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property - собственность

legislation - законодательство

legal liability – юридическая ответственность

to lease smth. to smb. – сдавать в аренду кому-либо

to lease from smb. – арендовать у кого-либо

tenant – арендатор, съемщик

landlord – арендодатель, собственник недвижимости

article – статья, пункт, параграф

breach - нарушение

to avoid breach – избежать нарушения

party – сторона (по делу, в договоре)

contract - договор

illegal - незаконный

to sue for smth. – предъявлять иск к…

weaker case – дело о незначительном нарушении

court`s judgement – судебное решение, приговор суда

costs – издержки (судебные)

patent - патент

to hire - нанимать

commercial law – торговое/коммерческое право

Задания по теме:

1. Подберите определяемые слова из текста к следующим определениям:

1. An agreement which ends a dispute, sometimes made out of court.

2. The court's decision on a case.

3. An agreement for someone to use a property for a certain period of time in exchange for regular payment.

4. You have this when you are legally responsible for something.

5. A formal legal agreement, usually in writing.

6. The opposite of legal.

7. This is when someone breaks a formal written agreement.

8. The laws passed by a country's parliament.

9. To take legal action against someone in civil court.

10. A part of a written legal agreement.

11. A man who rents land or property to someone.

12. This gives you the right to make and sell an invention.

2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Why is it important to know about the country’s property legislation?

2. What do you know about leasing agreements?

3. Why is it important to know the details of the contract?

4. What are the ways to end a dispute? What way is better? Why?

5. Why is it important to know about the law on patents?


Law firm

Law firms advise businesses, governments, public sector bodies and financial institutions. They provide a wide range of services for organisations in the key areas: finance, banking, property, commerce, marketing, advertising, litigation and disputes, taxes, employment and employee benefits, insurance.

A law firm acts for companies in relation to the whole spectrum of corporate law (company creation, shareholders agreements, joint ventures, and stratigic alliances). It also expertises in banking and financial services.

Experienced lawyers of the firm deal with all types of property transactions including investments, leasing and development projects. They ensure professional expertise in intellectual property matters: copyright, patents, know-how and confidential information.

Commercial litigation practice of the lawyers covers all kinds of disputes: lawsuits, arbitration or alternative dispute resolution. The lawyers conduct these disputes, prepare the case and assist the client.

The taxation group of a law firm offers a comprehensive corporate tax planning and advice service.


public body – общественный орган/организация

financial institution – финансовое учреждение

litigation – судебный процесс/дело

dispute – спор, конфликт

benefit – прибыль; пособие; привилегия; льгота

creation - создание

joint venture – совместное (коммерческое) предприятие

alliance – союз, альянс

transaction - сделка

copyright – авторское право

lawsuit – судебное дело

arbitration – арбитраж; экспертиза

alternative - альтернативный

to assist - помогать

comprehensive – всесторонний

Задания по теме:

1. Образуйте словосочетания со следующими глаголами:

1. to advise………….. a companies

2. to provide………… b transactions

3. to act for………….. c property matters

4. to expertise in…….. d expertise

5. to deal with……….. e business

6. to ensure………….. f disputes

7. to conduct………… g services

8. to prepare…………. h cases

9. to assist…………… i clients

10. to offer…………… j tax planning

2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. In what key business areas can a law firm provide services?

2. What spectrum of corporate law can a law firm act for?

3. What types of property transaction does a law firm deal with?

4. What intellectual property matters does a law firm ensure professional expertise?

5. What do the lawyers do in a law firm? What kind of disputes do they deal with?

6. What does the taxation group of a law firm offer?