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Hawaiian art

The art created in these islands may be divided into art existing prior to Cook’s arrival; art produced by recently arrived westerners; and art produced by Hawaiians incorporating western materials and ideas. Public collections of Hawaiian art may be found at the Honolulu Academy of Arts, the Bishop Museum (Honolulu), the Hawaii State Art Museum and the Georg-August University of Göttingen in Germany.

In 1967, Hawaii became the first state in the nation to implement a Percent for Art law. The Art in State Buildings Law established the Art in Public Places Program and designated one percent of the construction costs of new public schools and state buildings for the acquisition of works of art, either by commission or by purchase.

Art existing prior to Cook’s arrival is very similar to the art of other Pacific Islanders. This art includes wood carvings, feather work, petroglyphs, bark cloth (called kapa in Hawaiian and tapa elsewhere in the Pacific) and tattoos. Native Hawaiians had neither metal nor woven cloth. Production of this art continued after Cook’s arrival. A few craftsmen still produce traditional Hawaiian arts, either to sell to tourists or to preserve native culture.

Some of the first westerners to visit Hawaii were artists—both professional and amateur. Many of the explorers’ ships had professional artists to record their discoveries. These artists sketched and painted Hawaii’s people and landscapes using imported materials and concepts. Artists in this category include Alfred Thomas Agate (American 1812-1849), Mabel Alvarez (American 1891-1985), Auguste Borget (French 1809-1877), George Henry Burgess (English 1831-1905), Jean Charlot (French 1898-1979), Nicholas Chevalier (1828-1902), Louis Choris (German–Ukrainian 1795-1828), Ernest William Christmas (Australian 1863- 1918), Amelia R. Coats (American), Constance Fredericka Gordon Cumming (Scottish 1837-1924), Robert Dampier (English 1800-1874).

Artworks produced by Hawaii’s native born and long-term residents incorporating western materials and ideas include paintings on canvas and quilts. They may be distinctly Hawaiian in subject matter or as diverse as their places of origin. Most of the art currently produced in Hawaii falls into this third category. Notable artists in this category include sculptor Satoru Abe (born Hawaii 1926-), woodcarver Fritz Abplanalp (born Switzerland 1907-1982), sculptor Bumpei Akaji (born Hawaii 1921-2002), Charles W. Bartlett (born San Francisco 1860-1940), sculptor Marguerite Louis Blasingame (born Hawaii 1906-1947), sculptor Edward M. Brownlee (born Oregon 1929-), Isami Doi (born Hawaii 1903-1965), Paul Emmert (born Switzerland 1826-1867), Robert Lee Eskridge (born Pennsylvania 1891-1975), ceramicist Sally Fletcher-Murchison (born Hawaii 1933-).


The aboriginal culture of Hawaii is Polynesian. Hawaii represents the northernmost extension of the vast Polynesian triangle of the south and central Pacific Ocean. While traditional Hawaiian culture remains only as vestiges in modern Hawaiian society, there are reenactments of the ceremonies and traditions throughout the islands. Some of these cultural influences are strong enough to affect the United States at large, including the popularity (in greatly modified form) of luaus and hula. Hawaii is home to numerous cultural events. The annual Merrie Monarch Festival is an international Hula competition. The state is also home to the Hawaii International Film Festival, the premier film festival for pacific rim cinema. Honolulu is also home to the state's long running GLBT film festival, the Rainbow Film Festival.

Hawaiian Style - Rubber slippers go everywhere. Leave the tie at home, an Aloha or polo shirt is standard. Island etiquette suggests removing your shoes before entering a home, so wear shoes that slip on and off easily. If you look comfortable, you'll feel comfortable; Hawaiian Style. Rainbows in the West Maui Mountains- You've been told not to turn your back to the ocean—how about the mountains? An ever-changing backdrop of light & shadow cascade across slopes &  duck into valleys, creating one of Maui's most breathtaking masterpieces. Seeing a rainbow against the golden, red & green mountain hues is one of natures most unique gifts. berries.

Giving leis - In Hawaii it is customary to give a lei as a gesture of congratulations and aloha (love) to those celebrating a milestone or receiving an honor. It is also common to present a lei to a friend or relative who is arriving in the Islands — no matter from where or how long they have been away — as a hearty welcome. Leis are normally worn around the neck and can be made of tropical flowers (such as the fragrant tuberose or plumeria), maile (green, shiny leaves), or nuts and berries.

Lei signify special occasions, just as they did in ancient Hawaii. On birthdays, graduations, weddings or any day of personal or professional celebration, friends and relatives ensure the honored person is adorned with lei on the special day and perhaps even several days afterward. At an Island wedding you'll likely see the bride wearing a haku (lei encircling her head) and around the groom's neck, a maile or cigar lei (tiny, tubular flowers strung in a tight, spiral pattern).

Each spring the children of Hawaii string hundreds of flower lei and, on May Day (May 1), place them on the graves of soldiers at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Punchbowl). This sign of respect and love also extends to great people of Hawaii's past, such as Kamehameha the Great. During the Kamehameha Day holiday and celebration each year (around June 11) the statue of Kamehameha the Great in Honolulu's Capitol District is draped with hundreds of feet of carefully strung lei as a sign of respect and honor for the Hawaiian warrior who, in 1810, united the Hawaiian Islands under one rule.

Wearing slippers (and knowing when not to) - Hawaii residents are quite possibly the planet's least concerned about what they wear on their feet. You'll notice at the door of many Island hale (homes) a small collection (or large, depending on the size of the family) of "slippers" — flip-flops, as they are called elsewhere. The most casual of footwear (next to bare feet), slippers are worn out to dinner, school, family functions and — the fancy kine, at least — even occasionally to church and the office.

Two things to keep in mind in the Islands: take off your slippers and other footwear when entering someone's home, and always be prepared, with an extra pair, for slipper "blow-out."

The Hawaiian blessing - When a place of business or a new home opens its doors, it is common to have the location blessed by a Hawaiian kahu (guardian or minister).

The blessing ceremony dates back to the early days of Hawaiian culture. Though it has come to incorporate Christian elements since the arrival of missionaries in Hawaii in 1820, the ceremony is based on the traditional Hawaiian belief in kapu (taboos) that can be placed on a physical space. Although some societal kapu were immutable, other kapu, such as curses or negative energy, still linger in modern-day places. During a blessing ceremony, a kahu clears any kapu that might have been placed on a space, so the new occupants may move forward with a "clean slate."

The details of this ceremony can vary depending on the occasion — whether it is a home, office, building or other enterprise being blessed. Kahu often personalize blessings with readings and chants they specifically select for the occasion. Three elements are fairly universal to a blessing, however: the asking for blessings from Akua (God), the sprinkling of salt water, and the untying of a maile lei (made from the leaves of a fragrant, native twining shrub) that has been gently draped and tied across a real or virtual threshold.

An extension of huikala (a ceremonial cleansing with the healing waters of the ocean), salt water is sprinkled by the kahu on both the space and the people involved in the venture, to cleanse them of impurities. The untying of the maile lei, made from a plant sacred to Hawaiians, opens the space being blessed. The threshold may then be crossed; the kapu are amama (done, finished).

Lu'au - One of many ways to experience a slice of Island culture, the lu'au (LOO-ow) is a Hawaiian tradition: a feast to celebrate accomplishments, honor important people and commemorate great events. In old Hawaii it was a time to pay homage to ancestral gods with song, dance and offerings of food, a grand celebration that sometimes lasted for days. For many a lu'au is a chance to relax and enjoy family and friends with good food and music. This spirit prevails in nearly every aspect of life in Hawaii. One of the most dutifully observed local rituals is the "baby lu'au," a grand celebration staged on a child's first birthday. Lu'au are also held for graduations, class reunions, and other important events.  If you're visiting the Islands and you decide to "do" a lu'au, rest assured that time will likely be some of the nicest — and most culturally enriching — you'll spend in Hawaii.

Making cranes - As a symbol of longevity and good luck, a bride and her wedding party will fold 1,000 tiny golden origami cranes — withe the groom contributing the final crane for a total of 1,001. The cranes are then flattened, mounted, framed and presented at the wedding reception as a good-luck keepsake for the couple. The art of origami is widely practiced in Hawaii; and though the crane tradition is of Japanese origin, brides of many ethnicities have adopted it.

Aloha on the road - If, in your daily driving routine you're accustomed to blaring horns, rude drivers and merging forcefully into lines of traffic, you may find Hawaii a refreshing change (unless YOU'RE blaring your horn). Most Island drivers practice aloha (love, the spirit of giving) on the road. Rarely will you hear a horn or shout in traffic, and more often than not you'll be waved into traffic or through a stop sign by a courteous fellow driver. If this happens, smile, wave or — better yet — flash 'em a shaka (stick your pinky finger out, and fold the rest of your fingers over...takes practice).

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