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THE GERUND - KEY 2007-2008.doc
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The gerund as the adveribial modifier

TASK 12. Sort out the sentences given below according to different types of adverbial modifies expressed by the gerund. The first one is done for you.

Adverbial Modifier

Number of Sentences



5, 7, 11,





Manner/attendant circumstances

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,
















  1. Without looking up I apologized to the man I bumped into and went on my way. (manner)

  2. In sending me to university my parents made a sacrifice; they couldn’t really afford it. (manner/ attendant circumstances)

  3. It must be great to get anything you want just by asking! (manner)

  4. The servants left without Peter having seen them go. (manner/ attendant circumstances)

  5. On returning home from school the boy noticed a small jade statuette on the living-room shelf. (time)

  6. The cigarette burned down to Dan’s fingers and he threw it over the banister without putting it out. (manner/ attendant circumstances)

  7. Barbara took her temperature and, upon finding it was a hundred point four, went back to bed again. (time)

  8. The little boy showed his boredom by refusing to find any interest in the game. (manner)

  9. It was quiet in the woods except for our breaking twigs. (exception)

  10. We talked in whispers for fear for disturbing the child. (reason)

  11. I was to walk over to my grandmother's before going home. (time)

  12. I thought that working (subject) on the farm was much better for me than staying in the hot city all summer. (comparison)

  13. Except for his breathing, I wouldn’t have known that he was there. (condition)

  14. We use thermometer for measuring temperature. (purpose)

  15. Despite being extremely tired, Peter made several telephone calls.(concession)

TASK 13. Fill in the correct prepositions or conjunctions for the gerunds used as adverbial modifiers. There may be more than one option.

    1. On/ Upon/ After checking into his room, Derek left the motel and arrived at the airport in time to go on duty.

    2. Louise had many little things to do besides (apart from) sitting idly in her house while waiting to be taken out by her new boy-friend.

    3. Fred had scarcely ever drunk tea at all before knowing Gwen.

    4. Clare looked at Jim steadily without/ before answering.

    5. Without (though) knowing what was there, he took the paper out and walked to the window.

    6. I never thought they would have left without saying good-bye to me.

    7. You can't escape your fate by running away.

    8. The boy hoped to get his things from his bedroom without his parents seeing him.

    9. Bob turned the car round without/ before stopping and came straight back to the house.

    10. Mr. Fulton made the journey to town and back twice a day and usually passed the time by falling into a light nap.

    11. He poured milk into a jar from a carton in the refrigerator then drank some of it himself before/after putting the carton back.

    12. On/ Upon/ After arriving in the apartment, I found out they were planning a little party for me.

    13. They walked to the house without speaking to each other.

    14. I thought that the telegram would be better than trying to explain the situation over the phone.

TASK 14. Translate into English using either infinitive or gerund with the right preposition or conjunction.




Несколько минут ребята стояли, не говоря ни слова, a затем заговорили все сразу. Они решили, что лучше сразу пойти и во всем признаться, чем ждать, когда за ними придут из полиции.

For a few minutes the children stood without saying a word, and then they started speaking (to speak) all at once. They decided that it was better to go and confess everything at once than to sit and wait for the police to come for them. (They decided that going and confessing everything at once was better than sitting and waiting …)


Открыв конверт, Розалинда не сразу начала читать письмо, а сначала посмотрела на дату, словно для того, чтобы убедиться, что его принесли сразу же после того, как оно было отослано.

After opening/ Having opened the envelope, Rosalind didn’t start reading (to read) the letter at once but first looked at the date as if to make sure that it was brought as soon as it was sent (right after having been sent).


Прежде, чем писать книгу на новую для него тему, Артур Хейли сначала устраивался на работу на то место, о котором он собирался писать. Так, он работал в аэропорту, а потом в гостинице, чтобы собрать материалы и узнать все подробности о работе своих будущих героев.

Before writing a book on a topic that was new for him, Arthur Hailey would apply for a job (find a job) in the place he was going to write about. Thus (So), he worked in an airport and then in a hotel to collect material and find out all the details about the work of his future characters (his future characters’ work).


Я не буду утомлять вас перечислением всех этих мелких деталей. – Напрасно. Один из героев великого Жюль Верна говорил, «Жизнь - цепь, а мелочи в ней - звенья. Нельзя звену не придавать значения».

I will not bore (tire) you with (by) enumerating all these minor details. – You might just as well. One of the great Jules Vernes’s characters used to say, ‘Life is a chain, and little things are its links. One can’t ignore the importance of a link. (You can’t forget about the importance of a link./ You can’t but admit (can’t help admitting) the importance of a link.)


К нашему удивлению Лиз смогла заработать себе на жизнь, работая на швейной фабрике. Конечно, она была очень бедна и едва сводила концы с концами, но она была слишком горда, чтобы пойти к родителям, которые выгнали ее из дома, и попросить их о помощи.

To our surprise, Liz was able (managed) to earn her living by working at a clothes factory. Of course, she was very poor and was hardly able to make (could hardly make) both ends meet, but she was too proud to go to her parents who had driven (thrown) her out of home and ask for help.


Несмотря на то, что у нее было много вопросов, Джуди смогла сдержать свое любопытство и решила выяснить все сама у мистера и миссис Симпсон.

In spite of having (Despite having) a lot of questions, Judy was able to curb (restrain) her curiosity and decided to find everything out from Mr. and Mrs. Simpson herself.


Несмотря на то, что он старел, и терял зрение, память не подводила старого мистера Дойла, и он с удовольствием вспоминал свои встречи с такими политическими лидерами страны, как Уинстон Черчилль или Ллойд Джордж.

In spite of (Despite) getting older and losing his eyesight, Mr. Doyle’s memory didn’t let him down and he enjoyed remembering his meetings with such political leaders of the country as Winston Churchill and Lloyd George.


Приехав в Лондон, Бальмонты сразу же отправились в гостиницу, которая была заказана заранее. Они не могли не удивиться, когда им сказали, что их номера заняты другой семьей. Конечно же, администратор гостиницы сразу же предложил им другой номер, извинившись за причиненные неудобства.

On/ Upon/ After coming to London the Balmonts went straight to the hotel that had been reserved for them in advance (booked beforehand). They couldn’t help being surprised when they were told (after being informed) that their rooms were occupied by another family. Of course, the hotel manager immediately offered them another suite after apologizing for the inconvenience.


Дверь отворилась без стука, и обычно спокойная и уравновешенная Луиза ворвалась в комнату. Я сразу же понял, что произошло что-то из ряда вон выходящее.

The door opened without being knocked on (having been knocked at) and the usually calm and even-tempered Louise dashed in. I realized immediately that something out of the ordinary had happened.


Если бы не моя случайная встреча с Шерлоком Холмсом, я бы никогда не смог помочь вам в этом весьма таинственном деле. Не зная его методов расследования преступлений, мы бы никогда не обнаружили настоящего преступника.

But for my accidental meeting with Sherlock Holmes, I would have never been able to help you in this most mysterious matter. Without knowing his methods of crime investigation, we would have never found the real criminal (culprit).


С тех пор как она ушла из дому, у нее было много возможностей пожалеть о том, что она приняла такое поспешное решение. Ее ужасная привычка решать все импульсивно оказала ей явно плохую услугу.

Since leaving home she had many opportunities to regret taking such a hasty decision. Her awful habit of deciding everything impulsively certainly did her a bad turn.


Прежде, чем расставлять мебель, тебе надо содрать старые обои и покрасить стены в комнатах, как это сейчас модно. Закончив это, покрась все деревянные детали, трубы и батареи. И только после этого ты можешь начинать расставлять мебель по своему вкусу.

Before arranging the furniture you have to peel (scrape) off all the old wallpaper and paint the walls of the rooms as it is in fashion now. After finishing it, paint all the wooden work, pipes and radiators. And only then you can start arranging the furniture to your (taste) liking.


Обманывая всех на каждом шагу, ты ничего не достигнешь. Как говорил один великий человек, можно обманывать всех какое-то время, и кого-то все время, но нельзя обманывать всех все время, так как в результате ты обманешь самого себя.

Lying to everyone at your every step, you do not achieve anything. As one great man said, you can fool everyone for some time and you can fool someone all the time but you can’t fool everyone all the time because in the end you will fool yourself.

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