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Unit 10. Courts and Law (11 баллов)

  1. Which 2 types of lawyers are there in GB? Solicitors and barristers(0-2 балла);

  2. In what way is the English legal system distinct from most European countries (0-2 балла) In other countries the lawyers get professional training at the Faculties of Law at the Universities. In England the members of this profession formed their own Colleges outside universities. This training is conducted by the lawyers corporations themselves. The people enter these corporations as students and remain their members after graduation;

  3. Translate into English: мировой судья- magistrate, призыв в армию- conscription, уголовно наказуемый поступок - offence(0-3 балла);

  4. The highest judicial body in GB is the Supreme Court of Judicature within the House of Lords, presided over by the head of the judicial system, Lord Chancellor.(0-1 балл);

  5. What sort of matters do industrial tribunals settle? (0-1 балл);

    1. employees’ rights;

  1. Name the most important freedoms of British citizens: All children between ages of four and five and 16 have the right to free full time education paid for from pubcil funds. Freedom of speech and publication is the essential part of the British democratic process, as are the rights of people to meet freely in public and take part in peaceful processions; there is the right to Equal Opportunities (0-2 балла);

Unit 5. Economy of uk (14 баллов)

  1. What is PFI? – Private Financial Initiative (0-1 балл);

  2. What nickname does there exist for ‘pound’?- ‘quid’(0-1 балл);

  3. Cross out countries which do not refer to leading investors into UK economy(0-3 балла): should be left:

    1. Germany;

    2. USA;

    3. Japan.

  4. What is ‘property bubble’ and why does it appear? Escalation of prices for estate and realty, due to ‘buy and let’ scheme and often due to financial and social attractiveness of a region or country for people (0-2 балла);

  5. Name 2 industries which are the quickest developing ones in UK – Chemical and computer industries (0-2 балла);

  6. Finish the sentence: main grain crops in UK are barley, wheat and oats.(0-2 балла);

  7. Translate it into English: внутренний валовой продукт на душу населения GDP per capita, розничная торговля – retail (0-2 балла);

  8. The current inflation rate in GB is 2.4 % (provide the figure (0-1 балл);

General: images, symbols (7 баллов)

  1. What building/ place of interest is it? (0-2 балла)


London Tower

The Houses of Parliament


  1. Enumerate smaller isles and island groups of the British Islands: the Isle of Wight, Anglesey, The Scilly Isles, The Orkneys, the Shetland Isles, The Hebrides, the Channel Isles, (0-3 балла);

  2. Name the capital of Northern Ireland - Belfast(0-1 балл);

  3. What is this? Britannia, personification of UK(0-1 балл);