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Заняття 7-5 сем-р Робота у тур-індустр.doc
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Заняття 7

Тема: Робота у сфері туризму. Приклади професій у тур.індустрії.

Вид заняття: лекція-семінар

Мета: Відпрацювати лексичний матеріал заняття за темою «Інформаційні технології і туристична індустрія». Розвивати навички монологічного, діалогічного та писемного мовлення – переказ тексту попереднього заняття, відповіді на питання, лексичний диктант. Розглянути приклади професій, які задіяні у туристичній індустрії, а саме: професію тур.оператора.

Обладнання: дошка, словники, підручники, роздатковий матеріал

Література: л. 5 стор.3, л.16 стор.21, 22, 24, 128.

Хід заняття:

1.Вступ. Організаційний момент. Повідомлення теми та мети заняття. Введення в іншомовне середовище: обговорення прислів’я.

Dear students! Today we’ll learn the examples of professions which are used in tourism industry.

2. Перевірка домашнього завдання:

a) Answer the questions:

1. What is the rate of growing of the global tourism industry per year ?

2. How much has the number of international tourism arrivals risen since 1990 ?

3. Why do many people want to travel to more and more places ?

4. Why haven’t the attractions of computers and the virtual world reduced people’s desire to travel to other places ?

5. Which new destinations emerge in the market of tourism industry ?

6. Which established destinations are being challenged by newer ones ?

7. Which region loses its dominance in tourist arrivals ?

8. Which region is growing up in the number of destinations ?

b) Retell your own story about the current state of tourism.

3. Написання лексичного диктанту – Translate the following words from English into Ukrainian:

  1. complimentary; b) printout; c) reduce; d) predict; e) emerge; f) relative cost; g) growth; h) substitute; i) expect; j) supplement.

4. Введення нового лексичного матеріалу– (Read and learn the following words and word-combinations):


масова закупка, велика кількість




виключати, усувати, очищати


вважати за крще



to deal with

мати справу з …


включати в себе

low-cost holidays

за низькими цінами



to limit




adventure holidays

відпочинок із пригодами



to provide



розподіл, роздача

from abroad

із-за кордону

5. Прочитайте наступний текст і перекладіть його. – Read and translate the following text: Putting a package together.

Package holidays, which are also known as package tours, include all of the components necessary for a complete vacation:

  • transport to and from the destination

  • transfers between the airport / station / port and hotel

  • food and accommodation at the destination

  • other services such as a guide or holiday ‘rep’

The professionals who bring these elements together to create a holiday are called tour operators. They buy in advance and in bulk from the principles: airlines, shipping lines, hoteliers, and so on. Because they buy hundreds of seats or rooms from the principle, they pay a much lower price for them than an ordinary member of the public. The tour operator then converts this bulk into individual packages known technically as inclusive tours (Its). These are marketed to the consumer through travel agents or by other systems.

In the past tour operators sold almost entirely through travel agents, but today they also use direct selling. This strategy eliminates the travel agents from the chain of distribution, and this reduces the final cost of the holiday package because direct sell operators do not have to pay commission to a travel agent. Many smaller tour operators, for example, prefer to deal with their clients.

Not all tour operators sell the same type of holiday. The really big operators, the mass market operators, produce low-cost holidays to traditional sea, sun and sand destinations like Spain, Greece or Turkey. Other operators limit their product to customers who want a very specific type of holiday. These specialist operators sell adventure holidays, holidays for single people, holidays for motor-racing fans, and so on. Domestic operators specialize in tours for people who want to holidays in their own country, whilst incoming tour operators are specialists in providing holidays packages to visitors coming from abroad. For example, “Vastravel”, an Italian incoming tour operator, sells tours of Italy to people from the rest of the world.