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In the usa the executive branch is headed by the …



 Vice president





Решение: Чтобы правильно выполнить задание, нужно иметь общие знания о политическом устройстве США. По Конституции США федеральное правительство разделено на три ветви (законодательную, исполнительную и судебную). Во главе исполнительной ветви находится Президент. Таким образом, правильным вариантом ответа является President: «В США главой исполнительной ветви (власти) является Президент».

  ЗАДАНИЕ N 23 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Канада

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The maple leaf, a Canadian symbol, appears on the …








Решение: Чтобы правильно выполнить задание, нужно иметь общие знания о культуре Канады и правильно перевести варианты ответов: penny – цент; nickel – монета в пять центов; quarter – монета в 25 центов; dollar – доллар. Правильным вариантом ответа является penny: «Символ Канады, кленовый лист, символ Канады, изображен на монете достоинством в цент».

 ЗАДАНИЕ N 24 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Выдающиеся личности англо-говорящих стран

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The most prolific of all inventors in history, who patented 1,093 different inventions in the USA including the incandescent electric lamp, the motion-picture projector and the phonograph is …

 Thomas Edison


 James Prescott Joule


 Henry Fielding


 Lord Kelvin

  ЗАДАНИЕ N 25 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Поисковое чтение с целью определения наличия в тексте запрашиваемой информации

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Прочитайте текст и выполните задания Modern Architecture 1. Modern architecture is the term universally applied to the style of building, which evolved a number of countries after the First World War as the International Style and which has culminated in the current design of glass, concrete and steel based on module construction presently being erected all over the world. 2. In the early 20th century an instinctive desire of architects to break away from the confusions and contrivances of the 19th century, and their efforts to introduce a style which responded to new social needs and exploited new materials led to the changed appearance of buildings; simple rectangular outlines; avoidance of symmetry; absence of applied ornament; flat roofs and white walls, resulting from the use of reinforced concrete, now the favorite material; large windows, which new structural techniques permitted, but which were encouraged also by the spirit of the times, which believed in opening up the interiors of buildings to light and air. 3. Until the 1930s, Germany was the main center of new architecture because of the presence there of a unifying institution, the Bauhaus, a college of design, which became synonymous with modern teaching methods in architecture. 4. In the years after 1945 the emphasis was on town-planning and housing. This was the era of new towns, vast housing estates. In matters of architectural style, it became less a question of conflict between period revival and modern design than between buildings designed for effect and those that aimed at the creation of a modern vernacular and a humane and harmonious environment. The Modern Movement cannot be said to have had a clear historical end. It always exited concurrently with other ways of designing. Определите, какое утверждение соответствует содержанию текста.

 The teachers of the Bauhaus created a modern teaching method in architecture.


 The term ‘modern architecture’ can be applied only to France and Germany.


 Students of the Bauhaus created a modern teaching method in architecture.


 Modern architecture appeared in Europe before the First World War.

Решение: Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задание, следует знать алгоритм обработки текстовой информации и, прочитав текст, определить наличие в тексте информации, соответствующей его содержанию. Утверждение «The Bauhaus created a modern teaching method in architecture» («Учителя Баухауза создали новый метод обучения в архитектуре») соответствует содержанию текста: «Germany was the main center of new architecture because of the presence there of… the Bauhaus, a college of design, which became synonymous with modern teaching methods in architecture» («Германия была центром архитектуры благодаря существованию колледжа дизайна Баухауз, который стал синонимом современных методов обучения в архитектуре») (фрагмент 2).

  ЗАДАНИЕ N 26 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Изучающее чтение с элементами аннотирования

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Прочитайте текст и выполните задания Modern Architecture 1. Modern architecture is the term universally applied to the style of building, which evolved a number of countries after the First World War as the International Style and which has culminated in the current design of glass, concrete and steel based on module construction presently being erected all over the world. 2. In the early 20th century an instinctive desire of architects to break away from the confusions and contrivances of the 19th century, and their efforts to introduce a style which responded to new social needs and exploited new materials led to the changed appearance of buildings; simple rectangular outlines; avoidance of symmetry; absence of applied ornament; flat roofs and white walls, resulting from the use of reinforced concrete, now the favorite material; large windows, which new structural techniques permitted, but which were encouraged also by the spirit of the times, which believed in opening up the interiors of buildings to light and air. 3. Until the 1930s, Germany was the main center of new architecture because of the presence there of a unifying institution, the Bauhaus, a college of design, which became synonymous with modern teaching methods in architecture. 4. In the years after 1945 the emphasis was on town-planning and housing. This was the era of new towns, vast housing estates. In matters of architectural style, it became less a question of conflict between period revival and modern design than between buildings designed for effect and those that aimed at the creation of a modern vernacular and a humane and harmonious environment. The Modern Movement cannot be said to have had a clear historical end. It always exited concurrently with other ways of designing. Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста. In the second half of the XXth century the emphasis in architecture was on …

 Town-planning and housing


 changed appearance of buildings


 new structural techniques


 modern teaching methods

Решение: Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задание, следует знать алгоритм обработки текстовой информации и, прочитав текст, завершить утверждение согласно содержанию текста. Утверждение «In the second half of the XXth century the emphasis in architecture was on…» («Во второй половине двадцатого века основное внимание в архитектуре было направлено на…») следует закончить вариантом ответа «town-planning and housing» («планирование городов и жилищное строительство»), так как именно это утверждение соответствует содержанию текста. Согласно тексту: «In the years after 1945 the emphasis was on town-planning and housing» («После 1945 года основное внимание уделялось планированию городов и жилищному строительству») (фрагмент 4).

  ЗАДАНИЕ N 27 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Изучающее чтение с элементами анализа информации

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Прочитайте текст и выполните задания Modern Architecture 1. Modern architecture is the term universally applied to the style of building, which evolved a number of countries after the First World War as the International Style and which has culminated in the current design of glass, concrete and steel based on module construction presently being erected all over the world. 2. In the early 20th century an instinctive desire of architects to break away from the confusions and contrivances of the 19th century, and their efforts to introduce a style which responded to new social needs and exploited new materials led to the changed appearance of buildings; simple rectangular outlines; avoidance of symmetry; absence of applied ornament; flat roofs and white walls, resulting from the use of reinforced concrete, now the favorite material; large windows, which new structural techniques permitted, but which were encouraged also by the spirit of the times, which believed in opening up the interiors of buildings to light and air. 3. Until the 1930s, Germany was the main center of new architecture because of the presence there of a unifying institution, the Bauhaus, a college of design, which became synonymous with modern teaching methods in architecture. 4. In the years after 1945 the emphasis was on town-planning and housing. This was the era of new towns, vast housing estates. In matters of architectural style, it became less a question of conflict between period revival and modern design than between buildings designed for effect and those that aimed at the creation of a modern vernacular and a humane and harmonious environment. The Modern Movement cannot be said to have had a clear historical end. It always exited concurrently with other ways of designing. Ответьте на вопрос: What were the main reasons of the appearance of modern architecture?

 Among the main reasons is architects’ desire to break from the traditions and create a new style corresponding to the taste of a new period.


 Among the main reasons is the appearance the Bauhaus college of design and its new teaching method in architecture.


 Among the main reasons is a conflict between buildings designed for effect and those that aimed at the creation of a modern harmonious environment.


 Among the main reasons is a conflict between exploitation of new materials and presence of old building designs.

Решение: Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задание, следует знать алгоритм обработки текстовой информации при изучающем чтении, уметь анализировать получаемую информацию и, читая текст, находить ответ на поставленный вопрос. Правильный ответ на вопрос «Каковы были основные причины появления современной архитектуры?» – «Among the reasons is architects’ desire to break from the traditions and create a new style corresponding to the taste of a new period» («Среди причин ее появления – желание архитекторов отойти от традиций и создать новый стиль, который соответствовал бы вкусам нового времени»), так как согласно тексту: «…an instinctive desire of architects to break away from the confusions and contrivances of the 19th century, and their efforts to introduce a style which responded to new social needs and exploited new materials led to the changed appearance of buildings…» («…подсознательное желание архитекторов освободиться от неразберихи и выдумок 19 века, их усилия по созданию нового стиля, который соответствовал нуждам нового общества и использовал новые материалы, привели к изменению внешнего облика зданий…») (фрагмент 2).

  ЗАДАНИЕ N 28 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Изучающее чтение с выделением главных компонентов содержания текста

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Прочитайте текст и выполните задания Modern Architecture 1. Modern architecture is the term universally applied to the style of building, which evolved a number of countries after the First World War as the International Style and which has culminated in the current design of glass, concrete and steel based on module construction presently being erected all over the world. 2. In the early 20th century an instinctive desire of architects to break away from the confusions and contrivances of the 19th century, and their efforts to introduce a style which responded to new social needs and exploited new materials led to the changed appearance of buildings; simple rectangular outlines; avoidance of symmetry; absence of applied ornament; flat roofs and white walls, resulting from the use of reinforced concrete, now the favorite material; large windows, which new structural techniques permitted, but which were encouraged also by the spirit of the times, which believed in opening up the interiors of buildings to light and air. 3. Until the 1930s, Germany was the main center of new architecture because of the presence there of a unifying institution, the Bauhaus, a college of design, which became synonymous with modern teaching methods in architecture. 4. In the years after 1945 the emphasis was on town-planning and housing. This was the era of new towns, vast housing estates. In matters of architectural style, it became less a question of conflict between period revival and modern design than between buildings designed for effect and those that aimed at the creation of a modern vernacular and a humane and harmonious environment. The Modern Movement cannot be said to have had a clear historical end. It always exited concurrently with other ways of designing. Определите основную идею текста.

 Modern architecture which appeared at the beginning of the XXth century gave the world its present look and is still inventing designs for harmonious housing.


 Modern architecture appeared as the protest against the confusions and contrivances of the 19th century.


 The task of modern architecture at the beginning was to change the appearance of buildings and to open up the interiors of buildings to light and air.


 Modern architecture cannot be said to have had a clear historical end. It always exited concurrently with other ways of designing.

Решение: Для того чтобы правильно выполнить задание, следует знать алгоритм обработки текстовой информации и, прочитав текст, выделить главные компоненты содержания текста, то есть определить основную идею текстовой информации. В тексте говорится о том, что 1) современная архитектура возникла в начале XX века во многих странах и стала международным стилем («Modern architecture is the term universally applied to the style of building, which evolved a number of countries after the First World War as the International Style…» – фрагмент 1); 2) одной из причин ее появления является желание архитекторов отойти от традиций и создать новый стиль, который соответствовал бы вкусам нового времени, («…an instinctive desire of architects to break away from the confusions and contrivances of the 19th century, and their efforts to introduce a style which responded to new social needs and exploited new materials led to the changed appearance of buildings…» – фрагмент 2); 3) современные стиль все еще формируется в наши дни («The Modern Movement cannot be said to have had a clear historical end. It always exited concurrently with other ways of designing» – фрагмент 4); Таким образом, правильный вариант ответа «Modern architecture which appeared at the beginning of the XXth century gave the world its present look and is still inventing designs for harmonious housing» («Современная архитектура, которая возникла в начале XX века, дала миру его сегодняшний облик и до сих пор продолжает разрабатывать проекты для гармоничного жилья»).

  ЗАДАНИЕ N 29 сообщить об ошибке Тема: Оформление делового письма

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