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First recording Third recording

  1. What is the man’s name?

  2. Who is the woman? 6. Who is speaking?

7. What does she say?

Second recording Fourth recording

3. Who is the first speaker? 8. Who is the first speaker?

4. Who is the other speaker? 9. Who is the other speaker?

5. Who are they talking about? 10. Who are they talking about?

2. Look at these words and expressions. Can you remember which of them came in the recordings? Listen again and check.

Look even perhaps

You’re just too old Well, yes, I know perhaps not

Well, yes, OK What’s he like, then? I don’t know

That’s it Well, you know On the other hand

So what? I must say though

I don’t agree actually still

I do think Maybe maybe not

  1. James Pond, Agent 006, the famous British spy, is in Rome where he has to make contact with certain people. He is listening to descriptions of the people he has to meet. Complete his notes about each person. The first one has been started for you.

1. Agent X. 2. Agent y.

Sex: female Sex:_______

Age: about 35 Age:_______

Height: about average Height:_____

Hair: _____________ Hair:_______

Other:_____________ Other:______

__________________ __________

3. Agent z. 4. The Boss.

Sex:_________ Sex:________

Age:_________ Age:________

Height: _______ Height:______

Hair:_________ Hair:________

Other: _______ Other:_______

_____________ ____________

UNIT 4. My Future Job


ambition, nurse, obviously, rubbish, formative, wages, to appreciate, to get a raw deal, constantly, to deal with people, in rather intimate way, incentive, airforce, vet

1. Read the text and try to guess what words might go in the blanks. Then listen to the recording and see if you were right.

Twenty five-year old children from a British primary school class were asked what they wanted to be when they grew up. The answers were varied and interesting. Seven of the children had medical ambitions: there were four future 1 , one 2 , one 3 and one air force doctor? Two children wanted to be 4 - not very surprising, as the school is in a small country village. Two of the children obviously liked school: they wanted to be 5 . One child said he would like to be an 6 , one hoped to be a 7 driver and one had decided to become a fisherman. Of the rest, two did not know what they wanted to be, and four gave rather unexpected answers.

2. Make sure you know what the words and expressions mean. Then listen to the recording. Who does each speaker think could be paid most?

army general

rubbish collector

government minister

head of large factory

hospital nurse

policeman / policewoman

primary school teacher.

3. Now make sure you know what these expressions mean. Listen to the recording again. Which jobs are they used to talk about? Can you write down at least two other things that the speakers say about the jobs?

  1. demanding job.

  2. long hours

  3. not be paid at all if …

  4. one of the most important jobs

  5. paid a very good wage

  6. taken very seriously

  7. thankless job

  8. very poorly paid

UNIT 5. Working Day


to do smth. for fun, to enjoy oneself, to water the garden, coffee machine

  1. Read the questions below. Then write the numbers from 1 to 5 on your paper. Listen to the recording: you will hear five answers (a, b, c, d and e). Write the letter of each answer next to the number of the question the woman is answering.

1. What time do you usually get up?

  1. How do you get to work?

  2. How often do you stop during the day to have a

hot drink?

  1. What time do you have meals?

5. What do you usually do in the evening?

2. Listen to this interview with the well-known scientist Lily Tarkis. What kind of lifestyle does she have? Put a check under Always, Often, Sometimes, Never.

Always Often Sometimes Never

Get up at 5:00

Sleep late



Work on the weekends

Go to the park


Unit 6. How do you like your Job?


pub, boring, accountant, to touch the ground

  1. Listen to the dialogue. Then look at the following sentences. Are they true or false? Write T (true), F (false), or DK (don’t know).

1. Lucy works in a pub.

  1. She likes her work.

  2. She doesn’t meet many interesting people.

  3. Lucy’s job is always hard work.

  4. There is only one barman in her pub.

  5. John works in a bank.

  6. He likes his job very much.

  7. He has just been made manager.

  8. He’s going to move to another town soon.

  9. Lucy wouldn’t like to move to another town.

  10. John has lived in the same place for six years.

UNIT 7. How Do You Spend Your Weekends?


crossword puzzle, to lie in, to stay in, ice skating rink, fairly late, particularly, to entail a lot of cooking, to be heavily involved with, occasionally, assault course, to feel like doing, ironing

1.Make sure you know the words in the box. Then listen to the recording and write

down four things that Adele says she does and four things that Rufus says he

does at the weekend.

Business, crossword puzzle, gardening, guests, housework,

ice skating rink, ironing, lie in, meal, midday, necessary,

newspapers, sleep in, stay in bed, washing, weather, youth club

UNIT 8. I Haven’t Got Anything to Wear


sack, to borrow, to lend, to mind, to get moving

1. Read the conversation. The word to should go in some of the numbered gaps. Which ones?

J: Hello, Kate. What’s the matter?

K: Hello, Jan. Oh, dear. I’m going out with Tony tonight,

and I haven’t got anything 1 wear.

J: What about your blue dress? That’s lovely.

K: That old thing? No. It makes me 2 look like a sack of


J: Well, why don’t you 3 borrow something of mine?

K: Could I really 4?

J: Yes, of course. Would you like 5?

K: Well, I’d love 6. If you really don’t 7 mind.

J: What about that green silk thing?

K: Green silk?

J: Yes, you know. The dress I wore to Andy’s birthday party.

K: Oh, yes. I remember.

J: You’d 8 look great in that.

K: Oooh!

J: And I’ll 9 lend you my new shoes to go with it.

K: My feet are bigger than yours.

J: I don’t 10 think they are, Kate. Anyway, try the

shoes and see. What about a jacket? Have you got

one that will 11 do?

K: Not really?

J: Well, have one of mine.

K: Oh, Jan. I feel bad borrowing all your things.

J: That’s all right. What are friends for? I’ll 12 borrow

something of yours one of these days.

K: Well, thanks a million, Jan. I’d better 13 get moving.

Tony’s coming in half an hour.

J: OK. Wait a second. I’ll 14 go and get the dress.

Shall I 15 iron it for you?

K: Oh, Jan,…

2. Read the conversation again and then listen to the recording. How many differences can you find?

UNIT 9. How Much Is It?


design, shape, price tag, money doesn’t matter

1. Mrs. Coleman is in a department store. She is asking the clerk about the prices of different thing. Match each object with its correct price tag.

Object: ring, bracelet, pen, watch, calculator.

Price tag: $23.75, $135, $545, $105, $7.85, $750,


2. Listen again. What does Mrs. Coleman say is wrong with everything? Write the name of each item below.

Too big_______

Not the right design_________

Too heavy______________

Not the right shape__________

  1. What’s the real reason Mrs. Coleman doesn’t buy these things?

UNIT 10. Making a Complaint: It Doesn’t Work


appointment, complaint, furniture

1. Here is a dialogue with most of the words missing. Some blanks are one word; some need several words. See if you can guess what is missing, and listen to the recording to check you guesses.

ASSISTANT: ……….., madam. ………..help ………?

CUSTOMER: ……….. manager, ……… .

A: Furniture, madam? Second floor.

C: ……… Ma-na-ger.

A: .......... .............furniture.

C: ......... . But ……..manager, ……..?

A: Well, ……..busy ……… . ……….. appointment?

C: No, ……… . …………complaint.

A: A complaint. …………. . Well, I’ll just see if she’s free.

UNIT 11. Things Are Changing


percentage, unemployed

        1. Listen to the figures and complete the table.

Fantasia: some statistics

100 years ago

50 years ago






Average number of children per family………….




Average July temperature………………………...




Average January temperature……………………




Average height (men)……………………………..




Average height (women)………………………….




Length of working week…………………………..




Paid holiday………………………………………..




Average time taken for letter to travel 100km….


2 days


Size of Fantasian army……………………………




Population of San Fantastico…………………….




Percentage of population without homes……….




Percentage of population unemployed………….




UNIT 12. Things Are Different.


vehicle, wheel, fuel, speed, teenager, collaboration, fully loaded, deck

1. Copy the table. Then listen and fill in the gaps.








Number of wheels


How many people does it carry?


Top speed (in kph)

Weight (in kilos)

Price (in pounds)

UNIT 13. People Are Different.


comparison, to resemble, fairly angular, to suppose, to moan, to nag, easygoing

1. True or false? Listen to Marilyn and Pat, and write T or F for each sentence.

  1. Marilyn’s cousin has got a large nose.

  2. Marilyn and her cousin are both short.

  3. Marilyn has got the same temperament as her cousin.

  4. Pat looks the same as her mother.

  5. Pat and her mother are both short, but Pat’s quite a bit shorter.

  6. Pat has got the same temperament as her mother.

UNIT 14. Countries Are Different.


a great deal of variety, a bit run down, outgoing, impressive, throughout, personality, sincere, immaterial, to some extent

1. An Englishman is going to America. We talked to some of his friends who have already been there. Here’re some of our questions. Make sure you understand them. Then listen: what do the friends think?

              1. Is America more like Britain or more like Europe?

              2. Are Americans friendlier or less friendly than

people from Britain?

              1. Is New York a nice place?

              2. Are Americans ready to listen to you?

UNIT 15. News Broadcast.


overseas, dam, to avoid, steadily, to announce, to represent, the War of Independence, capacity, traffic, to march, to cause, widespread, flooding, exchange rate, origin, to overcome

1. The following sentences are taken from a news broadcast. There are mistakes in ten of the sentences. Listen to the broadcast and see how many you can find.

  1. President and Mrs. Martin of Outland have just arrived in Fantasia for a state visit, which is expected to last three weeks.

  2. Dr. Rask has known Mrs. Martin since their student days at the University of Goroda.

  3. Dr. Rask has just left for an overseas fact-finding tour.

  4. Dr. Rask is President of ‘Families against Hunger’, and for the last six days he has been visiting Third World countries.

  5. Demonstrations are continuing against the proposed dam on the Upper Fant river, and demonstrators have been marching through the centre of San Fantastico for several hours.

  6. Traffic in Wesk Square has not been able to move since half past eight this morning, and motorists are advised to avoid the city centre.

  7. Heavy snow has been falling steadily for the past four weeks.

  8. The River Fant has just burst its banks in North Milltown, and most of the town centre is under water.

  9. Vegetable prices in San Fantastico have been going up steadily for the last ten days.

  10. The Minister for Consumer Affairs has just announced that price controls on vegetables and meat will come into effect next week.

  11. The Fantasian grotnik has risen to its highest level against the Outland dollar since last July: the exchange rate is now 1.32 dollars to the grotnik.

  12. The fire which has been burning in Grand North Station for the last three days is now under control.

  13. Three more firemen have been taken to hospital.

UNIT 16. Are We Alone in the Universe?


flying saucer, saucer-shaped object, yard, to pedal, to become aware, relatively, obviously, alternating in the flashing, to shoot into the house, to get hold of smb.

1. Listen to Alwyn's story and answer the questions.

1. When the story began, was he going to see his friends or going home?

2. Was it early or late?

3. How far from his house was he when he saw the lights?

4. How big was the flying saucer ( . . . yards across)?

5. Did the saucer move?

6. When he got home, did his father believe him?

UNIT 17. A Matter of Life and Death


explorer, to develop trouble, engine, to crash, to hit, calm, waterless desert, unhurt, to destroy, tin-opener, tinned food, magnifying glass, sun-cream, torch, first-aid kit, rifle, signal flares, blanket, backpack, rope, essential items, patch, rough landing, to be in trouble

1. Two explorers are flying across the North African desert. Their plane develops engine trouble. Listen to the recording. Which of these sentences do you hear?

  1. The engine’s going to break up!

  2. We’re going to crash!

  3. We’re going to hit those rocks!

  4. The plane’s going to turn over!

  5. We’re both going to die!

  6. I don’t want to die!

  7. Nobody’s going to die.

  8. You’ve got to keep calm.

  9. I’m going to put the plane down over there.

  10. It’s going to be a rough landing.

  11. I’m going to put my head down!

  12. I’m not going to look!

2. The plane crashes, but the two explorers are unhurt. The nearest village is 60 miles away, across waterless desert and mountains. The plane’s radio is broken; the only things which were not destroyed are the following: 18 litres of water, 18 kg, newspapers, 700g, tin-opener, 80g, compass, 120g, magnifying glass, 40g, sun-cream, 90g, 5kg of dried fruit, cigarettes, 300g, torch, and spare batteries, 1kg, 10 blankets, 1.5kg each, 30kg of tinned food, map of North Africa, 80g, gas-cooker, 1.2kg, gas cartridges, 300 g each, saucepan, 500g, first-aid kit, 500g, rifle and ammunition 6.9kg,10 signal flares, 150g each, radio-receiver, 1.2kg, 10m of rope, 1.3 kg, sunglasses, 40g each pair, matches, 20g, light clothing, tent, 4kg, backpacks, 1.5 kg each. Decide and say what you will take with you.

3. Listen to the recording. You will hear two other pairs of explorers saying what they have decided to take. How many differences do you notice between the two solutions? Example:

‘The first pair said that they were going to take two blankets, but the second pair …’

UNIT 18. Weather.


occasional, to range from … to, exceptional showers

1. Listen and match: what will the weather be like when?

1. this morning a) cloudy, rain

2. this afternoon b) dry, nice

3. tonight c) the occasional shower

4. tomorrow morning d) showers, cloud, rain

5. tomorrow evening e) sunny

2. Read the text and listen to the recording. There are a large number of differences. How many can you find?

And now yesterday’s weather. There may be some cloud and rain in the south-east at first tomorrow, but most of France, Belgium and Switzerland will have sunny periods. There may be storms, especially in the south and east, and snow is probable on low ground in northern and eastern Scotland. It will not be much colder or winder tomorrow, with temperatures ranging from 30 Celsius (270 Fahrenheit) in northern France to 90C (480F) in south-west England. Outlook for the weekend: it will be mainly very dry, with exceptional showers in western districts. Temperatures will be lower. They could be lower. There could be strong winds in southern England and Ireland, reaching gale force in some land areas.

UNIT 19. What Will the Weather Be Like?


thundery, humid, spells of hazy sunshine, variable, current, Celsius, Fahrenheit

1. Copy the table. Then listen to Wednesday morning’s weather forecast and complete it.

Warm? Hot? Cooler?


Thundery showers or storms?

Wednesday afternoon

20% chance

Wednesday night



A few



UNIT 20. Should or Should Not?


to approve, to put oneself first, to rationalise, honest, upset, properly, an awful lot, effectively, to be taught properly, to be wrapped up, couple, to be obviously aware

1. Listen to the recording. Which of the ten subjects are the people discussing?

1. People should cook for themselves at least some of the time. 2. Children should do some of the housework themselves. 3. Children should be free to choose their friends for themselves. 4. At the age of sixteen, children should be free to do what they like. 5. You teach yourself most of the things that you learn. 6. You should never put yourself first. 7. There is something wrong with people who talk to themselves a lot. 8. If you are married and you fall in love with somebody else, you shouldn’t tell your wife/husband. 9. People who are in love should tell each other everything. 10. Parents and children should always be honest with each other.


UNIT 21. How Much Do You Know about These Governments?


law, to elect, to be geographically separate, extreme north-west, coast, to be responsible for, prison, to serve for a term of 4 years, to approve one/s appointment,

1. Can you fill in any of the blanks?



Your country or another country

Consists of

………countries; each is divided into counties

50 states; each is divided into counties


Is governed from




Laws are made by




Which consists of

House of Commons and House of Lords



Member are called

……s of ……..

(MPs’) (Commons)



They are elected

Every five years or less (Commons)



Head of government is called





Is head of government separately elected?

No; leader of majority party in House of Com-mons becomes PM



Real power is held by

PM and his/her minister (‘cabinet’)



Do local or regional government bodies

Partly responsible for education, health care, police, roads



How many large political parties are there?

Three; Labour (………...-wing),


and Liberal Democrats(center)



Ceremonial head of state?

King or ………….



2. You will hear part of a talk on the government of the United States. Before you listen, look at these notes.

US federation 50 states

48 between Canada, Mexico; + Alaska, Hawaii

fed cap Washington, S of NY, near E coast

3. Now listen to the next part of the talk and try to complete these notes.

Washington centers federal government, but each states has own ………….

State governments make own laws, responsible for ……………..

4. Now listen to the rest of the talk and try to make notes yourself. (You will need abbreviations for these words: Congress, Representatives, Senate / Senators, Democrats, Republicans, President.)

5. Look back at Task 1. Can you fill in any more of the blanks now?

UNIT 22. Seeing Is Believing.


luxury, magnificent, lounge, mature, gas-fired central heating, smallish, jungle, apart from that

1. Read the advertisement and listen to the recording. How many differences can you find between the two descriptions of the house?