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When does Jill usually get up? Steve doesn’t often get up before 8 o’clock, does he? What do they usually have for breakfast? Is Steve ever late for work? And what about Jill? Before work Jill and Steve are always in a hurry, aren’t they? They never have much time, do they?

Текст № 3

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After Work”

Jill teaches five hours a day, twenty – five hours a week altogether. She finishes work at about 4 o’clock in the afternoon. The she catches a bus home. The buses are sometimes very full, so she takes the underground. Twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays, she goes to a big supermarket. She buys a lot of things there. Steve leaves his office at about 6 o’clock. Then he hurries home. After supper Steve washes the dishes and he reads or spends time on hobbies. Jill reads a book or a woman’s magazine, or sometimes watches a film on television.

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How often does Jill teach? When does she finish work? How does she get home? Where does she go twice a week? When does Steve finish work? What do the Baxter’s do after supper?

Текст №4

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At an International Language School

Kunio: Good morning. My name’s Kunio.

Maria: My name’s Maria. I’m glad meet you.

Kunio: So am I. Where do you come from?

Maria: I come from Mexico. Where are you from?

Kunio: I’m from Japan.

Maria: Where are you living now?

Kunio: On fifth Avenue. And you?

Maria: I’m living in a dorm.

Kunio: What is your field of study?

Maria: Business. After I study English I’m going to attend the school of Business Administration. How about you? What’s your major?

Kunio: Chemistry.

Maria: What do you like to do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies?

Kunio: I like to swim. How about you?

Maria: I read a lot and I collect stamps from all over the world.

Kunio: Really? Would you like some stamps from Japan?

Maria: Sure. That would be great. Thanks.

Kunio: I have to write your full name on the board when I introduce you to the class. How do you spell your name?

Maria: My first name is Maria. M-A-R-I-A. My last name is Lopez. L-O-P-E-Z. How do you spell you name?

Kunio: My first name is Kunio. K-U-N-I-O. My family name is Akiwa. A-K-I-W-A.

Maria: Kunio Akiwa. Is that right?

Kunio: It is.

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Where are Kunio and Maria from? What are they doing in the USA? What is their field of study? What are their hobbies?

Текст № 5

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A Very Energetic Woman

Maria is always busy with her job. She gets to the office before 8.30. She takes off her coat, puts on her reading glasses and sits down at her desk. Then she reads her mail and fills out the daily reports. If she has enough time, she has a cup of coffee.

At 9.00 the other workers arrive. Some of them are too tired to smile. Sometimes Maria is too busy to talk, but she says hello to everyone.

At 9.30 she goes into the boss’s office. She gives him the daily reports. They always talk about them for a few minutes. She tells the boss her plans for the day. Then she goes back to her office and makes phone calls. The company does business in England and Japan, so sometimes she has to call these countries.

At the end of the day she picks up the children at school. They are always happy to see her, and she is always energetic enough to play with them at home. Maria is important to people at the office and to the people at home, and she does a good job both places.

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When does Maria get to the office? What does she do first? Does she have a cup of coffee? When do the other workers arrive? Does Maria say hello to everyone? What time does Maria go into the boss’s office? What does she give to her boss? Where does the company do business? Does she play with her children at home?