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3.2. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word-combinations:

basin irrigation, diversion, head ditch, uniform wetting, low ridges, individual land features, the ability to absorb and hold water, sprinkling, sheet of water, to divert, vineyard, high spots, to border, continuous, ditching, percolation, application, efficient, shortage.

3.3. Match the words from the left-hand column to the corresponding translation from the right-hand column:

підґрунтове зрошення

to percolate

с/г культура

berry patches


steep slope



городні культури

at random

крутий схил

row crops


desired depth

бажана глибина


найбільш поширений метод (спосіб)

truck crops

ягідні ділянки




просапні культури

the most common method

3.4. Find in the text and write down English equivalents of the following words:

полив по полосах, забезпечити рівномірне зволоження ґрунту, водопостачання, індивідуальні особливості землі, полив по дрібних борознах, затоплення, залежати від чогось, виноградник, фруктовий сад, здатність ґрунту поглинати і утримувати воду, відводити воду, спрямовувати потік води, пологий скат, головна частина каналу.

IV. Get ready to render the text

4.1. On the basis of textual word-building chains with the stems “crop” and “irrigation”, state the number of paragraphs dealing with:

– the most common method of irrigation adapted to all crops;

– the characteristics of the general methods of applying water.

4.2. Answer the questions:

1. What do the methods by which irrigation is applied depend on?

2. What are the general methods of applying irrigation water to the land?

3. How is the water applied to the land in surface irrigation?

4. How is the water conveyed in sprinkler irrigation?

5. What are the general methods of surface irrigation?

6. What methods does flood irrigation include?

7. What does basin irrigation consist of?

8. How is the water applied in furrow irrigation?

9. What kind of slopes is contour irrigation adapted to?

10. How is the water applied in corrugation irrigation?

4.3. Ask your groupmates questions in English about:

– в чому полягає метод поливу по смугах (полосах);

– які недоліки методу суцільним заливанням (дикого поливу);

– які сільськогосподарські культури зрошуються методом поливу по борознах;

– в чому полягають переваги поливу по дрібних борознах;

4.4. Fill in the gaps using the words given below:

1. The method selected must be capable of meeting crop requirements with a minimum potential of producing drainage and salinity … .

2. The border system is a modification of flooding, in which the land is divided into strips, with small levees or borders along the … .

3. The furrow system of irrigation is suitable for land too uneven for the border … .

4. They know that the supply-waterings should be started there … .

5. The introduction of the system of portable flexible pipes in surface irrigation represents a substantial contribution to the technical improvement of watering by ….

(furrows, the next week, problems, method, sides).

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