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Complex sent. As a syntactic unity

It is based on subordination of Clauses. Complex Sent can express numerous semantic relations between Cl, each of which represents its own event or situation and thus Complex Sent states the relations between 2 events: causative, resultative, temporal or conditional.

Cl can be connected syndetically/asyndetically. Syndetic connection is performed with the help of conjunctions which serve as mere link Ws or connectors.

The 2nd means – connectives which are represented by relative PrNs & Adv (who, what, where, when, how, how, why). Connectives have 2 functions in subordinate Cl: 1) Link Vs; 2) have their own syntactic function in a subordinate Cl (e.g.: I don`t know who will be my traveling companion).

The syntactic relations in case of subordination of Cl are different from those in case of coordination. Coordinated Cl are of the same rank while in complex Sent 1 of them is lower in its syntactic rank. The Cl here are subdivided into main & subordinate. In the principle Cl there is a w the syntactic valency of which is not realized within the main Cl itself. This word is called the centre of subordination. (e.g.: She told me – an object is missing. She was asked to go – should be continued by modifier).

On the other hand, in the subordinate Cl there is a formal signal showing that it cannot be used as an independent sentence even if it has all the necessary parts of the sentence. Most usually the formal signal is expressed by a conj/connective (e.g.: As Mary told me). Sometimes the formal signal is indicated by an unusual gr form – e.g. in the form of the Subjunctive (e.g.: He go there. She were here (only in the obl Cl)). Sometimes inversion is used as a signal of a subordinate Cl (e.g.: Hardly had she said those words).

These formal signals show the independent character of the subordinate Cl and in order to participate in the process of communication it should be attached to the principle Cl. In the principle Cl there is a word which needs subordinated Cl to realize its valency & get semantic completeness. Thus the principle Cl presupposes the appearance of the subordinate Cl. In the subordinate Cl there are signals of its dependent character & it means that a subordinate Cl should be connected the principle one because taken alone it cannot be a unit of communication. For this reason we may conclude that there are 2-way syntactic relations b/w the Princ & Subord Cl.

The English term Cl which is used to indicate structural part of a complex sentence has in Russian the term «предикативная единица».

In some cases if the centre of subordination in a PrCl is expressed by a N or a PrN formally the PrCl may look complete (e.g.: There is not a person in our group).

To make a sentence uncontradictory the N ‘person’ should be specified, its meaning should be described with the help of the following attributive Cl (e.g.: There is not a person in our group whom she would like). Some Ns or PrNs of an abstract character need the following subordinated Cl to give the PrCl semantic completeness (e.g.: I`ll tell u smth).

Even if the PrCl is complete structurally it is necessary to give sense to it. Cl in a complex Sent combine in different ways & can produce different patterns if there > than 2 Cl in a complex Sent

e.g.: He told me a (1)story (2)which I didn`t believe (3)because it was too fantastic – successive subordination

e.g.: He (1)lived (2)where he wanted & (3)how he wanted – coordinated subordination

e.g.: She gave a (1)present (2)which embarrassed me because it was (3)tasteless & because it looked a (4)second-hand thing. 2-way syntactic relations.

If a complex sentence has 4 or > Cl the 1st 2 essential patterns may combine in it. Depending on the morphological nature of the centre of subordination the PrCl may be followed by Object or Adv Cl if the centre of subordination is expressed by a V and by Attributive Cl if the centre of subordination is expressed by a N or PrN.

NON-TRADITIONAL CLAUSE CONNECTION: Predication, Correlation, Relative annexation

The principle part of a Sent can also be expressed by Cl. N this case it wouldn`t be right to classify such Cl as Sub ones because they occupy the positions of Subj & Predicate. The relations b/w these parts are called predicative, -> the syntactic relations within complex Sent having subj & predicate are also called the relations of predication. Subj Cl can be of 2 kinds: in the 1st case Subj Cl stands before the Predicate & is very easy to identify (e.g.: What u have planned cannot be realized).

The 2nd type is found in a complex sentence beginning with the introductory subj ‘it’ while the Subj Cl itself stands after the predicate in the sentence (e.g.: It is obvious that they won`t appear again).

According to the 1st viewpoint here we deal with the Subj Cl which is placed into the final position in order to make this part of information more prominent. To prove that it is necessary to make the reordering transformation after which the Cl will occupy the initial position.

According to the 2nd viewpoint there can`t be 2 Subj in 1 and the same Sent – ‘it’ & the final Cl. They say, that final Cl should be treated as a kind of opposition to the formal subj ‘it’.

  1. Subj Cl  Predicate

  2. It  Subj Cl

Predicative Clause appear after Link Vs which are quite numerous in English but not all of them can be followed by Cl. Most usually Pred Cl appear after to look, to to feel, to seem, to turn (e.g.: The only comforting feature of the whole party is that we didn`t pay for our dinner).

Most usually Pred Cl are introduced by as if/as though (e.g.: They looked as if they were planning smth against me). The same conjunction may introduce Cl of comparison. To distinguish them we should take into consideration the position of the Cl. If it comes immediately after the Vs to feel, to look it`s a predicative Cl (e.g.: She felt as if she had been betrayed by her best friends).

But if after the same Vs first comes an adj or prepositional obj & only after them the Cl appears, it`s adverbial Cl of comparison (e.g.: She felt humiliated as if she had been betrayed by her best friends).

Quite often in 1 & the same Sent there may appear the subj & the predicate (e.g.: What u have done is not what u should have done. Subj Cl  Pred Cl.

Correlation of Clauses

This mode of Cl-connection can be found in complex Sent with Parenthetical Cl. Parentheses are usually treated as optional part of the Sent. If we drop them the Sent will be complete. Parenthetical Cl are important for describing the modal atmosphere of statement to show the degree of probability of a action, to name the source of information, to show the speaker`s attitude. Can be introduced with Sub or Coordinating conj (e.g.: Hope, if there could be any hope, didn`t attend him. Some, and they were not few, gave in).

Parenthetical Cl have some stable Cl of derivation. They consist of the PrN ‘I’ + V of mental activity (I think, hope, believe). E.g.: As far as I know -> source of information

E.g.: As ill luck would have it -> personal evaluation.

Relative Annexation

Found in those cases when the relative PrN ‘which’ joins to the PrCl. Another Cl which is not connected to the N or PrN but gives a comment to the whole proceeding Cl (e.g.: They didn`t appear at a due time, which worried their parents).

Quite often ‘which’ can be proceeded by a preposition to specify semantic relations (e.g.: U saved me from a lot of troubles, for which I am very grateful to u). Not popular nowadays. Were very popular in the 16th, 17th, 18th centuries when people used pronominal adv ‘where’ + preposition.

Nowadays instead of ‘which’ we find ‘and this/that/it’

Function of ‘which’ – summarizing the meaning of the previous clause, giving the speaker`s evaluation.

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