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2. The timber used was insufficiently seasoned.

Dry rot develops in houses because of timber being insufficiently seasoned.

1. Wood contains less than 20 per cent moisture content. Wood is not subjected to attack by wood destroying fungi. 2. When boards dry their shape changes. Shrinkage is not the same in different directions. 3. Pine is often very knotty. It is used in the manufacture of doors, kitchen tables, banks and stools. 4. Wood is kept dry. It is treated with preservatives to prevent fungi infection. 5. Wood is still often used as fuel. Scientists are now searching for new ways of making this useful material accessible for other purposes. 6. Wood had been dried without temperature control. It had numerous defects. 7. Drying was incomplete. The lumber was stacked improperly. 8. Wood is very important for industry. It is also important for life itself.

9. Central and South America has immense unexploited areas of tropical hardwoods. The communication and transportation difficulties are very great.

        1. Read one more text on the problem and do the tasks. Classification of Species

A. Unlike other raw materials, the forests of the world are relatively inexhaustible, provided that trees are harvested and reduced simultaneously, and the forests are properly managed. Over 40,000 species of woody plants have been botanically identified, and of these some 10,000 are trees of some commercial importance – at least in their local environment. There are many factors which influence quality of growth and resulting value. Among these are the variations between climatic conditions, the effect of latitude, rainfall, temperature and the effects of mountain ranges, deserts and the Gulf Stream. Moreover, many tree species are represented by a number of species, which between them have a very wide natural distribution.

B. Traditionally woods have been classed either as “softwoods”, which means woods from coniferous trees that bear needles, or as “hardwoods”, meaning those from the broad-leaved trees. These words of course suggest that the woods from conifers are in fact softer than those from broad-leaved trees and this was in general true of the timbers of Europe where the spruces and pines yield timbers that can be easily cut and nailed, while broad-leaved trees such as oak and beech produce harder and heavier woods.

C. Softwoods are found principally in a broad belt stretching across the North American continent, Scandinavia, Europe, Russia and Siberia. The commoner softwoods, such as European redwood and whitewood, when grown in different parts of Europe, produce very different grades of timber. The farther north a conifer grows, the better timber it will produce, as the rate of growth is slower than in the warmer southern climates. The annual rings are narrower and the timber is more even in texture and more valuable.

D. There are two general categories of hardwoods – temperate hardwoods and tropical hardwoods. Hardwoods of the same species vary greatly according to local conditions, temperature, rainfall, etc. In most cases timber is graded, named and priced according to the port from which it is shipped.

Task 1.

Define which of the statements are:

A- true B- false C- not mentioned in the text

    1. Forests will last forever if properly harvested, reduced and managed.

    2. The latitude and climate do not effect the growth of trees.

    3. There is no difference between softwoods and hardwoods.

    4. The strength of wood depends on the climate.

Task 2.

Which paragraphs (A,B,C,D) express the following ideas?

  1. The quality of growth and resulting value of wood depend on many factors.

  2. Hardwoods grown in temperate and tropical climate differ greatly.

Task 3.

Answer the question. Make the right choice.

What do the words “softwoods” and “hardwoods” mean?

A. They mean two classes of wood.

B. They mean the strength properties.

C. They mean the density of wood.

D. They mean the conditions of growth.

Task 4.

Finish the sentence in accordance with the text.

For the forests to be inexhaustible it is necessary _____.

A. to harvest them annually

B. to cut them wastefully

C. to harvest and reduce them simultaneously

D. to remove moisture

Task 5.

Answer the question.

What does the difference between the softwoods and hardwoods consist in?

It consists in _____ .

A. knots

B. the form of leaves

C. hygroscopicity of wood

D. moisture content

Task 6.

What is the origin of the text?

        1. a newspaper article

        2. an advertisement

        3. a course of lecture

        4. a business letter