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Music Books 4th Year.doc
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«Брестский государственный университет имени А. С. Пушкина»

Кафедра английского языка с методикой преподавания

М. В. Гуль




Практикум по английскому языку

для студентов 4-го курса гуманитарных и педагогических специальностей

1-21 06 01-01 «Современные иностранные языки»,

1-02 03 06 «Иностранные языки (английский, немецкий)»


БрГУ имени А. С. Пушкина


УДК 372.016 : 811.111(076)

ББК 74.268.1(Англ)р



кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков по техническим специальностям БрГТУ

Д. В. Новик

зав. кафедрой иностранных языков второй специальности

БрГУ имени А. С. Пушкина, доцент

В. М. Иванова

Гуль, М.В.

Books and Reading. Music = Книги и музыка : практикум по англ. языку / М.В. Гуль ; Брест. гос. ун-т имени А.С. Пушкина. – Брест : БрГУ, 2010. – 80 с.

Практикум является приложением к основному учебнику по практике устной и письменной речи английского языка для четвертого курса под редакцией В. Д. Аракина и направлен на совершенствование навыков и развитие умений диалогической и монологической речи по темам: книги, музыка, а также на совершенствование письменной компетенции студентов.

Практикум предназначен для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов четвертого курса, изучающих английский язык как основную специальность.

Books and Reading Topical Vocabulary

A sequel to/of, belles lettres, a thriller, a spy thriller, a whodunit, a political novel, an animal story, memoirs, light and heavy reading, epic, a fantasy novel.

A pop-up book, a scratch and sniff book, a dog-eared book, a best-seller.

Appalling, astonishing, challenging, complicated, contemptible, corny, dragged out, enchanting, fanciful, farfetched, fast-moving, harrowing, moving, plodding, pompous, predictable, scary, sophisticated, thrilling, stunning, subtle, tedious, thought-provoking.

Library index, acknowledgements, blurb, key, contents, dedication, footnotes, frontispiece, chronology, appendix, bibliography, glossary, paperback, hardback, volume, manuscript, publication, proofs, copy, edition.

To skip, to skim, to look up, to browse, to dip into, to peruse, to wade through, to refer to, to flip through, to read from cover to cover, to read avidly.

Archives, a membership card, book storage, a book hunter, a second-hand bookseller, an online bookshop.

Ex. 1. Study the topical vocabulary. 1. Find synonyms and antonyms. Write them down. 2. Refer to the English-English dictionary and differentiate between various kinds of reading (to skim, to peruse, to browse, etc.)

Ex. 2. Put each of the following words in its correct place:

Volume, publication, whodunit, hardback, best-seller, thriller, copy, edition, manuscript, proofs, paperback.

1. You can see the original ___ of Hamlet in the museum in Shakespeare’s own writing. 2. Before a book is sent to be printed, the author must check the ___ . 3. Where is ___ three of the encyclopaedia? 4. The new government report on agricultural statistics is a very interesting ___. 5. Have you got a ___ of Graham Greene’s Brighton Rock? 6. This book costs £ 12, but that’s the ___ price. The ___ costs only £ 5.50. 7. His first three novels didn’t sell very well, but his fourth was a ___ and made a fortune. 8. The book has already been selling well for five years. Now the publishers are going to bring out a new ___ with illustrations. 9. She likes to relax by reading a ___ about spies or crime. 11. I’m reading a ____. It’s fun to guess who the murderer is.

Ex. 3. Answer the following questions using the words of the Topical Vocabulary:

  1. Why is an encyclopaedia usually more expensive than a dictionary?

  2. What is a murder mystery called, and why?

  3. What is an exciting adventure story called, and why?

  4. How can you get information about scientific, technical, statistical and similar matters?

  5. How would you ask for a particular book in a bookshop?

  6. What must an author do when a publisher’s deadline arrives?

  7. What must be done after a book is printed?

  8. What does every author hope for?

  9. How can you save money when buying books?

Ex. 4. Put each of the following words in its correct place. Write down your answers:

Skip, skim, look up, browse, dip into, peruse, wade through, refer to, flip through, read from cover to cover.

1. I spend a lot of time in bookshops. I don’t often buy books. I just ___ . 2. If I come to a boring bit in a book, I just ____ a few pages till the real story starts again. 3. I’ll ___ his number in the phone-book. 4. I didn’t know the word. I had to ___ a dictionary. 5. Of course, an encyclopaedia is not a book you ___ .You just ___ it for things that interest you. 6. I never liked history at school. I found it very hard to ___ all that boring staff about wars and revolutions. 7. We have requested our lawyers to ____ the document with the greatest care to decide whether it’s legal or not. 8. Some people have the ability to ___ a page, which means to read it very quickly, just taking in the main points. 9. I sometimes ___ a magazine in a newsagent’s but I don’t usually buy one.

Ex. 5. Using one or more items from the list of exercise 4, explain how you use each of the following:

A dictionary, a guidebook, an encyclopaedia, a magazine, an atlas, a photograph album, a newspaper, a contract, a car maintenance manual.

Ex. 6. Answer the questions below from the following list of parts of a book:

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