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Negative Effects of Stress

You are probably aware of the negative effects of stress. You feel bad; perhaps you get headaches and upset stomachs. Such unpleas­ant physical reactions can keep you from cop­ing with the stressor. Reggie, for example, got a migraine headache two days before his final exam. As a result, he was not able to study as much as he should have. Likewise, Tina was so anxious about her upcoming relay race in a dual track meet that she couldn't sleep. She showed up tired and nervous and, as she feared, did not do well.

Both Reggie and Tina suffered from the nega­tive effects of stress. Their physical reactions to the stressor prevented them from doing what was necessary to adapt to it.

Causes of Stress

To be alive is to experience stress. The stress-ors in modern life seem endless. They include everything, both inside and outside your body, that challenges you to adapt either physically or emotionally. Some stressors clearly affect you physically. These include heat, cold, glare, pollution, and sudden or continued noise. Other stressors affect you psychologically. These include events or situations that bring out such emotions as fear, anxiety, depression, anger, joy, and love. A math class can make you anxious. A birthday party can make you happy. And you can become depressed from being lonely.

Stressors, then, are not necessarily bad. Many of the good things in life are stressors.

Thus, an argument with a parent is a stressor, but so is going out on a date. Feeling left out is a stressor, but so is being popular. Not having enough money is a stressor, but so is sudden wealth. A busy schedule that leaves little time for relaxation is a stressor, but so are idleness and boredom. Hard physical work and strenu­ous exercise are both stressors. Driving in heavy traffic is a stressor, and so is watching a horror movie. All illnesses are stressors.

The important point is that stress comes in many forms. Whether the stressor is basically positive or negative, a challenge must be met.

Environmental Stressors

Until recently, people paid little attention to the stressors in such environments as homes, workplaces, and recreational facilities. They simply assumed that human beings could adapt to almost any environment. Now, however, increasing attention is being paid to such environmental stressors as noise, glare, air pollution, and insufficient light. In some workplaces, pollution is checked regularly. In others, sound proofing is installed to dampen noise.

If you examine a large department store, you will see that much is done to create a pleasant environment. Store owners and managers try to minimize stress from noise and glare in order to make their customers feel comfortable. Often the floors are carpeted to reduce noise, and the lights are subdued. Frequently, soft music is played in the background. Large shopping malls usually have plants and trees to give a pleasant feeling to the area. Often fountains are included to soothe the shopper with the sound of rushing water and to mask other noises.

Store owners provide pleasant surroundings because they know that people respond negatively to environmental stress. In a place that is crowded, noisy, and hectic, the only desire people have is to get away as soon as possible. This does not help business. So merchants go to great expense to give their stores as inviting and as relaxed an atmosphere as they can.