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Reading week: no teaching. Use this time for research and preparation.

Week 7

Thursday 24.2.11

Lecture: The Great Depression and the New Deal: responding to catastrophe (Paul Charman)

Seminar: The Russian Revolution and its media. Seminar/essay question:

“The press always takes on the form and coloration of the social and political structures within which it is operating” (Fred S. Siebert). In what way is this true of the Russian media that emerged in the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution?


Brooks, Jeffrey (2000) Thank you, comrade Stalin!: Soviet public culture from revolution to Cold War.  Princeton University Press (esp. Chapters 1 & 2).

Lenoe, Mark (2004) Closer to the masses: Stalinist culture, social revolution, and Soviet newspapers. Harvard University Press.

Schramm, Wilbur (1956) ‘The Soviet Communist theory’ in Siebert, F et al. (1956) Four theories of the press. University of Illinois Press.

Figes, Orlando (1997) A people’s tragedy: the Russian Revolution 1891-1924. Pimlico.


Acton, Edward (ed) (1997) Critical companion to the Russian Revolution 1914-21. London: Arnold. Arutunyan, Anna (2009) The media in Russia Open University Press.

Allan, Tony (2002) The Russian Revolution. Heinemann.

Ascher, A. (vol 1 1988, vol 2 1992) The Revolution of 1905: Russia in disarray (vol 1) and The Revolution of 1905: authority restored (vol 2). Stanford University Press.

Berlin, Isaiah (2002) Karl Marx: his life and environment. 4th edition. OUP.

Bottomore, T.(ed.) (1991) Dictionary of Marxist thought. 2nd Edition. WileyBlackwell.

Carr, E H. (1985) The Bolshevik Revolution 1917-23: a history of Soviet Russia. Norton

Deutscher, Isaac The Prophet Armed (biography of Trotsky in several volumes).

Fitzpatrick, Sheila (1992) The cultural front: power and culture in revolutionary Russia.  Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Gaddis, John Lewis (2007) The Cold War. London: Penguin,

Gilbert, Martin. (2002) A history of the 20th Century. London: Harper Collins.

Hobsbawm, Eric (1995) The age of extremes: the short 20th Century 1914-1991.

Hosking, Geoffrey (1992) A history of the Soviet Union. Fontana.

Marx, K and Engels, F. (2002) The Communist Manifesto. London: Penguin. There are many other editions. This can be accessed in full online at http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto

Marx, K – various collected works.

Mazower, Mark. (1999) Dark continent: Europe’s 20th Century. London: Penguin.

McCauley,M. (2008) The origins of the Cold War 1941-1949. 3rd edition. Longman.

McLellan, D. (1983) Karl Marx: the legacy. BBC.

Perry, M. (2002) Marxism and history. Palgrave. ISBN0-333-92244-1

Plamenatz, J.(1992) Man and society.2nd ed. Longman. (Vol.2 on Hegel and Marx.)

Reed, John (1977) Ten days that shook the world (first published 1919). Penguin.

Sewell, Mike (2002) The Cold War. Cambridge University Press

Westwood, J N. (2002) Endurance and endeavour: Russian history 1812-2001. OUP

Wilson, Edmund (1991) To the Finland station (Penguin). (Written in 1940: covers the history of socialist ideas.)

Wood, Alan (2003) The origins of the Russian Revolution 1861-1917. Routledge.


Week 8

Thursday 3.3.11

Lecture: The rise of Nazism (Paul Charman)

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