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Выучите слова и выражения, наиболее часто употребляемые в рефератах:

  1. Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials

Кокрановский, или Кохрановский, центральный регистр контролируемых исследований

  1. diuresis

диурез (1. образование и выделение мочи 2. количество мочи, выводимой из организма за определённое время)

  1. encopresis

недержание кала, энкопрез

  1. end-stage renal disease

терминальная стадия почечной недостаточности; абсолютная почечная недостаточность

  1. frequency


  1. glomerular filtration rate

скорость клубочковой фильтрации

  1. inhibition

ингибирование, угнетение, торможение

  1. match



Медлайн (Американская национальная библиотека медицинской литературы)

  1. nocturia

никтурия (2/3 суточного мочеиспускания выделяется в ночное время)

  1. quality-of-life scores

показатели качества жизни

  1. reference list

рекомендательный список, библиография

  1. relevant studies

релевантные (значимые) исследования

  1. renal perfusion

почечная перфузия

  1. renal vascular resistance

почечное сосудистое сопротивление

  1. survival rate

коэффициент выживаемости, выживаемость

  1. susceptible


  1. undergo (underwent, undergone)

подвергаться (операции, обследованию)

  1. urinary incontinence

непроизвольное мочеиспускание, недержание мочи, энурез

  1. urinary retention

задержка мочи

  1. urinary urgency

неотложный позыв к мочеиспусканию

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обратите внимание на перевод выделенных слов.

  1. We searched reference lists of review articles and relevant studies.

  2. The effectiveness of cranberry products in preventing urinary tract infections was assessed in susceptible populations.

  3. We assessed the vital status and the risk of end-stage renal disease in 3698 kidney donors who donated kidneys.

  4. The survival of kidney donors was similar to that of controls who were matched for age, sex, and race or ethnic group.

  5. In all patients, picotamide treatment was associated with an increase in diuresis.

  6. Inhibition of thromboxane A2 improves kidney function and beneficially affects indexes of cardiac performance (функции).

  7. The frequency of urinary incontinence and urinary tract infection in children with chronic constipation was evaluated.

  8. Lower urinary tract symptoms were urinary urgency and nocturia.

  9. Further properly designed studies with relevant outcomes are needed.

  10. Compared with placebo, effective renal plasma flow and the glomerular filtration rate increased.

  11. These results indicate that renal thromboxane formation plays an important role in renal vascular resistance in patients with severe heart failure.

  12. A total of 576 children underwent randomization.

  13. Most donors had quality-of-life scores that were better than population norms.

Упражнение 2. Прочитайте рефераты медицинских статей. Передайте их содержание на русском языке по схеме.

    1. Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections

Ruth G. Jepson, Jonathan C. Craig

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008, Issue 1

Background Cranberries have been used widely for several decades for the prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Objectives To assess the effectiveness of cranberry products in preventing UTIs in susceptible populations.

Design A bibliographic search.

Methods We searched MEDLINE, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and reference lists of review articles and relevant studies. Information was collected on methods, participants, interventions and outcomes.

Main results Ten studies were included. Cranberry/cranberry-lingonberry juice versus placebo, juice or water was evaluated in seven studies, and cranberries tablets versus placebo in four studies. Cranberry products significantly reduced the incidence of UTIs at 12 months compared with placebo/control. Cranberry products were more effective reducing the incidence of UTIs in women with recurrent UTIs, than in elderly men and women or people requiring catheterization. Authors' conclusions There is some evidence that cranberry juice may decrease the number of symptomatic UTIs over a 12 month period, particularly for women with recurrent UTIs. It's effectiveness for other groups is less certain. Further properly designed studies with relevant outcomes are needed.

  • lingonberry – брусника

B) Long-Term Consequences of Kidney Donation

Robert Foley, Robert F. Bailey, et al

New Engand Journal of Medicine, January 29

Background The overall evidence suggests that living kidney donors have survival rate similar to that of nondonors and that their risk of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is not increased.

Objectives To assess the survival rate and the risk of ESRD in kidney donors during a long follow-up period.

Design A controlled cohort study.

Methods We assessed the lifetime risk of ESRD in 3698 kidney donors who donated kidneys during the period from 1963 through 2007, we also assessed the prevalence of hypertension, general health status, and quality of life in 255 donors.

Results The survival of kidney donors was similar to that of controls who were matched for age, sex, and race or ethnic group. ESRD developed in 11 donors, a rate of 180 cases per million persons per year, as compared with a rate of 268 per million per year in the general population. At a mean of 12.2 years after donation, 32.1% of the subgroup of 255 donors had had hypertension. Most donors had quality-of-life scores that were better than population norms.

Conclusions Survival and the risk of ESRD in carefully screened kidney donors appear to be similar to those in the general population. Most donors who were studied had an excellent quality of life.

  • lifetime risk – прижизненный риск

C) Thromboxane inhibition improves renal perfusion and excretory function in severe congestive heart failure

Sergio Castellani, Rita Paniccia, Claudia Di Serio, et al

Journal of the American College of Cardiology, July 2, 2003, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 133-139

BACKGROUND The renal formation of the vasoconstrictor thromboxane A2 (TxA2) is increased during cardiac failure.

OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to evaluate whether thromboxane inhibition can beneficially affect renal perfusion and clinical conditions in patients affected by severe heart failure.

METHODS By oral administration of picotamide we blocked renal TxA2. Fourteen patients were studied according to a randomized, double-blinded, cross-over design.

RESULTS Daily 24-hour total urinary thromboxane decreased at the end of picotamide treatment. Compared with placebo, effective renal perfusion and the glomerular filtration rate increased. In all patients, picotamide treatment was associated with an increase in diuresis. Patients also showed improvement in several clinical parameters, including a significant decrease in both pulmonary and venous pressure.

CONCLUSIONS These results indicate that renal thromboxane formation plays an important role in renal vascular resistance in patients with severe heart failure. Inhibition of TxA2 improves kidney function and beneficially affects indexes of cardiac performance.

  • vasoconstrictor – сосудосуживающий фактор, вазоконстриктор

  • cardiac performance – сердечная функция

d) Antibiotic Prophylaxis and Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection in Children

Jonathan C. Craig, Judy M. Simpson, Gabrielle J. Williams

New England Journal of Medicine, October 29, 2009

Background Antibiotics are widely administered to children for preventing urinary tract infection, but relevant placebo-controlled trials regarding efficacy are lacking.

Objectives This study examined whether low-dose, continuous oral antibiotic therapy prevents urinary tract infection in children.

Designed A randomized, placebo-controlled study.

Methods We randomly assigned children under the age of 18 years with urinary tract infections to receive either daily trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole suspension (as 2 mg of trimethoprim plus 10 mg of sulfamethoxazole per kilogram of body weight) or placebo for 12 months. The primary outcome was microbiologically confirmed symptomatic urinary tract infection.

Results From December 1998 to March 2007, a total of 576 children underwent randomization. During the study, urinary tract infection developed in 36 of 288 patients (13%) in the group receiving trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole (antibiotic group) and in 55 of 288 patients (19%) in the placebo group.

Conclusions Long-term, low-dose trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole was associated with a decreased number of urinary tract infections in children.

  • lackотсутствовать

  • continuous – постоянный, непрерывный

Выучите слова и выражения, наиболее часто употребляемые в рефератах:

  1. advance (-s)

прогресс, достижения

  1. common bile duct

общий желчный проток

  1. obstruction


  1. concomitant diseases

сопутствующие болезни

  1. drug-induced

вызванный лекарством

  1. duodenal ulcer

язва двенадцатиперстной кишки

  1. eradication therapy

радикальное лечение

  1. false-negative results

ложноотрицательные результаты

  1. false-positive diagnosis

ложноположительный диагноз

  1. gastric hypersecretion

желудочная гиперсекреция

  1. heal

заживать, рубцеваться

  1. hepatitis


  1. inflammatory


  1. jaundice


  1. make a diagnosis

ставить диагноз

  1. manifestation


  1. pancreas

поджелудочная железа

  1. pancreatitis

панкреатит, воспаление поджелудочной железы

  1. perforation

перфорация, прободение

  1. persistent

постоянный, стойкий, устойчивый

  1. preoperative


  1. relapse


  1. resection

резекция, иссечение

  1. urgent appendectomy

неотложная аппендэктомия

  1. utilization

использование, применение

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обратите внимание на перевод выделенных слов.

  1. Rising utilization of preoperative CT and advances in technology coincided (совпали) with a decrease in the negative appendectomy rate for women 45 years and younger but not in men of any age or women older than 45 years.

  2. Advaces in technology correlated with a reduction in false-positive diagnoses.

  3. Jaundice occurring in patients with pancreatitis is usually due to hepatocellular injury.

  4. Common bile duct obstruction is occasionally caused by pancreatic fibrosis, edema or pseudocyst (ложная киста) in patients who have neither hepatocellular injury nor biliary tract disease.

  5. Operative intervention is required in those patients in whom jaundice is persistent.

  6. Mean prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in duodenal ulcer disease was 81%.

  7. Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a chronic inflammatory condition of the pancreas.

  8. The common manifestation of autoimmune pancreatitis is obstructive jaundice.

  9. The main reasons for the poorer prognosis in H. pylori–negative patients were relapse of ulcer or ulcer not healed.

  10. H. pylori–negative patients randomized to eradication therapy left the study early.

  11. Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) constituted 1/4th of all resections performed for benign conditions in North America.

Упражнение 2. Прочитайте рефераты медицинских статей. Передайте их содержание на русском языке по схеме.

a) Helicobacter pylori–negative duodenal ulcers: prevalence, clinical characteristics, and prognosis—results from a randomized trial with 2-year follow-up

Peter Bytzer, Peter Stubbe 

The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2001, Vol. 96, pp.1409–1416

Objective The proportion of Helicobacter pylori–negative duodenal ulcer disease appears to be increasing. Data on clinical outcome and prognosis in this subgroup are lacking.

Design A blinded, randomised study.

METHODS 276 randomly selected duodenal ulcer patients were studied. Patients were followed up for a total of 2 years. Endoscopies for assessment of ulcer relapse were done at 6 and 12 months. H. pylori status was assessed. Study staff were blinded to H. pylori results.

RESULTS Thirty-two (12%) patients were H. pylori-negative at entry. Only 28% of the H. pylori–negative patients completed the study, as compared with 40% of H. pylori–positive patients. The main reasons for the poorer prognosis in H. pylori–negative patients were relapse of ulcer/ulcer not healed (35% vs 26%) and relapse of severe dyspepsia symptoms without ulcer relapse (16% vs 7%). H. pylori–negative patients randomized to eradication therapy left the study early compared with H. pylori–negative patients randomized to long-term omeprazole therapy.

CONCLUSIONS Clinical outcome over 2 year is significantly poorer in H. pylori–negative patients, especially if treated with eradication therapy. These results suggest that H. pylori infection should be assessed in all duodenal ulcer patients before treatment is decided.

  • at entry – при поступлении

b) Autoimmune pancreatitis: more than just a pancreatic disease? A contemporary review of its pathology Deshpande V, Mino-Kenudson M, Brugge W, Lauwers GY

Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine: September 2005; Vol.129, No.9

Context Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a chronic inflammatory condition of the pancreas constituting 1/4th of all resections performed for benign conditions in North America.

Objective To review the clinical and characteristic histologic patterns of this disease and discuss the extrapancreatic manifestations of AIP.

Design We searched the literature using MEDLINE, related conference abstracts, and bibliographies of selected studies.

Results Autoimmune pancreatitis generally affects elderly individuals, frequently presenting as obstructive jaundice and occasionally in association with other autoimmune diseases. The disease can involve the bile ducts, gallbladder, and kidney and can form inflammatory masses in the lungs. A prepancreatectomy diagnosis can be made using a combination of clinical findings, elevated immunoglobulin G4 levels, endoscopic fine-needle aspiration biopsy, and response to steroids.

Conclusions Despite significant evolution in our understanding of AIP, a prepancreatectomy diagnosis remains a problem in the North American population.

  • contemporary – новый, современный

  • occasionally – иногда

  • fine-needle aspiration biopsy – биопсия тонко игольной аспирацией

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