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    1. Evaporation

    2. Surface Runoff 

    3. Precipitation

    4. Condensation

    5. Transpiration

    6. Infiltration

  1. Speak about the cycle using the following phrases:

The first stage of the water cycle is …

Then follows the…

Then water turns into …

  1. Read the rest of the text on p.39-41 and insert the words from the box.

Freshwater Source Dams Shifting Streams

Saltwater Purposes Provide Concern wetlands

  1. Lakes are formed by the ________ of the earth’s crust or by building ______.

  2. Lakes usually have a ________ of water and ________ flowing into or out of them.

  3. Lakes are divided into _______ and _________ lakes, the latter are usually called seas.

  4. Lakes ________ fresh water for many ________.

  5. Another source of fresh and salt water is _________ which have become a special ________ of countries because of their drying out.

  1. Read the sentences and say which are true and which are false. Correct the false ones.

    • The water cycle is an ending journey consisting of evaporation, condensation and surface runoff.

    • All wetlands are freshwater.

    • Lakes and wetlands have become a special concern of many countries because their role in life cycle is enormous.

    • In the past lakes were formed by glaciers, the eroding action of running water and nowadays some lakes are formed artificially by people.

    • Saltwater lakes have streams flowing into and out of them.

    • The Caspian Sea, the Dead Sea and the Aral Sea are called seas because they have streams flowing into and out of them.

    • Lakes are only used for industrial purposes.

  2. Read the text “Rivers and Streams” and name the parts of a river.

1. 3.

2. 3. 4.


  1. Read the text carefully and match the paragraphs which express the following ideas:

  1. Water has a great impact on the surface of the earth.

  2. The features which make a river great.

  3. The parts of a river system.

  4. The impact of old rivers on the earth.

  5. The usage of great rivers.

  6. The influence of young rivers on the earth.

  1. Read the text on pp. 50-51 “The Volga” and divide it into three paragraphs.

  2. Choose one river to your liking and describe it (See “The Volga”) without mentioning its name. Make your group mates guess the river you mean.

  3. Translate the sentences.

  1. Низменности, однажды образованные, заполняются талой водой ледников, снега и льда.

  2. Некоторые моря, находящиеся внутри материка, в действительности являются солеными озерами.

  3. Защита болот вызывает большую озабоченность у многих стран.

  4. Находясь в жидком состоянии, вода изменяет химический состав гор и почвы посредством своей способности растворять.

  5. Она протекает по территории, где живет огромное число людей.

  6. Существуют разные критерии, по которым река считается большой (крупной).

  1. Read the text on pp. 45-47 “Waterfalls”. Make sure you know the meaning and the pronunciation of the following words:

Descend /di’send/

Cataract /’kætærækt/

Waterfall /’wo:təfo:l/

Unequal /’an’i:kwəl/

Igneous /’igniəs/

Niagara Falls /nai’ægərə ‘fo:lz/

Erie /’iəri/

Ontario /on’tεəriou/

Glacial /’gleicjəl/

Limestone /’laimstoun/

Escarpment /is’ka:pmənt/

Swirl /swə:l/

Recede /ri:’si:d/

Gorge /go:dz/

Canadian /kæ’nədiən/

Inequalities /’ini:’kwolitiz/

Alternate /o:l’tə:nit/

Argentina /”a:dzən’ti:nə/

Brazil /brə’zil/

Crescent /kresnt/

Merge /mə:dz/

Grandeur /’grændzə/