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The adverb

Adverbs vary in their structure. There are:

  • Simple (after, here, well, now, soon, etc.)

  • Derived (lately, constantly, slowly, sideways, crosswise, backwards, forwards, warlike)

  • Compound= formed of two stems (sometimes, somewhere, everywhere, downstairs, etc.)

  • Composite (a great deal of, a little bit, now and then, from time to time, etc.)

In derived adverbs the most common suffix is “-ly”

Forming the derived adverbs with the help of the suffix “-ly” the following spelling rules should be observed:

  1. If an adjective ends in “y” (no matter whether it is preceded by a vowel or a consonant), “y” changes into “I” before the adverb-forming suffix “-ly”.

(e.g. easy – easily, noisy – noisily, gay – gaily

But! Dry – drily; dry – dryly

Sly- slily; sly – slyly

Shy – shyly)

  1. If an adjective ends in “le”, we leave out “e” and add “y” for the adverb.

(e.g. terrible – terribly

probable – probably

reasonable – reasonably)

  1. If an adjective ends in “e”, we keep “e” before the adverb-forming suffix “ly”.

(e.g. polite – politely

extreme – extremely

absolute – absolutely)

Some adverbs are identical in form with adjectives

Long- длинный,долгий

Fast- быстрый

Early- ранний

Far- дальний

Little- маленький

Weekly- еженедельный

Daily - ежедневный

Straight - прямой

Long- долго

Fast- быстро

Early- рано

Far- далеко

Little- мало

Weekly- еженедельно

Daily - ежедневно

Straight - прямо

Some adverbs have two forms equal in their meaning (the first one is identical with the corresponding adjective, the second one is derived). But they are not always interchanged.

Loud - громкий

Slow - медленный

Quick - быстрый

Bright - яркий

Wide - широкий

Cheap - дешёвый

Sound - крепкий

Fair - справедливый

Loud,loudly - громко

Slow , slowly- медленно

Quick ,quickly- быстро

Bright, brightly - ярко

Wide , widely- широко

Cheap , cheaply- дёшево

Sound , soundly- крепко

Fair, fairly - справедливо

Note!Some adverbs have two forms, but the meaning of these two formsare quite different.


Adv.= Adj.

Adv.= Adj. + “ly”

  1. high –высокий

  2. hard – твёрдый, усердный

  3. short – резкий, внезапный

  4. late – поздний

  5. near – близкий

  6. pretty – красивый, симпатичный

  7. deep – глубокий

  8. dear - дорогой

  1. high –высоко

  2. hard – твёрдо

  3. short – резко, внезапно

  4. late – поздно

  5. near – близко

  6. pretty(=very; pretty well) – довольно

  7. deep – глубоко

  8. dear - дорого

  1. highly – очень,чрезвычайно

  2. hardly – едва (ли)

  3. shortly – вскоре,незадолго

  4. lately – недавно,за последеее время

  5. nearly - почти

  6. prettily - красиво

  7. deeply – сильно,глубоко(о чувствах)

  8. dearly – сильно (о чувствах)