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5. Translate the words and word combinations into English:

цель; служба; быть принятым в университет; достичь успеха; вернуть долг с процентами; необеспеченный студент; общежитие; развивать навыки; муниципальный колледж; техническое и профессиональное училище; специализироваться в определенной области; первый и второй годы обучения (младшие годы обучения); степень бакалавра гуманитарных или естественных наук; аспирантура; диссертация; требования при поступлении в университет; выпускные экзамены; декан; заведующий кафедрой; преподаватель; доцент; профессор.

6. Find the words in the text which mean:

  • purpose;

  • aid;

  • poor;

  • percents;

  • consisting of many different parts;

  • to be funded by;

  • one of the best and the most important;

  • money paid for education;

  • strict;

  • the length of time;

  • to get;

  • to be presided by;

  • to choose somebody for a particular job or purpose;

  • to study very good at school;

  • initially.

7. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

exceptionally; public; Harvard; annual; developed; campus; complex; are governed by; go on

  1. Higher education began in the United States in 1636, when _____ College was founded in Massachusetts.

  2. In the United States, out of the more than three million students who graduate from high school each year, about one million _____ for 'higher education'.

  3. Scholarships are given when a student is doing _____ well at school.

  4. American universities and colleges are usually built as a separate complex, called '_____'.

  5. The system of higher education in the United States is _____, comprising four categories of institutions.

  6. _____ undergraduate tuition varies widely from state to state. A typical year's tuition at a _____ university (for residents of the state) is about $5,000.

  7. Higher educational institutions usually _____ a board of regents or a board of trustees.

  8. In 1870s the colleges of the USA _____ enormously: they became bigger in size, the number of faculties and specialities increased.

8. Match the beginning and the end of the sentences.

  1. Higher education began in the United States

  1. from the state government.

  1. Yale College, Princeton University, Columbia University are

  1. is about $5,000.

  1. Simply by being admitted into one of the most respected universities of the United States,

  1. it is necessary to name the oldest one that is Harvard College.

  1. Scholarships are given

  1. in 1636.

  1. A distinctive feature of American University is its 2 levels –

  1. a high school graduate achieves a degree of success.

  1. In other words the system of higher education in the United States is complex,

  1. deans.

  1. A publicly funded university (state university) gets some money

  1. the oldest and the most famous American higher educational institutions.

  1. A typical year's tuition at a public university (for residents of the state)

  1. when a student is doing exceptionally well at school.

  1. Speaking about the most famous American higher educational institutions

  1. comprising four categories of institutions.

  1. The various colleges or schools which take up a university are headed by

  1. the separation of undergraduate from graduate school education.