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Gone With The Wind.doc
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If Johnnie can make this much with them--"

Ashley's eyes went over her shoulder, looking at something she

could not see, and the glad light went out of his eyes.

"I can't work convicts like Johnnie Gallegher. I can't drive men."

"God's nightgown! Johnnie's a wonder at it. Ashley, you are just

too soft hearted. You ought to get more work out of them. Johnnie

told me that any time a malingerer wanted to get out of work he

told you he was sick and you gave him a day off. Good Lord,

Ashley! That's no way to make money. A couple of licks will cure

most any sickness short of a broken leg--"

"Scarlett! Scarlett! Stop! I can't bear to hear you talk that

way," cried Ashley, his eyes coming back to her with a fierceness

that stopped her short. "Don't you realize that they are men--some

of them sick, underfed, miserable and-- Oh, my dear, I can't bear

to see the way he has brutalized you, you who were always so sweet--"

"Who has whatted me?"

"I've got to say it and I haven't any right. But I've got to say

It. Your--Rhett Butler. Everything he touches he poisons. And he

has taken you who were so sweet and generous and gentle, for all

your spirited ways, and he has done this to you--hardened you,

brutalized you by his contact."

"Oh," breathed Scarlett, guilt struggling with joy that Ashley

should feel so deeply about her, should still think her sweet.

Thank God, he thought Rhett to blame for her penny-pinching ways.

Of course, Rhett had nothing to do with it and the guilt was hers

but, after all, another black mark on Rhett could do him no harm.

"If it were any other man in the world, I wouldn't care so much--

but Rhett Butler! I've seen what he's done to you. Without your

realizing it, he's twisted your thoughts into the same hard path

his own run in. Oh, yes, I know I shouldn't say this-- He saved

my life and I am grateful but I wish to God it had been any other

man but him! And I haven't the right to talk to you like--"

"Oh, Ashley, you have the right--no, one else has!"

"I tell you I can't bear it, seeing your fineness coarsened by him,

knowing that your beauty and your charm are in the keeping of a man

who-- When I think of him touching you, I--"

"He's going to kiss me!" thought Scarlett ecstatically. "And it

won't be my fault!" She swayed toward him. But he drew back

suddenly, as if realizing he had said too much--said things he

never intended to say.

"I apologize most humbly, Scarlett. I--I've been insinuating that

your husband is not a gentleman and my own words have proved that

I'm not one. No one has a right to criticize a husband to a wife.

I haven't any excuse except--except--" He faltered and his face

twisted. She waited breathless.

"I haven't any excuse at all."

All the way home in the carriage Scarlett's mind raced. No excuse

at all except--except that he loved her! And the thought of her

lying in Rhett's arms roused a fury in him that she did not think

possible. Well, she could understand that. If it wasn't for the

knowledge that his relations with Melanie were, necessarily, those

of brother and sister, her own life would be a torment. And

Rhett's embraces coarsened her, brutalized her! Well, if Ashley

thought that, she could do very well without those embraces. She

thought how sweet and romantic it would be for them both to be

physically true to each other, even though married to other people.

The idea possessed her imagination and she took pleasure in it.

And then, too, there was the practical side of it. It would mean

that she would not have to have any more children.

When she reached home and dismissed the carriage, some of the

exaltation which had filled her at Ashley's words began to fade as

she faced the prospect of telling Rhett that she wanted separate

bedrooms and all which that implied. It would be difficult.

Moreover, how could she tell Ashley that she had denied herself to

Rhett, because of his wishes? What earthly good was a sacrifice if

no one knew about it? What a burden modesty and delicacy were! If

she could only talk to Ashley as frankly as she could to Rhett!

Well, no matter. She'd insinuate the truth to Ashley somehow.

She went up the stairs and, opening the nursery door, found Rhett

sitting beside Bonnie's crib with Ella upon his lap and Wade

displaying the contents of his pocket to him. What a blessing

Rhett liked children and made much of them! Some stepfathers were

so bitter about children of former marriages.

"I want to talk to you," she said and passed on into their bedroom.

Better have this over now while her determination not to have any

more children was hot within her and while Ashley's love was giving

her strength.

"Rhett," she said abruptly when he had closed the bedroom door

behind him, "I've decided that I don't want any more children."

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