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Job InterviewДокумент Microsoft Word.doc
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Closed Questions


The interviewer wants specific information. It is generally a yes/no answer, but you can add a short comment.

Have you ever...? Do you...?  

Example Questions and Answers:


Are you a self-starter, able to work without constant supervision? 


Yes. I enjoy the freedom of working alone. 




Have you ever worked for yourself? 


No, I haven't had the chance to do that yet, maybe one day. 




Do you enjoy working in a team? 


I do. I like the support and creativity that you get from a group. 



Hypothetical Questions


Interviewers ask these questions to see if you can 'think on your feet' and are resourceful. Before you start to answer, think about the question and take some time. This shows you are considering the situation. Give good examples of what you would do.

If you...? How would you...? Imagine...?  

Example Questions and Answers:


If you had a conflict with a colleague, what would you do to resolve it? 


If there was a problem, I would ask the person who is upset to go out for coffee so we could talk about what was wrong, and come up with a solution together. I would do my best to resolve the problem quickly so it doesn't get any bigger. 




If you had a problem and did not know the answer, how would you find the solution?


In my last job I sometimes had to find answers to IT questions. I would often go on the Internet and look for blogs on the topic I needed to learn about. I enjoy learning new things, so research is actually one of my hobbies.




Imagine you have a deadline and you are running out of time. What would you do?


I'm not afraid to ask for help when I need it. I would probably approach my manager and explain the problem and ask for extra resources. If it was a strict deadline and I couldn't get extra help, I'd work as fast as I could get the job done. 




If you could design the perfect job, what would it be? 


TIP: Be careful it is not too different from the role you are applying for!

That's an interesting question. My perfect job would involve creativity and independence. I would be working with people but not managing them. It would be a role in which I could make decisions without worrying about budget restraints.



'  Leading Questions

 A leading question generally points to what the interviewer wants you to say. They are not good questions for an interviewer to use because they are helping you with the answer! Give examples and short answers. Do not answer with yes/no only.

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