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Билет 1. The discovery of America. Native Americans. The first Europeans in America.

Before Columbus

1) America was inhabited since 25.000 BC.

    1. B.C. – ice age is over (climate began to warm up), hunters explore lands searching for food

    1. 2000 BC – first settlements, farming, fishing

    1. BC – 500 AD – first large building projects, ceremonial earthworks and mounds

5)By 1492 – the American civilizations had reached a lvl of culture included personal wealth, fine buildings, expert craftsmanship, and religions - three distinguished civilizations – Aztecs, Inks, Maya

Vikings - found on Newfoundland near Canada.

1492Columbus explored. needed money for finding new route to Asia, and was given ships by Spanish monarch. Opened island San Salvatore (Spanish for«Holy Savior») explored some islands in Caribbean Sea, the island of Trinidad and landed in Central and South America. Never explored the territory of modern US. People are called Indians by him.

Ferdinand Magellan – crossed the Atlantic and sailed around the South Am,he wasn’t able to find the river flowing into the Pacific. explored the Philippines, here Magellan was killed in the fight between 2 tribes. The last ship reached their port 3 years ago -the first travel around the world. 1519 - 1522.

Hernando Cortes 1519– Sp explorer and intruder. He and his men (Spaniards) devastated the Aztec lands and took control over Mex and Cent Am. Catholic priests. built missions,-a settlement,with a wall around it. Such a S-t had a church, a fort, houses, and farm land. became centers of trade and religion for both Spaniards and Indians. Hernando de Soto –revealed what is now the southeastern US.

French. Jacques Cartier – three voyages to North America. Gulf of St. Lawrence and entered the St. Lawrence River. landed where the city of Quebec now stands.1534-1542

Champlain – he made a voyage to Amer­ica and landed at Quebec and built a fort there. Wherever his men went, they set up trading posts at which they traded French goods to the Indians for furs. But they did not find the way lead­ing to the Pacific. 1608

Jacques Marquette, Louis Joliet – explored Lake Michigan and found the Mississippi River. 1673

La Salle – claimed all the land around the Mississippi River for France. 1682

Henry Hud­son – an Englishman hired by the Dutch government to look for a northern passage. his ship, the Half Moon, he explored the Huds riv. In 1609 Hudson claimed the land along the river for the Dutch.

In 1610 Hudson by England continue his explorations. Huds bay

Билет 2. America in the 17th-18th centuries. The War of Independence; Formation of the USA; Constitution and Bill of rights.

Открытия = с первого билета

Roanoke. - 1587 over 100 people landed on Roanoke Isl – (N. Carolina). The Roanoke settlement - Lost Colony. 1607 settlement Jamestown. Problems: hunger, living in a wilderness. 1624 - the English king took control of the colony away from the Virginia Company, and from then on Virginia was called a royal colony. The changes helped the colony survive. The 1st black colonists - 20 Afr - brought to Jmstw in 1619 by a Dutch ship. "Mayflower". Pilgrim Fathers left England 1620. from Plymouth ,102 passengers, forming the borderland of three counties - Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire. on the New World that is now Massachusetts. 2 actions with far-reaching sequences were taken. 1 - the first modern example of a system of government instituted as a result of voluntary agreement by men accepting equal rights. 2 - the election of Deacon Carver as Governor. P. called their colony Plymouth. suffered from the cold winter. 1/2 died, help of friendly Indians, P. were able to build houses and raise food crops. first Thanks­giving feast.

The French and Indian war: 1754: war Britain and France both claimed fought to decide who would con­trol Canada and the Ohio Valley. The French supported by Indians. Br soldiers - redcoats - by the British gov, + men from Virginia. 1759 the Br captured the fortress town of Quebec. A year later, Montreal. French gave up 1763 a peace treaty was signed. France gave up all its land on the North Amer­ican continent. Canada became a British colony. The Boston tea party: 1770, there was a strong opposition between some British soldiers on guard duty and a small crowd of people who started yelling at the soldiers and throwing stones and snowballs. 3 dead.- Boston Massacre. People who vs British - Patriots. In Boston the P. called themselves the Sons and Daugh­ters of Liberty. to show their pro­test against the tax on tea which had to be paid when buying tea from Britain. 1773, went to the harbor,boarded 3 British ships. Seizing the tea chests, dumped their contents into the water. The war for Independence: in Philadelphia 1774 -Continental Congress. decided to stop all trade with Britain, start collecting guns and practice using them and not to obey the laws and queen - an open conflict. organized the Continental Army. George Washington - army commander. 1776, Declaration of Independence. - free and independent states, by Thomas Jefferson of Virginia. 1779, both free blacks and slaves were allowed to join the army. both Spain and France were enemies of Britain at that time. supplies money to the Americans. +Polish In 1777 an important victory at Saratoga in New York State. The Battle of Yorktown - end of the fighting. GB agreed that the 13 colonies independent. The Constitution and the first election for President. to convene a meeting in Independence Hall, Philadelphia. the Convention of 1787: a total of 55 men.George Washington had been elected chairman. James Madison gave expert advice. Benjamin Franklin, American statesman, philosopher. Long debates, different ideas about the system of representation of members in Congress. Congress - into two parts. Senate, each state would have two votes. House of Representatives, the # of representatives would be set according to the # of people in each state. This plan the Great Compromise.

Билет 3. America in the 18th century (Thomas Jefferson, Moving West, the Texas republic, American dreams and values).

Thomas Jefferson (1743 – 1826) 3d US pres,  author of the Declaration of Independence. wanted the Thirteen Colonies to be free from Great Britain. quickly assumed a leadership rule among like-minded men of his generation. He was a member of the Second Continental Congress. He was chosen to be in the group of officials that wrote the Declaration of Independence and was its main writer. Jefferson served as a lawmaker in Virginia and as Governor of Virginia.

Moving west. People moved west for various reasons; for adventure, new land, search for wealth, new life/starting over, and many other reasons. The Federal government encouraged this because new territories could be added to the US. This was called Manifest Destiny, the belief that Americans were entitled and ordained by God to occupy all of North America. If disputed areas in the West such as places like Texas, Oregon and New Mexico territories could be settled and have a majority of Americans there, then these places  could and would become US property by default. The Industrial Revolution just added to this push West by the influx of immigrants to America thus many people moved West to get away from this influx.

Продвижение на запад: 1 – 1803 – Наполеон продал Луизиану, 2 – 1845 – аннексирован Техас после войны с Мексикой, 3 – 1846-1847 – Калифорния, Аризона, Колорадо, Юта, Нью-Мексико, 4 -1867 – у России купили Аляску, 5- 1898 – США устанавливает контроль над Пуэрто-Рико, Филиппинами, Кубой и Ганой, 6 – 1950 – Гавайи.

Texas War of Independence. In 1820's, Americans began to migrate to Texas(- part of Mexico at the time).many more Am’s than Mex’s lived in T. leaders of Mexico began to worry that they might lose Texas to the Americans and so they decided to stop all immigration from the United States. To make things worse, Mexico had a new president, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, threw out the Mexican constitution, made himself president for life. sent soldiers to Texas to make sure that the T’ns wouldn't try to separate from M. Am’s and Mex’s living in Texas joined together to fight M. 1835-36. Texas was declared an independent country. It remained an independent country for ten years. In 1845 Congress voted to admit Texas as a slave state, making Texas the country's 28th state.

Am Dream - national ethos of the US; a set of ideals, freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, and an upward social mobility achieved through hard work. "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth. idea of AD is rooted in the US Declaration of Independence, proclaims "all men are created equal".Появляется большое количество историй, связанных с «американской мечтой». Данная мечта способствует формированию американского патриотизма и новой американской нации.

Билет 4. The USA in the 19th century (political parties, the Civil War, America in the Pacific).

The war of 1812 (англо-американская). 1803 – the war between France and GB, target: to stop American ships from trading with its enemy. British wanted to control the Old Northwest from the colony of Canada. *Kidnapped American sailors *Indian raids against frontier settlements. America was not prepared to fight a war (a weak lvl of the army and navy) => willing to avoid war. spring of 1812 - the USA declared war on GB. Failed American invasions

important battles: *GB captured Detroit. *Washington (GB won) + government buildings` arson. *Fort McHenry in Baltimore harbor (GB failed). The poem “The Star-Spangled Banner" of Francis Scott Key. It conveyed the patriotic feeling,1931 became the text of the American national anthem).

1815- the Battle of New Orleans - America victory. 1819 - Sp gave up all of Florida to the US.

North and South political parties

*N part of the USA: against slavery, more industry, more large cities. Abolitionists *S part: for slavery, was mostly farms (cotton) => conflict between N&S parts

1854Missouri Compromise (the plan of Congress) - each state choose its territory- slave or free. Slavery - important question in elections.

1854 - the RepParty appeared => slavery must not be allowed in the territories. Democrats for slavery: Southern Dems - to allow slavery everywh; Northern Dems - territory decide about the slavery .

1860 – Rep Lincoln won the election. not an abolitionist. 7 southern states left the Union. 4 others joined them. These 9 states = the Confederacy. considered slaves as property.

Civil War (1861-1865). start1861 - Confederate soldiers fired at Union troops in Fort Sumter. War was long and hard. General Robert E. Lee led the southern army. (because of his loyalty to Virginia)

January 1, 1863 - Lincoln signed The Emancipation Proclamation: all slaves in states fighting against the Union were free => most blacks joined the Union army. July of 1863 - the battle of Gettysburg => the Confederate army was forced to retreat. The Gettysburg Address of Lincoln, he said: "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

April 9, 1865 - Lee was judged in Virginia.=> The war was over.

April, 1865 - An actor shot and killed Lincoln in the theatre.

After the War. Reconstruction- abolition of slavery, more factories, transportation system. 1865 -The 13th Am: slavery was abolished everywhere in the USA., The 14th: all Americans had equal rights as citizens (black&whites), The 15th: no one could be kept from voting because of race.

Andrew Johnson - new Pres. A huge problem: no slaves – no cotton - farmers had no money to pay workers - ex-slaves had no money to buy a farm. A solution: the system of sharecropping - a farmer let a worker live on some of his land and farm it. Sharecroppers, in return, gave the landowner part of their crop.

Ku Klux Klan is a group of angry people about the new freedom for the blacks (the right to vote and be elected to office).

America in the Pacific

1854 the treaty of trade with Jap .1867 buying Alaska from Russia.ful of nat resources.

1898 Hawaii became a us territory.

In 1899 the US and Germany - divide the Samoan islands between them. => +American Samoa.

War with Spain spring,1898. The uS won. The results of war:

Cuba became a republic, but the US did, however, keep the right to take a hand in Cuban affairs. Puerto Rico - to the US.

Билет 5. The USA in the 20th century. 1st Part.

Age of reform. - to stop criminal governments from using tax money for their political bosses’ personal and political needs. the name of Robert M. La Follette. 1900 elected governor of Wisconsin. 1904 Wisconsin held its first primary election. LF use tax money for such things as schools, parks, and hospitals. (“ Battling Bob”) Theodore Roosevelt pres in 1901, most popular. Teddy or TR.

Here is a list of some of the new laws: 1. government loans to help farmers, 2. making illegal selling dangerous foods and medicines, 3. working conditions at factories and in mines safer, 4. setting up national forests and parks, 5.an income tax.

Women-fighters for their rights became stronger. Their demand - right to vote, i.e. suffrage. Alice Paul, founder of the National Woman's Party in 1913 and author of the Equal Rights Amendment in 1923. Women's right to vote would not be ratified until 1920, when a new amendment was added to the Constitution of the US. 1900 laws had div Sth into 2 sep societies - 1 white and the oth black.southern black people had to live in separate neighborhood…shops, schools. Jim Crow laws "separate but equal" 1905 Niagara Movement. Its supporters create org National Ass for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP.

The US and Latin America. 16 battleships around the world. Great White Fleet." to keep European countries from interfering in Latin America. Monroe Doctrine, by Pres Monroe in 1823 as a warning to Europe not to start any new colonies in Latin America. a reason for sending troops into Latin American countries. -> many people in Latin America - the U.S. 'the Yankee Giant”.

Idea - Theodore Roosevelt - to build a canal that connects North and South Am’s.. In 1914 the work was complete, Panama Canal - open.

The next Pres Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933). way of acting toward LA - the Good Neighbor Policy

WW1.1914, GB, France, and Russia - Allies. against Germany and Austria-Hungary, - Central Powers. most of the fighting took place in Eu. 1917, Congress declare war on Germany. General Pershing -commander of the army. The fighting stopped in November 1918. The next year a peace conference - in France. The organization of the League of Nations. But Congress refused to let the US join the League.

The years between wars. In the 1920's America became a nation on wheels. every family were buying a car. The most popular car - Model T, by Ford.

1920s experiment Prohibition - a law that made the sale of alcoholic drinks illegal.. => it caused new probl - illegal bars, selling poisonous alcohol, More people drank than before =>in 1933 a law was passed to repeal the experiment. 1929, - the stock market crashed. Banks and companies went out of business. unemployment rates were very high. the Great Depression.

In 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President. He promised Americans a New Deal - new plans to end the Depression. By 1936 there had been started dozens of programs to create new jobs and help people make a new start. In 1940 he was elected to a third term.

Билет 6. The USA in the 20th century. 2nd Part (WWII, post-war period, Cold War).

World War II

1937 China was invaded by Japane. 2 years later, Hitler - into Poland. The United States was staying neutral. Dec 7, 1941, Japan attacked an American naval base in Hawaii, the Pearl Harbor attack.

Summ 1945, Am dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan.

During the ww2, there had been no fighting in NA. So the US was in better shape than other countries.

The United Nations had been formed at the end of WW II. The United Nations Charter had been drafted at the Potsdam peace conference in July 1945.

A cold war - as soon as WW II ended. The two countries had been allies in fighting Nazi Germany.new types of weapons and new forms of using them were invented. !!contest - the arms race.

The Marshal Plan( 1947) - the United States gave or loaned billions of dollars to various European countries, particularly Germany, to assist in postwar reconstruction of their industries.

fear of Communism -> the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Apr 1949.

increased international tension - the wars in North Korea (1950-1953) and Vietnam (1960-1973), the support of France in their Indochina War (1946-1954), the Soviet-American conflict in Cuba (1962).

Belief in the nation's political institutions was shaken by a series of scandals. The most serious of these became known as the Watergate scandal.

The Iran-Contra scandal -nov 1986. The Reagan administration, in its zeal to topple (рвение чтобы свергнуть) the socialist Sandinista government in Nicaragua, had illegally sold arms to fund army. "freedom fighters" in Nicaragua known as the "Contras".

The equal rights movement - a great loss in 1968, which Martin Luther King was assassinated.

Civil rights workers were jailed, beaten, murdered. In the mid-1960s - mass demonstrations turned into violence.Great progress - Congress has passed laws making segregation,job discrimination illegal.

2Great Powers on the Brink of War. US supported invasion of Cuba by anti-Castro forces.Carribean crisis –1963.

The Vietnam War. On Nov 22, 1963, troops to the Dominican republic during disorders there and escalating American participation in the Vietnam War. The War provoked opposition at home - demonstrations in which thousands of people were arrested.

The Reagan Years

  • to restore American supremacy both politically and economically, Foreign policy was anti-Communist, The Soviet Union - "evil empire", 1981 sanctions against Poland, 1986 the space shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after liftoff, killing the entire 7-person crew, +series of arms reduction talks initiated by Gorbachov.

Bush and Clinton. In foreign affairs George H. W. Bush – aggressive

1989, Bush ordered the invasion of Panama by U.S. troops. Bush's major military action, however, was the Persian Gulf War. After Iraq invaded Kuwait on Aug. 2, 1990, Bush announced the commencement of Operation Desert Shield, - naval (морская) and air blockade and the steady deployment of U.S. military forces to Saudi Arabia.

Bill Clinton was generally considered a political moderate. The economy gradually improved.

Clinton withdrew U.S. troops from Somalia and helped in reestablishing democratic rule in Haiti.

In Apr., 1995, in the act of terrorism a bomb was exploded at the federal building in Oklahoma city, killing 169 people.

Билет 7. The USA in the 21st century (politics, economy, social welfare)

The 2000 presidential election brought George W. Bush to power. Internationally, the United States experienced some friction with its allies (союзники=антигитлер.коалиция), who didn't like the Bush administration's desire to abandon both the Kyoto Protocol (designed to fight global warming) and the Antiballistic Missile Treaty (in order to proceed with developing a ballistic missile defense system).

Sept. 11 2011 - terrorists hijacked 4 planes, crashing two into the World Trade centre, which was destroyed, and one into the Pentagon; the 4th crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania+ 3,000 persons were killed or missing as a result of the attacks. The U.S. government sought to build an international coalition against Al Qaeda group and the Taliban + against terrorism, working to influence other nations to cut off sources of financial support for terrorism. => 1) In October air strikes and then ground raids were launched against Afganistan by the United States with British aid - a force of U.S. troops was based in Afganistan to search for Bin Laden, the main leader of terrorists.

George W. Bush ordered the deployment of a ballistic missile defense system to be effective in 2004 - the system would be designed to prevent so-called rogue missile attacks.

In 2003 Bush continued to press for Iraqi disarmament(разоружение). => ИТОГ: CША дико зафейлились и Буш как бы немного опозорился, т.к. U.S. weapon inspectors reported in Jan., 2004, that they had failed to find any evidence that Iraq had possessed biological or chemical weapons stockpiles prior to the U.S. invasion.

In February 2003 - the breakup of the space shuttle Columbia as it returned to earth:7 astronauts were killed in this second shuttle mishap.

*** B.Obama (The Democratic Party = Democrats advocate more social freedoms, affirmative action, balanced budget, and a free enterprise system tempered by government intervention (mixed economy) : The inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President, and Joe Biden as Vice President, took place on January 20, 2009.

As president, Obama: 1) gradually withdrew combat troops from Iraq; 2) increased troop levels in Afghanistan; 3)signed the New START arms control treaty with Russia; 4) ordered enforcement of the United Nations-sanctioned no-fly zone over Libya in early 2011. 5) On May 1, 2011, Obama announced that a small team of American military forces, acting on his direct order, had killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.