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The world is a book and those

who do not travel

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St. Augustine

Unit 1 essential vocabulary

  • Journey noun (plural journeys) – an act of travelling from one place to another: an eight-hour train journey; a long and often difficult process of personal change and development: her spiritual journey towards Roman Catholicism. e.g. I was excited with my character’s journey in the film. 2. verb (journeys, journeying, journeyed) travel somewhere: they journeyed south.

  • Cruise /kruːz/ – verb 1.sail about in an area without a precise destination, especially for pleasure: e.g. they were cruising off the California coast; she cruised the canals of France in a barge. 2. take a holiday on a ship or boat following a predetermined course, usually calling in at several places; travel or move slowly around without a specific destination in mind: e.g. a police van cruised past us; teenagers were aimlessly cruising the mall. 3. a voyage on a ship or boat taken for pleasure or as a holiday and usually calling in at several places: e.g. a cruise down the Nile. Phrases: cruising for a bruising – informal heading or looking for trouble.

  • Expedition – 1. a journey undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose, especially that of exploration, research, or war: e.g. an expedition to the jungles of the Orinoco; 2. formal promptness or speed in doing something: e.g. the landlord shall remedy the defects with all possible expedition.

  • Flight – noun 1. the action or process of flying through the air: e.g. an eagle in flight, the history of space flight; 2. an act of flying; a journey made through the air or in space, especially a timetabled journey made by an airline: e.g. a return flight from Gatwick to Berlin. 3. relating to or denoting archery in which the main concern is shooting long distances: e.g. short, light flight arrows; 4. a series of steps between floors or levels: e.g. I climbed the three flights of stairs which led to his office. Phrases: in full flight - escaping as fast as possible: soon the infantry were in full flight. The enemy was in a full flight; put someone/thing to flight - cause someone or something to flee: the hussars would have been put to flight

  • Hike – noun 1. a long walk or walking tour: e.g. a five-mile hike across rough terrain; 2. informal a long distance: e.g. it’s such a hike from Adelaide to Perth

verb 1. walk for a long distance, especially across country: e.g. they hiked across the moors; (as noun hiking) she enjoys hiking and climbing in her spare time. 2. increase (something, especially a price) sharply: e.g. the government hiked up the price of milk by 40 per cent.

Phrases: take a hike – used as an expression of irritation or annoyance, e.g. Okay, I've had it with you, take a hike!

  • Outing – noun 1. a trip taken for pleasure, especially one lasting a day or less: e.g. a family outing to Weston-super-Mare; 2. a brief journey from home: e.g. her daily outing to the shops.

  • Package holiday – noun 1. a holiday organized by a travel agent, with arrangements for transport, accommodation, etc., made at an inclusive price.

  • Safari – noun (plural safaris) an expedition to observe or hunt animals in their natural habitat, especially in East Africa: e.g. one week on safari

  • Tour – noun 1. a journey for pleasure in which several different places are visited: e.g. a motoring tour of Scotland; 2. a short trip to or through a place in order to view or inspect something: e.g. a tour of the White House; 3. a journey made by performers or a sports team, in which they perform or play in several different places: e.g. Ireland’s eight-match tour of New Zealand.

  • Trip – verb 1. catch one’s foot on something and stumble or fall: e.g. he tripped over his cat;

she tripped up during the penultimate lap; she shot out her foot to trip him up; (trip up) make a mistake: e.g. taxpayers often trip up by not declaring taxable income. 2. walk, run, or dance with quick light steps: e.g. they tripped up the terrace steps.

  1. noun 1. a journey or excursion, especially for pleasure: e.g. Sammy’s gone on a school trip; a trip to America.

Phrases: trip the light fantastic – humorous dance, in particular engage in ballroom dancing.

  • Voyage /ˈvɔɪɪdʒ/ – noun 1. a long journey involving travel by sea or in space: e.g. his voyage to America. verb 1. go on a voyage: e.g. he spent part of his life voyaging along the South African coast.

Exercise 1. Insert the words from the box into the gaps.

  1. I t was an awful flight – there was lots of turbulence, and one of the cabin attendants actually fell over. 2.The cost of _____________ has fallen steadily, which is nice for us but not great for the environment. 3. From Vienna to Kyiv is a book about an amazing train ___________ across Ukraine. 4. Tragically, the Titanic sank on her maiden ________________. 5. I met my husband on a romantic ___________ around the Caribbean. He was sea-sick and I nursed him. 6. Do you want to come on a day – _______________ to Cambridge? 7. The annual school _________________ was always to the same place, Stonehenge. 8. It was a classic __________________ – flight, bus, and hotel, everything included. 9. We’re planning a long ________________ across the Pyrenees, taking tents and everything with us. 10. A guided _______________ of Manchester? How exciting! 11. In 1953 British/New Zealand team set out on a historic ______________ to conquer the world’s greatest mountain, Everest. 12.Your ________________ will include two days in the Masai Mara reserve, where you’ll see lions, rhinos and lots of other spectacular wildlife.

Exercise 2. Put the following words into the correct sentences. Use each word once only.

  1. We visited lots of famous towns on our American _____________________last year.

  2. Before the invention of the airplane, the _______________ from Britain to America could take weeks, even months sometimes.

  3. Do you want to came for a _____________________ in my new car on Sunday?

  4. The plane now arriving is ______________SAS 555 from Copenhagen.

  5. The first thing I did when I got to London was to go on a sightseeing _______________.

  6. In my opinion, the best way to ____________________ is by air.

  7. Last summer I stayed in Brighton and one day our group went on a very interesting __________________ to Blenheim Palace, the home of the late Winston Churchill.

  8. My uncle is going on an _______________ next year to try to discover the lost city of Atlantis.

  9. How long does the train __________________ from London to Edinburgh take?

  10. Last year my mother went on a Mediterranean _______________ and was seasick practically the whole time.

  11. one of the main advantages of going on a _____________________, apart from the price, is the fact that you don’t have to spend weeks beforehand planning routes, finding hotels, buying air tickets, etc. it’s all done for you.

  12. We went on a day’s _____________________ to the zoo in Copenhagen and the whole family loved it.

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