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Оксана Карп.docx
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  1. Describe the picture close to the text using participle forms of the verbs.

3 Match the examples with the names of different participle forms.

1 Present Participle

a being spoken

2 Past Participle

b having been spoken

3 Perfect Participle

c speaking

4 Passive Participle

d having spoken

5 Perfect Passive Participle

e spoken

  1. Open the brackets and use the Present Participle or Perfect Participle form.

  1. ... (to write) out all the new words, I started to learn them.

  2. ... (to live) in Kyiv, he was able to see all the ancient monuments.

  3. ... (to hear) my friend's voice, I left the room to open the door.

  4. We went home, ... (to look) through the documents.

  5. ... (to drink) coffee she was talking to her pal.

  6. ... (To go) down the street, the boy was looking back from time to time.

  7. ... (to throw) the ball, the little girl ran home.

Change the sentence as in the example.

Example: After he had received all the necessary documents, he went to the police station.

Having received all the necessary documents he went to the police station.

  1. After Mary had passed all her examinations, she went to the seaside.

  2. After he had returned from the expedition, he made a very interesting report.

  3. As they had lived in Spain for four years, they knew Spanish very well.

  4. As Peter had lost the key, he could not enter the house.

  5. As the soldiers had been wounded, they were taken to the hospital.

  6. After Mr Jefferson had arranged everything, he went home.

  7. After the guests had taken off their coats, they went upstairs.

Choose the correct form of the participles.

  1. John, (having been seen I being seen), finally admitted to his parents that he smokes.

  2. The placement test, (carried out I carrying out) by our teachers, could give us a detailed picture of our student's knowledge.

  3. The carpet (covered I covering) the floor in his dining room was bought in Iran.

  4. Football fans were (asked I asking) to head towards the exit.

  5. The documentary on animals, (being recorded I recorded) yesterday, will be shown to our students.

  6. All the decisions, (having been made I being made) for hours, will be altered tomorrow in the light of new facts.

  7. A guide book (describing I having described) the whole area has been published recently.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Participle or Past Participle.

  1. The hunters were absolutely silent... (follow) the tiger's footsteps.

  2. The president climbed the stage, ... (follow) by his family.

  3. He arranged the whole trip for the English tourists ... (wish) to visit the Carpathian Mountains.

  4. She had to stay at the customs for 5 hours, ... (need) some extra medical papers for her dog to be allowed to enter.

  5. ... (shock) by his boss' terrible behaviour, Helen decided to quit the post.

  6. ... (enter) the new phase of her life, she dyed her hair red and bought a dog.