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25)The formal structure of sentences. The model of parts of the sentence

The method designed for showing as many functions as possible is known as the model of members of the sentence. It states that a sentence includes the main members, namely the Subject and the Predicate, and each of these may have dependent secondary members. All elements subordinated to a noun are called attributes. The elements depending upon the verb or the adjectiveare usually named objects, and the elements being adverbs or prepositional phrases or sometimes nouns indicating time and measure are known as adverbialmodifiers.we shall separately describe the four members mentioned above1)SubjectWe defined the Subject as the element of a sentence that embodies the personal feature of predicativity.the Subject occupies the first position in the sentence. 2)The Predicate embodies the temporal and the modal components of predicativity. Besides it names the relationships between the nominal phrase incorporating the personal component of predicativity and other nominal groups. the modal feature of predicativity is often embodied in a special group of words known as modal verbs.The second element of the Predicate might also be a noun or an adjective. In this case the modal and temporal features of predicativity find embodiment in special lexical items known as link verbs. 3)The Object in English seems to be one of the most difficult problems. The difficulty is in the fact that English Objects have no special forms to indicate their function. The only formal feature is the position of the element functioning as an Object. 4)Attributes Semantically and functionally, all attributes might be divided into those which give certain information about the objects named by the noun and those which indicate general relations of the noun and do not name its properties.Model of the parts of the sentIn order to state general rules of sentence construction it is necessary to refer to smaller units. The process of analysing sentences into their parts, or constituents, is known as parsing.The syntactic structure -of the sentence can be analysed at two levels: pre-functional (constituents are words and word-groups) and functional (constituents are parts of the sentence). Accordingly we distinguish between principal parts of the sentence, constituting the predication, or the basic structure of the sentence, and secondary parts of the sentence, extending, or expanding the basic structure. Principal parts of the sentence are interdependent. Secondary parts of the sentence are modifiers of principal and other secondary parts .Structurally parts of the sentence may be of, three types: simple, expressed by words and phrases; compound, consisting of the structural and notional part; complex, expressed by secondary predications.

26)The Problems of the Object, the Attribute, the adverbial modifier

1)TheObject in English seems to be one of the most difficult problems. The difficulty is in the fact that English Objects have no special forms to indicate their function. The only formal feature is the position of the element functioning as an Object. Objects cannot change their position in the sentence while adverbial modifiers are movable. Further division is within the Objects. We can divide Objects, according to the presence or absence of a preposition, into non-prepositional and prepositional Objects. Semantically, Objects might be divided taking into consideration the meaningful relation of the Object and the Predicate..2)Attributes were defined as elements of noun groups. Forms and compositions of Attributes are very variableThe form of the Attribute includes its position. Words having nominal character, such as nouns and gerunds, often are used in post position to the noun and are connected to it with a preposition. Words belonging to other groups normally take the position before the noun. Some of them such as numerals, articles, possessive and demonstrative pronouns may be found only in this position. Adjectives normally being in preposition may be used after the noun in two cases. First, it concerns a small group of certaintitles or names of organizations which follow the French manner of structuring attributive groups (attorney general). The other reason for postpositive adjectives is their logical stressing, and such Attributes have an additional idea of additional information: Her eyes, green and sparkling, looked at him steadily.Semantically and functionally, all attributes might be divided into those which give certain information about the objects named by the noun and those which indicate general relations of the noun and do not name its properties. The latter Attributes are never used in post-position. They are expressed by pronouns and articles and open the whole noun group. These attributes are usually given a special termdeterminersand are not considered as real Attributes.3) Adverbial Modifiersmight be composed of adverbs, prepositional phrases, verbals and verbal constructions. Semantically, Adverbial Modifiers are divided into types depending upon the kind of circumstances they express. But from the grammatical point of view it is necessary to differentiate between those that are directly connected with the Predicate (or verbs, or adjectives) naming their specific features, and those that belong to the whole clause. The former are usually termed as Adverbial Modifiers of manner or degree. The latter are actually circumstantial modifiers, naming time, place, reason, cause, condition, etc. The formal difference between these two groups is in the positions they may occupy in the sentence. The Adverbial Modifier belonging to the former group can occupy the place between the first auxiliary and the other elements of the verbal form. Adverbial Modifiers of manner or degree permit another type of transformation. Adverbial Modifiers of this type expressed by adverbs with the suffix -ly are transformed into adjectives if the verb they modify is transformed into a noun (He slowly walked → He had a slow walk).

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