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to carve – вырезать;

business - зд. предприятие, фирма;

to get into the act - принимать участие;

store window - амер. витрина (Br.E. shop window);

servers – обслуживающий персонал;

to get scared out of one's wits - напугаться до смерти;

to brighten – зд. украшать;

cobweb – паутина;

charity - благотворительная организация;

Boo! - У-у!;

to bob for apples - ловить зубами яблоки в воде (игра);

bonfire – костер;

to roast - подрумянивать на огне;

marshmallow – зефир.


Ex.1 Make sure if you can read the words correctly. Make up your own sentences with them

Halloween - канун дня всех святых;

pumpkin – тыква;

masquerade party - бал-маскарад, маскарад;

jack-o'-lantern - амер. фонарь из тыквы с прорезанными отверстиями в виде глаз, носа и рта;

disguise - зд. маскарадный костюм;

haunted house - дом с привидениями;

scarecrow - пугало чучело;

spook – привидение;

to go trick-or-treating – ходить от двери к двери и требовать угощения, угрожай какой-нибудь проделкой.

Ex.3 True or false

1 No one had ever celebrated Halloween as a day of great fun.

2 The main fun of Halloween is to get scared out of one’s wits.

3 The tradition of “trick-or-treating” is similar to Russian “shedrovat”.

Ex.4 Spooky Halloween quiz

1 When is Halloween celebrated?

A December 25th

B February 14th

C October 31st

2 What colours are associated with Halloween?

A red and green

B orange and black

C yellow and blue

3 What do people traditionally "bob" for at Halloween parties?

A pumpkins

B oranges

C apples

4 Which Shakespeare's play begins with three witches on a heath?

A Hamlet

B Richard III

C Macbeth

5 How many bones are there in the human skeleton?

A about 50

B over 200

C over 1000

6 Who can walk through mils?

A witches

B goblins

C ghosts

7 In Britain, if a black cat crosses your path it's considered:

A good luck

B bad luck

C a sign of bad weather to come

8 What is worn around the neck to keep vampires away?

A garlic

B onion

C pepper

9 In Scotland, what vegetable was traditionally carved into a jack-o'-lantern?

A watermelon

B a turnip

C a pumpkin

Ex.5 Speak on “Halloween in the USA” using the following questions

1 Who celebrates Halloween in the USA?

2 What are the symbols of the holiday?

3 How do people celebrate Halloween?

4 What are the common Halloween activities?

5 What is a Halloween party?

Why do you give your houses names?

H ouse naming started many years ago with rich people naming their homes. The rich named their Halls, Houses, Manors, Castles, and Lodges according to ancestry, location, and family titles: Norfolk House (Duke of), Belvoir Castle (overlooking the Belvoir Valley); etc. Gradually over the years other people began to give names to their homes too. All houses in towns and cities have a number. Very few have just a name and majority do not have names.

Street Numbering: Street numbering was introduced by act of Parliament in 1765. Every house in a town and city has a number followed by the name of the road it is in e.g. 26 Avebury Avenue. The first house in the road is number one and the last house is the number of buildings in the street. The number identifies the location of a property in a road and so makes it easier for the emergency services to find houses quickly. Odd numbers are usually assigned to the left side of the street and even numbers to the right.

Here are some of the UK's favourite house names from the Halifax Survey 2003:

Rose Cottage, Ivy Cottage, Sunnyside, Woodside, Meadow View, Primrose Cottage, Honeysuckle Cottage, Lilac Cottage, Willow Cottage, Oaklands, Mill House, The Old Post Office.

The most Common Themes for House names in Britain

House names today are inspired by a bewildering array of sources: everything from location and local history to literature and legends.

Animals and birds: Badgers Cottage, Cuckoo Cottage, Fox Hollow, Mole End, Nightingale Cottage, Robin Hill, Squirrels Leap, Swallow Barn.

Trees: Orchard House, Woodlands, Treetops, Oaklands, The Willows, The Laurels, The Beeches and The Firs.

Plants and flowers: Rose Cottage, Primrose Cottage, Lilac Cottage, Poppy Cottage.

Locations and views: Hillside, Hillcrest, Sunnyside, Woodside, Meadow View.

Historical: The Coach House, The Old School House, The Old Vicarage, The Old Post Office, Mill House, The Granary and The Grange.

Fairytales and Old Favourites: Thimble Cottage, The Little House, The Nutshell, Whispers, Wishing Well Cottage and The Nest.


Ex.1 Find the equivalents

Поместье, замок, называть (давать имя), титул, четный, нечетный, постепенно, собственность, экстренные службы, опрос, вдохновлять, легенда, «Домик крота», «Лисья норка», «Ореховая скорлупка», «У вершины холма», «Дубовый край», «Дом старого викария», «Домик барсука», «Домик с видом на луг».

Ex.2 Answer the questions

1 Do houses in our country have names?

2 Do many English houses have their own names?

3 When was street numbering introduced?

4 Why is it easier for a house to have a number?

5 What are the most popular house names in Britain?

6 Is it convenient to have a house with a name?

7 Would you like to have house with a name?

8 What are the most peculiar house names for you?

Ex.3 Translate into English

У англичан есть традиция давать своим домам имена. В соответствии с опросом, проведенным в Галифаксе самые популярные названия это: «Домик у ив», «Дубовый край», «Солнечный домик», «Увитый розами» и другие. Все дома в городах имеют номера, и лишь некоторые имеют только названия. Нечетные номера расположены на левой стороне, а четные на правой. Если у дома есть номер, то экстренным службам легче его быстро найти.

Ex.4 Think, please, what advantages and disadvantages you have when you live in a house with a name.

Unit 5 Oral topics

Topic 1

About myself and my family
