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IV Creative understanding and application

Task 1. Find information about other film genres you know. Present the information as if you are:

  • an actor / actress who usually acts in this film genre;

  • a director who adores making films of such a genre;

  • an ardent cinema-goer who likes to watch film of such a genre;

  • a TV viewer who has no appetite for a films of such a genreю

Task 2. Prepare a film trailer describing any famous film. Be creative in its presentation.



Students should know:

  • topical vocabulary of this unit;

  • information about outstanding British, American, Belarusian actors / actresses / directors.

Students should be able to:

  • match parts of words to make up words (word combinations);

  • fill in the gaps using correct prepositions;

  • give English equivalents to the words using the topical vocabulary;

  • express the author’s and their own attitude towards the content of a text;

  • express agreement or disagreement with a statement;

  • make up a discussion on the base of a read text;

  • listen to a recording for understanding details;

  • make up a written speech on a suggested situation in the form of a letter;

  • make up and present a report on a given topic.

  1. Recognition, memorization, reproduction

Task 1. Read these words paying attention to their pronunciation, find Russian equivalents and memorize in order to use them in your speech.

Actor / Actress cast, n

comedian, n

stuntman, n

stand-in, n

ingénue, n

actor of great promise

star, n

co-star, n

heroine, n

heartthrob, n

villain, n

leading / main / title / key role

supporting / small / minor role

walk-on role

cameo, n

extra, n

Acting screen test

casting, n

play a role

co-star, v

portray a character

give a convincing (memorable, glamorous, captivating, warm, brilliant, superb) portrayal of ...

give a magnificent performance as ... (in)

take / gain the best actress (actor) award / title

create a true-to-life image

make the most of the role

bring to life on the screen

come alive on the screen

typical N role

outshine everybody else

new N film

be popular with A critic

star in a role

improvise, v

ad lib, v, n

be miscast / ill-chosen

acting is … in the minor as well as the major roles

have the appetite for smth

greet with lukewarm (rave) reviews

dislike a film

damn a film with faint praise

be cast to advantage

be perfectly cast

to be in the limelight

appreciate fame

tone down for a camera

have a box office name

achieve recognition

straw-hat circuit, n

rehearsal, n

audition, n

get one’s chance

be rushed off

resist the magnetic pull

be haunted by smth

lounge in the stalls

leap up, ph. v

push into a profession

inevitable career path

overact, v

be out of work

be spotted

ride to stardom

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