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2. Match these words with their definitions. Translate them.

1) twilight a) to be unsuccessful in an attempt;

2) to fail b) a person who is an equal in social rank;

3) wellbeing c) relating to the period towards the end of life;

4) survey d) to taint with or as if with poison;

5) peer e) to come to an end or conclusion

6) to adapt f) a level of social hierarchy;

7) to poison g) to adjust to different conditions;

8) stratum h) the condition of being successful;

9) above all i) especially;

10) to conclude j) general view.

3. Translate the sentences with the underlined words and word combinations in the text and make up sentence of your own with each of them.


4. Think and discuss the questions:

1. What country is it better to live in?

2. What does the word “Motherland” mean to you?

3. Is there anything which makes you proud of your country?

4. What makes you ashamed of your country?

5. What aspects of life should be changed in our country to make it better?

6. Is what people say about Ukraine true?

7. Can you describe the life of Ukrainians in 2050?

5. Translate the following sentences:

  1. Життя у США таке ж дороге, як і у Великій Британії.

  2. Немає великої різниці у цінах на житло між двома країнами. Вони майже такі самі як і в Україні.

  3. У цілому Львів набагато більше забруднений, ніж Івано-Франківськ.

  4. Вам треба бути дуже обережним, називаючи свого співрозмовника по імені відразу ж після знайомства. Це може його образити.

  5. Британці поводяться і одягаються менш формально, ніж японці.

  6. Життя в Україні трошки краще, ніж було 10 років тому.

  7. Ця вулиця не така чиста, як та, на якій ми жили.

  8. Англійці найввічливіші мешканці Європи.

  9. Моє перше враження про Відень було таке, що він набагато тихіший, ніж Харків.

10. Платня за житло у Харкові та Києві найдорожча у Європі.

6. Present your own country.

Unit 3


Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense Form

Learn the active vocabulary of the unit.

reason for




attitude to




to try

to approve of

to require

seldom = rarely

to stay




to retire

to fit smb.


to explain

to do well

instead of



primary school


(human) being




capable of

interference (with)

to teach (taught)

to be like

to make

to improve

to be bored

according to

to give up

to produce

apart from

Text A

Education is important in every country, but in Japan it is even more important. There is one main reason for it. It is the Japanese attitude to jobs. In Britain, for example, many people want to try more than one job in their lives. You can try lots of things until you find the right job. In Japan it is different. Most jobs are for life, people usually stay with the same company from the time they leave school or university until they retire. So the children must do well at school to get a good job when they leave, because after that it’s too late.

They have to work hard. The hard work starts at twelve when they leave primary school and move to junior high school, where the atmosphere is different from primary school. It is less relaxed and more competitive. There are about forty pupils in each class, and discipline is quite strict. The pupils sit in rows, and before each lesson they stand up and bow to the teacher. The teacher talks and the children listen and take notes. They don’t ask questions. It’s considered rude to question a teacher.

The children go to school on Saturdays too. They also go to special extra schools in the evening so they are really busy most of the time. They don’t have much holiday. They go back to school because that’s when they have club activities – sports clubs, English clubs. Japanese children don’t have time to be bored, so they love school.

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