter how fantastic or imaginary the action is, the attitude of it of the speaker is reflected in the form of the predicate. In the clauses with “if” the meaning of the verb form is that it is real under a certain condition. This is the mood which includes all the tenses, because the other moods don’t need any indication of the time of the action, as we don’t speak of it as about the action which happened, is happening or will happen.

The imperative mood presents the action as recommended, addressed immediately to the second person. Its formal expression uses the infinitive without “to”, which is demonstrated by the verb “be” – Be quick! - Its negative form is expressed by “don’t”, which makes it different from the negative infinitive “not to be quick” – Don’t worry! - Imperative mood forms are used in a specific structure of sentences, imperative, which are characterized by the absence of subject. The use of “you” as a subject of the imperative sentences is stylistically marked – You get out of here! - One of the forms of imperative is that with a modal verb “let”, which in this case loses its meaning. This form of the imperative can be addressed to the first and third person – Let us meet. – Let him come. –

The subjunctive mood expresses suppositional or desired activity. It has several types of meanings, according to which types of subjunctive are named, and several means of expression.


Means of Expression

1.Possibility (action thought of as conditionally possible, or as purpose of another action, etc.)

(1) (he) come (no ending, no auxiliary) (2) should come (should for all persons) (3) may

come (?)

2.Unreal condition,

unrealized wish

came, had come (same as past or past perfect indicative), used in subordinate clauses

3.Consequence of unreal


would come /would have come

The first type is known as subjunctive. It is used in that-clauses, when the main clause contains an expression of recommendation, resolution, demand (suggest, demand, recommend, insist, it is necessary, it is strange, it is advisable, etc).

- It is necessary that he should be informed of the rules. – It is necessary that he be informed of the rules.- Also it is used in the clauses of purpose after the conjunction “lest” – They covered the goods with canvas lest it (should) be damaged by rain.

The second type is known as “conditional”. It uses forms homonymous to Past Simple and Past Perfect. “Were” is used for all the persons instead of “was”. The forms have nothing to do with the time of the action, this action is only unreal condition. They express the degree of possibility of the action. It is used in conditional and concessive clauses and in subordinate clauses after verbs like “wish”. Instead of if-clause inversion can be used: Were I to see him tomorrow, I would ask him about it. – Had I seen him then, I would ask him about it.

The third type is called “modal subjunctive”. It uses in the main clauses analytical forms with modal verbs “would, might, could” + infinitive or perfect infinitive, it depends on the degree of possibility of the consequence of unreal condition. Those forms are different from the use of modal verbs in the indicative mood, because in the subjunctive the contracted forms can be used: If he did it, we’d know about it.

The fourth type can be called “formulaic subjunctive” it consists of the infinitive without “to”, but is only used in certain set expressions:

  • Come what may, we will go ahead.

  • God save the Queen!

  • Suffice it to say that …

  • Be that as it may …

  • Heaven forbid that …