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Grammar exercises Exercises to §1

1. Point out what part of the sentence the infinitive is and whether it has a noun or a verb function:

1 I have done all I could to help him.

2 He agreed to help us.

3 What makes you look like that?

4 To invite friends and to go with them for a walk was his favorite entertainment.

5 The next evening I went to see his house.

6 The old woman’s favorite occupation is to watch the children play.

7 I am too busy to go there more than once a week.

8 This is a good place to rest.

2. Fill the gaps with the particle to wherever necessary:

1 I want … sing the new song, but I cannot … do it, because I have no ear for music.

2 Can’t you … make your boy … prepare his lessons well?

3 She wanted me … go there immediately.

4 You may … do it when you like; only remember that this is … he done well.

5 We asked him … tell us the story in detail.

6 He watched the old man … walk slowly uphill.

7 I never meant … offend you.

8 Let her … play as long as she wants.

3. Use Infinitive Constructions instead of the italicized subordinate clauses.

1 The boys were the first who met us.

2 We expect that she will come and help us.

3 Take another pencil that you may write better.

4 Write down all their names lest you should forget.

5 He is so tall that he can’t go through this low door.

6 She saw that Sue drank the tea.

7 This is a good poem which you must learn by heart.

8 They invited their friends so that they might celebrate together that wonderful event.

4. Use the required form of the infinitive in brackets. Insert the particle to where necessary.

1 I decided (to make) a fuss, and went (to look) for Robinson.

2 We walked to the door and I saw her (to go) in and down the hall. I liked (to watch) her (to move).

3 Let’s (to go) and (to find) him, he’s sure (to be) in front of his picture.

4 It’s very interesting (to hear) you (to say) that.

5 Some important decisions must (to make) soon.

6 You must (to do) something heroic at that time.

7 I think he must (to suffer) from injury now.

8 You must (to dream) of it long.

9 She liked, passionately (to like), (to think) worthy of confidence.

10 Let me (to hold) the baby, Scarlet. Oh, I know how (to hold) babies.

11 She noticed that he seemed (to look) at the sideboard and with her engaging smile learned forward.

12 Do you want (to make) something (to happen)?

13 But there is something else (to do).

5. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one, using an infinitive or an infinitive phrase in the function of an adverbial modifier of purpose instead of the second sentence.

1 When he left Mrs. Otter Philip went. She wanted to buy drawing materials.

2 At last Lawson, exhausted, got up. He decided to go home.

3 It occurred to him that his information might be used. He wanted to help the girl.

4 So I went up to the counter and collected Octavia’s penicillin, then went back. I decided to sit and wait with George.

5 I read about your stow away and came. I wanted to see if I could help.

6 He made up his mind. He decided to be more reasonable.

7 He left the room. He wanted to see what I meant.

9 Then she looked up and down at the Westminster Bridge Road. She wanted to see if he was in view.

10 His niece put her face up. She wanted to be kissed.