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8)Criminal Law.

The aims of criminal law involve mainly societal concerns rather than the individual in civil law

Criminal law involves punishment of the criminal to prevent other individuals from commiting similar wrongs. The criminal law serves a substitute for private vengeance

The English laws adopts several classification of crimes. The older classification was a follows 1)treasons

2) felonies 3) misdemeanors. Some instances of felonies were murder burglary, rape. A new classification of crimes arrestable a non arrestable. From the procedural point of view , crimes are divided into indictable, summary and hybrid ones. The another classification of crime :

Federal v. state

Property v. person v .government state

Felonies v. misdemeanors

9)Torts and contracts.

The word tort is derived from the French language meaning wrong. In legal terminology the word means any civil wrong other than breach of contract or breach of trust. Lawyers group under this general heading of Tort all acts of any person or organization which by law gives to any person or organization the rights to claim damage or other legal remedies against the “actor”. When a tort is committed ,the same act is often also a crime. Sometimes there is no criminal prosecution because the police do not feel they have enough evidence or they feel that the matter is more of a private dispute than one involving public law and order. And sometimes it is difficult to find a criminal which covers a tortuous act. Some torts are rather specific, for example trespass or false imprisonment. The next torts to consider is nuisance . two type public and private. Public nuisances involve cases where the public as a whole suffer more than an individual. A PRIVATE NUISANCE is more limited. The tort of defamation “is concerned with injury to the reputation of another person”. One of the newest torts in the USA in infliction of emotional distress. This involves intentional conduct that is so reckless and outrageous that it causes severe mental distress to a person of ordinary sensibilities. Several classifications of contrasts



Whether the agreement involves making a promise for a promise for an act bilateral/unilateral

10. Legal from that business in the usa can take.

There are several legal forms of business in the USA. They include sole proprietorship, partnerships (general and limited) corporations.

A sole proprietorship is a business enterprise owned solely by one individual. A sole proprietorship have both advantages and disadvantages.

Such advantages:

Sole proprietorship most elementary organizational form of business.

Small new businesses are the simplest and least expensive to form and operate.

A sole proprietorship is easy to get started. All one needs to become a proprietor is to obtain the assets and to commence operations. It is necessary to register the name of the business to prevent fraud. Sole proprietors have complete control over their business, keeping all profits. Their income from business is taxed as personal income and they can discontinue business at will.

There are some disadvantages:

It is difficult for sole proprietors to put together enough financial resources to enter large industries. The 2-nd proprietors are liable for all the debis (?) of the firm.

A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on as co – owners a business for profit.

Advantages of partnership:

Is also lasy(?) to establish and does not require state approval.

More investment capital is available. Partner pay only personal income tax.

Disadvantages partnership:

Partners in general partnership have unlimited liability, profits must be shared and disputes between partners can apise.

A corporation is a legal person, body or entity which is separate and distinct from owners (shalholders).

People who purchase corporate, shares are known as shareholders, or stockholders.

Stockholders are free to sell their stock.

Corporation may be formed only with official government authorization.

Advantages of corporation:

Corporation owners have limited liability.

Corporation can raise large sums of money.

Corporation can employ well – trained personnel.

Ownership is a corporation can be easily transformed from one person to another.

The with drawal (?) of several stockholders; corporate offeces; of employees from the firm can not terminate is existence.

Disadvantages of corporation:

Is double taxation of income.

The corporation itself pays a tax on its income and the recipients of dividends (shareholders) also pay tax on the dividend income.