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Emotion is the complex psychophysiological experience of an individual's state of mind as interacting with biochemical and environmental influences.

In everyday life we experience emotions constantly. Emotion is a reaction to some specific caught. Emotion is associated with mood, temperament, personality and disposition, and motivation.

Начало формы

Emotions can be divided into positive and negative. Also they are divided affection, feelings and moods.

Short emotion is named affect. Affect it is responses to different situations, important situation for person. Hard complex of emotion is named feelings. Now we know such different feeling as sadness, anger, happens and love.

Long emotions that last from several hours to several days, called the mood. The mood is formed from a variety of emotions It is positive, negative and ambivalent.

Theories of emotion

We tend to think that bodily changes that occur in response to stress are caused by emotion.

  1. Theory James-Lange say that the important factor in out feel emotion is the feedback from the badly changer that occur in response to stressful situation.

  2. Cannon and Bart in they theory say that central role in emotion has thalamus which is a part of the brain’s central core.

  3. Shehter in his theory of emotional say that emotions is results of two components: first component it is physiology component and second – it is cognitive component

  4. V. Vundt create his association theory. In this theory he say that emotion arise on base our association (past experience)

  5. Theory of Izard said that emotion is hard complex process, which consist neuro, muscles and feeling component.

  6. According to the facial feedback theory emotion is the experience of changes in our facial muscles.

Cognitive-behavior therapy is a kind of behavior therapy that treats thoughts and ideas as learned behavior. (The term cognitive-behavior modification is also used to describe this kind of therapy.) It is argued that maladaptive thoughts, the kinds of thoughts that underlie problem of adjustment, are acquired thought conditioning process. And they can be extinguished or modified like any other learned behavior. A maladaptive thought is any thought that precedes undesirable behavior or has negative emotional consequences. If Mary has been told that she should stop smoking by her physician and she still finds herself thinking, “I have just got to have a cigarette”, then this is a maladaptive thought. Cognitive=behavior therapy emphasizes training methods, skills that an individual can acquire to deal with maladaptive thoughts. Donald Meichenbaum, a research psychologist has explored a number of these methods. An example of such methods is stress-noculation training. In stress-inoculation training, the individual prepares ahead of time to cope with stressful situation by using explicit strategies.

Cognitive therapy

An approach to psychotherapy that focuses on replacing maladaptive automatic thoughts with adaptive voluntary ones. The therapist helps the patient to development the logical tools necessary to modify the impact of automatic thoughts. Research has shown that, in many cases, cognitive therapy can be an effective way to relieve depression. This cognitive therapy is an approach with a wide spectrum of applications.

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